Is this destiny?

Chapter 159 - After Valentine's (6)

~Athens, Greece~

Aiden was urging Sarah to hurry up getting ready while reminding her that they will be late for a 'dinner in the sky'. It is a dinner where guests get to be suspended in the air above Athens while enjoying a six-course dinner.

"Oh, you can be bossy... Just a minute and I'm done", Sarah responded with a pout while pulling her hair up in a ponytail. She got out of the room wearing a dark blue sweater dress which ended halfway through her thighs, black leggings, and a black leather ankle boots with a 3' block heel.

Aiden observed her for a second and rushed back in the room.

"I thought you said we are late!", Sarah exclaimed. She went after Aiden and saw him rummaging through clothes until he found his dark blue sweater and put it on.

He looked at Sarah with a silly grin. "Now we are matching!". He was gesturing to his dark blue sweater and black jeans.

Sarah laughed when she finally understood why he went back to the closet. "Let's go. Aren't we running late?"

He shrugged. "Not really. We have time."

"But you were rushing me for last half an hour!", Sarah was getting upset.

"If I didn't rush you, we would be late. Now we are right on time.", he calmly explained.

Sarah grabbed a decorative pillow from the sofa and threw it at him angrily. "You! You..."

He was in front of her in two steps and pulled her into a hug. "What about me?"

His deep voice defeated her, she sighed, "You... know me well." She can't deny that she always waits for the last minute to get ready and ends up being late while he waits for her. And she can't deny that Aiden has the power to disarm her no matter how temperamental she is.


After dinner they walked on the streets of Athens.

"How about we go to a club?", Sarah looked at him eagerly.

"Where do you want to go?" Aiden was not interested in going to clubs, he would rather go back to villa and snuggle with her. He finds night clubs crowded, loud and stuffy… but if she wants to go, he will go.

"There is a club nearby, it has good reviews. When I came last time, I was underage...", she looked up at him expectantly and blinked few times.

In Greece, people are adults legally at age of 18. Sarah was in Greece last time when she was 17 years old. To enter night clubs, you need to show that you are over age of 18.

"Lead the way", he was happy to indulge her.

Not long after, they ended up in a club which was packed with young people dancing, chatting and enjoying exotic looking beverages. Club was decorated with Asian inspired decor, and lights mixed with mirrors made the whole experience excitingly unique.

Sarah does not like crowds, but she does not want to miss this chance to experience evening in this popular night club in Athens. With Aiden.

Sarah was standing at a bar height table, sending some photos to her sisters from her phone when Aiden came carrying two funky looking green colored cocktails. Sarah looked at them with a frown.

Aiden laughed, "Bartender swears that this is the most popular low alcohol cocktail. Give it a try before judging."

Sarah took a sip and nodded in approval. "It is tasty... are you sure it has alcohol? I don't taste any... and why is it green?"

"There is some vodka, but just a little bit. And it was yellow when he mixed it, must be that these lights make it look green." He looked up at a different colored lights at the ceiling.

"Vodka?", Sarah frowned. She does not drink alcohol, and thinking of how drunk people act, she dislikes even the thought of it.

Aiden saw her expression, and patted her head coaxing her. "Don't worry, I will make sure you reach home safely."

Sarah relaxed and admitted, "Safety is not my concern... not with you around." Next to Aiden, Sarah feels safe. She knows that he will take care of her.

He likes that Sarah relies on him to keep her safe. Knowing that she needs him and counts on him to be there for her makes his heart swell from emotions.

Shortly after, she finished her drink, it was tasty. Aiden went to get her another one. She looked after him until he disappeared in the crowd. Her gaze moved to the people who danced with happy faces, like they don't have a care in the world. The atmosphere was addictive.

Sarah felt something brushing against her bottom, and instinctively reached back. She ended up grabbing someone's wrist. As soon as her fingers wrapped around that wrist, she swiftly turned around while yanking it. The person didn't expect that, so he stumbled towards her. Sarah was surprised to see a familiar face. It was one of the men who wanted to cause trouble earlier while she was getting desserts from the street vendor. The man's face of shock changed into a smug smirk when he faced her. Sarah knows which pressure points to press to cause pain, and she squeezed his wrist making him feel pain that caused his face to twist in an instant. Several other men got behind him glaring at Sarah at first, but then they looked at the situation and started laughing at him.

"Is this girl teaching you a lesson?", one man sneered.

"Are you even a man?", other man laughed.

They teased him, and he hated it, but there was not much he could do other than stare at Sarah while trying to suppress showing the amount of pain he was feeling. He was not able to believe that such a thin hand is causing him so much pain.

In an instant, two bouncers came, and took the man away after apologizing to Sarah. The man glared at Sarah furiously. He said something to her, while bouncers dragged him out, but due to loud music, she didn't understand what he said. Sarah could guess that it was nothing good. She is happy that the situation was quickly under control, it's never a good thing to cause trouble in such a packed place.

Just as bouncers with the man disappeared out of view, Aiden returned with her drink. "Did you miss me?"

She smiled, "You have no idea..."

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