Is this destiny?

Chapter 165 - After Valentine's (12)

By the time Sophia and Felix arrived at his apartment, her lust calmed down, but her anxiety shoot up the roof. She found herself conflicted, 'Why am I here? What will I do now? If I approach him... how will that look like? Do I even want it now? … Yes, I want it… Of course, I do… But how will that look like? What will he think of me?'

Sophia stood in front of the window looking outside, hoping that he will not notice how nervous she is.

Felix stepped behind her and helped to take her coat off. Felix embraced Sophia from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder.

Sophia relaxed. Just as she was gathering her courage to turn and face Felix, a female voice with a heavy French accent came from other room. "Finally, you are back. I'm waiting since morning!"

Sophia turned around and found herself looking at a petite woman with a long wavy light brown hair. Her big blue eyes were observing Sophia curiously while faint smile appeared on her face. Then she abruptly turned to Felix.

Felix let go of Sophia and took a step towards the woman. "When did you get here?"

"This morning", she responded.

Felix was visibly agitated by her presence. "Why?"

Woman shrugged. "My Valentine's sucked, so I came here for you to comfort me."

"Why didn't you call?"

"I did", woman tilted her head and her eyes widened waiting for Felix to confirm her claim.

Felix checked his phone and saw numerous texts and calls. He frowned at the thought that he missed these because he kept his phone on silent this morning when he went to Sophia's apartment. If he picked them up, he would tell her not to come... or at least he would not bring Sophia here.

"I see... you did call." Felix admitted.

"I even took a day off tomorrow, so we can spend more time together." Woman said cheerfully.

Felix was agitated again. "No one asked you to do that."

Woman made a silly face at him. "So... ", the woman looked at Sophia, and then back at Felix. "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Felix frowned and turned to Sophia.

"This is Sophia. Sophia, this is Bridgette.", he gestured with his hand.

Sophia looked at Felix, her expression showing that she demands an explanation. It took him few seconds to realize that Sophia's expression is turning dark and he needs to clarify current situation. "Bridgette is my sister."

Sophia's face softened. Seeing how they are bickering, she could tell that they are close. If she was anything other than sister, Sophia would smack Felix in the face and leave immediately. Actually, even now she wants to leave.

Sophia cleared her throat. "You should spend time with your sister. We can catch up later." Sophia took her coat and looked at Bridgette. "Nice to meet you." Sophia was swift, she was already at the door.

Felix rushed towards her. "Wait, let me take you back."

"No need. I can manage." Sophia closed the doors behind her and left.

Bridgette was facing the door. "Aren't you going after her?"

"Even if I do, nothing will change." He plopped on the sofa and looked at Bridgette. "You have such a bad timing..."

"Every woman likes if a man chases after her", Bridgette was still facing the door.

"This is not every woman..." Felix shook his head lamenting his current situation.

Bridgette looked at him curiously, "Oh? What kind of a woman is that?"


Sophia walked down the street feeling agitated. She didn't want to hail a cab, it was a chilly February afternoon, and she found cold air pleasant at the moment. Sophia felt that she needs to find a way to burn all energy that is boiling inside her. Walk will do. As she walked, Sophia passed the gym with rock climbing where she was with Felix earlier. She looked toward the entrance and hesitated. After a minute, she went inside.

Youngsters at the counter were surprised to see her. They were curious where is Felix and wanted to find out the details, but when they saw Sophia's dark expression, they didn't dare to ask.

Sophia got a membership and requested an introductory lesson.

Young man, Chris was her instructor. He was energetic and friendly. Sophia was able to follow his instructions and learned how to put on a harness and how to tie knots by herself. Soon she was climbing the beginners wall and moved on to more challenging ones. It was her first-time rock climbing, but she was in good shape and conquered walls at a great speed.

All three Hill sisters took rigorous trainings under Stella's supervision. And even though only Sarah is good with martial arts, Sophia's and JoAnna's bodies are also very fit. Something like rock climbing is not a physical challenge that would trouble Sophia.

She took few breaks to rest her fingers, and during that time Chris started chatting. "So, you and Felix..."

"What?", Sophia frowned, annoyed by obvious attempt by Chris get gossip material.

"Are you together?" Chris was curious. All of them working there were curious what is the relationship between two of them.

Sophia thought for a moment. "You could say that."

"Why did he say that you are his boss?" This is what he wanted to know.

"Because I am.", Sophia answered with a straight face.

Chris stared at Sophia with his mouth open for a second.

"You came back without him...", Chris expected her to comment on this.

Sophia smiled at Chris, avoiding talking about this topic further. That was the first time that she smiled at him. Chris felt like a spring breeze flew around him bringing smell of fresh flowers and birds chirped. He was in a daze, staring at Sophia, smitten by a realization how beautiful she is.

Sophia didn't pay attention to him. She flexed her fingers. "Break is over." She stood up and walked to the wall with next difficulty.

Sophia was in the gym until late in the evening. Chris's eyes didn't leave her. Few other youngsters kept looking at her, not believing Chris that just earlier that day she learned basics, and now she was ascending the high difficulty walls.

By end of the evening, Sophia conquered all walls available in that gym, and took a cab home, content that she burned energy and learned something new.

All this helped her temporarily suppress her feeling of being vexed by what happened with Felix earlier. She was angry at herself for allowing lust to consume her, again, and then nothing happened. Again! If she wants to release this frustration from her system, she might need to find a way for them not to be interrupted, or for him not to leave…

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