Is this destiny?

Chapter 161 - After Valentine's (8)

Sarah looked at Aiden's back. His aura changed, he looked distant and cold. It felt as if temperature around him dropped by few degrees. It felt like a different person… 'No, it's just another side of him. I need to keep looking, all of this is him.' , Sarah told herself.


Sarah was not sure if he heard her, but it didn't matter. She understood that Aiden does not want her to see him like this. But she wants to see every side of him, even the dark side. Even if there is a scary monster lurking inside of him, she wants to know about it, she wants to embrace it… because it's all him.

Aiden stepped on man's right hand, the one that touched Sarah, and the one that she already hurt. Sound of bones cracking was heard.

Man screamed in agony as bones in his hand were being crushed. After a minute man's screams became whimpers.

"Get up.", Aiden ordered.

The man looked at him with fear in his eyes while his whole body shivered.

"Get up!" Aiden repeated, his voice was deeper and more sinister.

Man struggled to get on his feet.

Aiden's mind was shrouded in darkness. He was not thinking about anything other than how he wants to destroy the man who was in front of him, because he dared to touch Sarah.

Man groaned in pain while he swayed on his feet.

Aiden delivered series of brutal punches into his face and torso.

With each hit man felt his bones breaking and organs being shifted suffering internal injuries.

Aiden's foot landed on man's shin, and distinct sound of bones breaking was heard as man's tibia and fibula* broke. Before man's body touched the ground, Aiden kicked him in the chest, and he flew backwards. Man's back hit the wall of the building with a loud thump, and his body slid down to the ground. The man was not moving anymore, and he didn't make any sounds.

Aiden started walking toward the man and stopped abruptly when two arms embraced him from behind.

"That's enough", Sarah whispered.

Her touch made vicious monster go away, and retreat wherever it was hiding before. The need to protect her overshadowed any impulse he had, and now that she was holding onto him, he wanted to hold onto her as well.

In next instant, Aiden froze. His mind raced. 'Was she watching? What if she got scared? What if she does not want to be with me anymore?' He was reluctant to face her.

Seeing that he is not moving, Sarah slowly moved in front of him and looked him in the eyes. She understood that he didn't want her to see him like this. But she wanted to let him know that it's OK. She wanted to let him know that she needs to see everything, he can show her everything, and she will accept him. As long as he loves her and stays truthful to her, she will accept him.

Aiden was surprised to see that Sarah was smiling at him with eyes full of warmth.

She got on her toes and kissed him on the lips.

Aiden relaxed and embraced her. His distant and cold aura disappeared completely while he exhaled in relief.

Sarah and Aiden held each other in the dark alley while eleven men laid on the ground. Few of them were unconscious, while others didn't dare to move or make any sound. It was quiet for some time until the sound of the police sirens could be heard. Sarah and Aiden looked at each other and then toward the exit of the alley which was now getting lit up with blue and red lights. If they go that way, they will be seen by the police and probably caught.

As on cue, at the same time Sarah and Aiden looked on the opposite side, toward the seven-foot wall which connected two tall buildings around the alley. Not knowing what is on the other side of the wall, they ran toward it, jumped, grabbed top of the wall and pulled themselves over it. They ended up in what looked like a community garden. On each side was a row of fruit trees and between them were planters with various vegetables. The garden was dimly lit with small solar lights that lined the narrow passage between the plants. Aiden held Sarah's hand as they ran through the garden and ended up in a different alley few streets away from the commotion and police.

They found their way back to the main street and to their villa. Once they reached inside, and locked the door behind them, both of them sighed in relief.

Sarah looked down at his hands and saw that they are bloody. She smiled faintly and held his hands guiding him to the bathroom. She started water in the tub and in the shower. Sarah helped him remove his clothes and removed hers also before they got in the shower. She washed all blood from his hands with a sponge, and made sure that there is no blood left, relieved when she confirmed that it's not his. She turned the shower off and guided Aiden to a now full bathtub. He got inside and she sat between his legs, her back leaning on his chest.

Aiden held her without a word. He felt a mix of emotions. Concern because he showed her a side of him that he didn't want to expose. That concern was mixed with happiness because she didn't reprimand him, at the same time he was worried that she might look at him differently.

Before he met Sarah, Aiden never cared what others think about him. But she changed that. To Sarah, he wanted to give only the best, to be the best man for her... and now he feared that she might see him as a violent person, not worthy to be with her.

In his eyes, Sarah is a perfect existence, and he is not her match.

As these thoughts ran through his mind, his anxiety increased, and he tightened his hug.

Sarah noticed that he is acting strangely. "What is going on?"

He took some time to respond. "Do you... see me differently now?"

"Yes", Sarah responded honestly, without hesitation.

His heart dropped, and he lost strength in his arms.

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