"Good good..."

The uncle said three good words in a row, then opened the curtain, and came in a cute little girl with a spoon in her hand, that is... that is a young girl...

"This is……"

Ye Shenyue stared at the uncle.

"This is my daughter, Ning Ning, she is very beautiful... If there is no opinion, then we will settle the marriage."

Uncle is so enthusiastic.

"Inuchiyo, compare your height with her."

Ye Shenyue stared at Ning Ning for a long time, and then pushed Inuchiyo by her side.

"Five centimeters... not right... 7 centimeters..."

Ningning is 7 centimeters shorter than Inu Chiyo, this is still a purebred young girl... She is probably only 8 years old...

Maybe it's because of the different times, so Ningning's development is weaker than 7-year-old Ayumi...so...so...

This is a baby girl, this is definitely a baby girl!

This little girl...how...how can I do it!


However, at this moment, Inuchiyo's tiger ears moved... It was indeed the tiger's ears that moved. I don't know how she did it. Even though it was just a hat, it really moved her ears.

But that's not the point. Her speed was very fast and she stabbed to the roof with one shot. It seemed that someone was lying there just now.

But her speed was fast, but her head didn't turn so fast. This is a house that has not been lived in for a long time, so the dust that was shot into the sky immediately overflowed.

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed hard, but Ye Shenyue still felt a pair of small hands go through his armpits and kidnap him.

Just kidnapped?Well, as soon as she felt that the pair of 013 hands belonged to Lolita, Ye Shenyue kept quiet and submissive.

Sure enough, it was Loli, and the true face of the person who kidnapped him appeared in the forest.

Wearing a black ninja suit and covering her head with a black hat, this is a little ninja loli.With beautiful long silver hair, standing alone on a tree, even her small body looks majestic.

She put Ye Shenyue under the tree.

Then standing on a branch seems to reduce the gap in height.

"I met Goemon for the first time. You must be the one who inherited Kinoshita's will. I am her retainer. Since he has entrusted an important burden to you, I will also swear allegiance to you... uh... …”

However, the little girl in the black ninja uniform covered her mouth all of a sudden, "I bit my tongue."


Loli, can you not be so cute!

Yagami looked at the little ninja Goemon with a face that wanted to finish her words quickly, but the cute Momo who couldn't speak clearly and bit her tongue almost turned into a wolf.

Chapter 0310 Don't touch people you haven't seen before (two more)

Inuchiyo, taciturn and expressionless.

Goemon sat obediently beside him.

Ning Ning played the role of her little cook to prepare meals for everyone.

On a small table, everyone sits around a bunch of Yashenyue and touches her chin with one hand. This kind of life is really the most wonderful.

The little loli are all about to gather, but unfortunately... at this time...

Ye Shenyue looked at the pot that boiled leaves completely, and covered her head with a headache.

Sure enough, being an ashigaru is too pitiful, not to mention having meat to eat, even a loli can't support this situation, and now following him... those who eat leaves are all good loli, Ye Shenyue really can't bear to watch With them like this...

Lolita, Lolita, this is the time when you need to grow a body, but it seems a little reluctant to let them grow into girls...

Ye Shenyue held her head full of distress, this expression was similar to that of Haruna-chan worrying about her own R, and the more she was worried, she was in tears.

"What? Not to your taste?"

The young girl Ning Ning said she was a little disappointed, which was her specialty.

"Ah... not..."

Ye Shenyue hurriedly shook her head, this was definitely not what bothered him, it would be bad if he was misunderstood by the young girl.

"These are still delicious, much better than our ninja food."

Goemon handed the bowl to Ningning at once, "One more bowl!"

"Ah good!"

Since she was a child, she asked her Ningning little girl to smile immediately with the tutorial of a good family woman.As a little cook, what's more gratifying than being praised for "one more bowl"?

Well, at this moment Ningning was bought by Goemon, even though the stupid little ninja knew nothing.



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