Is this destiny?

Chapter 166 - What do I want? (1)

Sophia woke up that Monday with her body feeling sore all over. She remembered that previous day she spent several hours rock climbing. Sophia didn't feel any body strain at that time, but now her muscles loudly complained about the sudden activity she put them through. She didn't exercise for a long time, and her stamina is low. That is why she is so achy now. Sophia took a mental note not to allow herself to be in such a sorry state again, she needs to exercise.

Seeing how painful is to move, Sophia sighed and called her secretary and assistant letting them know that she is not feeling well and will not come to office.

Sophia wondered if Felix will come to work. 'Probably not... his sister is here, and she said that she took a day off to spend with him.'

Sophia stayed in bed most of the morning. She tried to sleep but was unable to. Her mind was recollecting events from last two days, reminding her how Felix is the cause of intense emotions within her.

She vividly recollected how he helped her put the harness on and tie knots... and how close he was when he explained types of rocks to hold onto... Thinking about those events made her heart race. When she closed her eyes, she could almost feel his hard chest pressing on her back, and his hot breath caressing her neck… Sophia admitted to herself that she never felt so aroused just by being close to a man, by his voice, his seemingly innocent touch.

Sophia remembered that yesterday, Chris also helped her with harness and knots and rocks. But she didn't feel a thing. Her body didn't react. Her mind didn't fantasize about him.

Sophia laughed at her realization. 'It does not matter what you do. It matters with whom you are doing it... I heard about this, but it's the first time I experienced first-hand how ordinary things become extraordinary when you are with a person you love.' Sophia held her breath and sat up in the bed abruptly. Her body ached from the movement. 'Love??? It might be early to call it love, but it's definitely a strong attraction…'

She plopped back on the bed. She smiled realizing that she can't escape feelings that are storming inside her. Sophia wished that Felix is next to her, she missed him. The more she thought of him, she felt like there is a hole growing in her chest, painfully reminding her that he is not with her.

She turned around in bed, and her body ached again. 'Oh, how I could use a massage...' Sophia remembered his hands who can do magic on her body, making her skin tingle wherever they touch.

Felix was in his office, glancing at the time. It was almost time for lunch. He will go to Sophia's office. Will she be mad? He knows that yesterday they made a breakthrough, she finally accepted that she is attracted to him, and even went to his apartment… and then his sister ruined it. If Bridgette was not there… Luckily, she went back to Los Angeles taking an early morning flight without much fuss. Felix didn't want to miss seeing Sophia today. Considering what happened yesterday, he needs to see her, to apologize, to explain that it's not his fault… he only hopes that she didn't revert back into her shell. He took so much time and effort breaking her defenses…

When he went to meet Sophia for lunch, her secretary told him that she is not well, and didn't come to work. Felix panicked thinking that it must be related to him. 'Is she so upset that she can't come to work?'

He went back to his office and paced for some time before deciding to go to Sophia's apartment. He needs to talk to her. He needs to apologize. He needs to fix things…


Around lunch time Sophia got out of the bed and checked her messages. There was a number of emails and texts that she received. She made herself coffee and started going through them, prioritizing her work emails first.

Her assistant emailed her that fresh flowers arrived... Susan attached picture so that Sophia can see a large vase overfilling with pink carnations. Sophia looked it up, 'Pink carnations symbolize apology.'

Sophia took her time responding to several important work emails, controlling herself not to check her phone. Did Felix text her? Call her? What if he didn't? Sophia could not contain her curiosity and she checked her phone. She got few texts from her secretary, but none from Felix. Her mood dropped. 'How frustrating!' Sophia was upset... why he didn't text or call her?

She was trying to focus back to work emails, but her mind was not obedient. She was thinking about Felix, why he didn't call? It was already afternoon. Frustrated at him and at herself, Sophia closed her laptop and went to the bathroom to take a long shower.

When Sophia got out of the bathroom, her hair was wrapped in a towel, and her body in a bathrobe. Hot water helped alleviate discomfort of sore muscles, and her body felt better. She glanced at her phone on a bedside table and saw small light blinking indicating an unread notification. She opened it and saw message from Felix.

[Felix]: "You did not come to office today. Are you OK?"

Sophia was frustrated... why did it take him so long? She started typing angrily: 'No, I'm not OK. I miss you so much that I feel like crying and my body is aching!'

Her finger hovered over "Send" when she realized how revealing that message is... she panicked and started pressing delete button frantically... one by one character was disappearing from the end of the message before she accidentally tapped "Send". Sophia was horror-struck when she read what went through.

[Sophia]: "No, I'm not OK. I miss you"

She wanted to delete the message, but it already had status 'Delivered'... after a second it changed into 'Read'.

Sophia blanked out. This was so embarrassing! How can she send him something like that? Sophia started hyperventilating. She pulled towel from her head down and breathed in it to calm down. Never in her life was her mind in such a mess. She wants to be with Felix, but she is embarrassed to say it. 'Why am I embarrassed to tell him that I want him? Am I afraid of rejection?' Sophia was in her thoughts when the doorbell rang. She absentmindedly walked over and opened the door. Her eyes opened wide and she stood at the door frozen looking at Felix.

He observed her for a second and said with a serious expression, "You should not open your door dressed up like that."

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