Is this destiny?

Chapter 160 - After Valentine's (7)

On the way back from the club, Sarah and Aiden walked while holding each other tightly. There was still quite a bit of people on the street. Sarah glanced back few times and noticed that a group of people is following them.

"How many?", Aiden asked.

Sarah was impressed that he noticed them without turning around, at least not that she could notice. And she was impressed that he noticed why she is glancing back. "I see five." Sarah acknowledged to herself for the hundredth time during this vacation that she is falling for him even more. Everything he does or says puts her into a trance. 'My Greek God got managed to impress me again.' She was dazed and held onto him tightly, pulling him closer.

He smiled feeling that her hold on him intensified, and squinted at her, "Make that seven."

Sarah pouted. 'Where did he see two more?'

Aiden saw her glancing back again. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to take them home... let's take a turn here", she pulled Aiden in one side street. They took few turns and reached a dead-end alley with no people in sight. Suspicious group of men followed behind them without an intention of hiding themselves anymore.

"Let me take care of them.", Aiden said while pushing her behind him. He saw that she has some skills, but he is not sure how much. And he does not want to risk her getting hurt. It's his duty to protect her.

Sarah frowned. "No way... I will take half." She stood next to him. She knows that he is shielding her, but she does not need it. Taking care of one dozen of street ruffians is nothing for her. And she does not want Aiden to get hurt. He is too handsome to get hurt.

"One", he pushed her with his hand, and she took a step back.

Sarah pouted and pushed his arm away. "Half" She took a step forward.

"Stubborn", he muttered and squinted at her. But he faced her determined gaze and saw that she will not yield. He exhaled in frustration and decided on a compromise, "First come first serve."

"Agreed", Sarah confirmed with a smile.

While two of them bickered between themselves how many troublemakers they will each fight with, the men reached them, and their group blocked the exit out of the alley. One man stepped out in front. He was holding his right wrist with his left hand. "You think you can escape?", he glared at Sarah.

Aiden looked at the man, then at Sarah. "You know him?"

Sarah smirked, "We met." It was the man who groped her in the club and ended up being carried away by bouncers. He gathered some other troublemakers and waited for Sarah to come out so that he can get a revenge for his humiliation.

"You will pay for this!", the man raised his right arm, showing his wrist.

"You did that?", Aiden asked Sarah.

Sarah shrugged, "He grabbed my butt."

"When?", his eyebrows furrowed.

"You were getting drinks..." Sarah saw that Aiden does not like that he found out about it just now.

Aiden's face darkened. "He is mine."

Sarah had no objections. "Fine. I'm not picky."

The man watched them talk like he is not there and got agitated. "Get them!", he ordered others who were behind him. The men rushed toward Sarah and Aiden. "Don't hurt the bitch too much! She is mine!" the man barked.

What he didn't expect is that in less than a minute, all of his buddies were on the ground, wailing in pain. The man who confidently gave orders a minute ago stood in silence looking at his underlings being beaten in a flash. It was dark, but even with if it was lit up, he would not be able to see clearly blitz of precise hits that Sarah and Aiden served to men who rushed towards them.

Sarah looked at the men on the ground and counted them. "It's ten of them!" She was happy that Aiden also missed few when he estimated that there was seven.

Aiden understood why she is gleeful, and made an excuse for himself, "It was a crowded street... and don't complain, I gave you half."

"You didn't give me anything. I took them myself", she proudly declared.

Aiden looked at her and remembered how few seconds ago her movements were fast, sharp, precise... She was breathtaking while delivering those punches. He was smitten completely, not able to find words to describe graceful movements he just witnessed.

Sarah returned his gaze, admiration in her eyes was impossible to hide. Seeing him move fluidly while beating the senses out of those troublemakers got her excited. She never saw such strength and speed combined. 'My Greek God is amazing!'

Aiden pulled her into a tight embrace, and they gazed at each other without a word. Both of their chests heaved how excited they felt, not by the previous altercation, but because of passion that consumed them. And then they plunged onto each other, lips first. Everything around them fell down and both of them were lost, desperately holding onto one another in order to find themselves again.

Sarah and Aiden kissed many times before, but not like this. Now they revealed a side that was hidden: wild, vicious… side which will show no mercy in defending the person they love. Their kiss was matching their emotions: wild, hungry… starving. Their hands were not able to bring them close enough while they burned alive in the newly found passion.

Sarah and Aiden forgot about the man who watched them while his knees trembled. 'What kind of people are these? They just beat up ten of my men, and now they are making out without a care in the world!' He took a step back trying to escape, but he stumbled and fell down. The noise he made got Sarah and Aiden to stop their actions and look toward him.

"You said he is yours." Sarah reminded Aiden.

Aiden nodded and let go of Sarah. His expression got colder with each step, while he slowly approached the man who was lying on his back. Thinking how this man dared to touch his woman, Aiden's fury was increasing with every step he made.

"Get up!" Aiden ordered.

The man staggered to his feet and looked at Aiden with his eyes open wide. He was not able to see how exactly two of them overpowered his men, but he could tell that he does not stand a chance against them. If he wanted to compare their skills, he would be an elementary school bully facing against trained assassins. Standing in front of Aiden, he felt dread coming over him. Next thing he knows, he got punched in the face and he felt a metallic taste of blood in his mouth, and few of his teeth got lose. His left ear was ringing. Man stumbled backwards and bent holding his face where he got hit. Aiden delivered one more vicious punch in the back of his neck and man fell on the ground.

Aiden glanced at Sarah and told her, "Turn around." His voice was cold, and expression sinister.

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