Is this destiny?

Chapter 202 - Room 412 (2)

JoAnna went to room 407.

Older gentleman was there, as soon as his eyes landed on JoAnna, he said with an unfriendly tone: "You are not Jill."

"No, sir, I'm substituting her. She will be available later.", JoAnna replied politely with a smile.

"Where is she?", old man was quite rude.

JoAnna put on her best smile, in order to hide her irritation. "She has an emergency."

"Hmph..." Older man was not pleased, but he didn't say anything else.

JoAnna replaced his IV bag with a new one, checked the needle in his forearm, and left the room heading to the next one.

JoAnna entered room 412. Jeff was sitting on the bed, reading his emails on the laptop. She approached him. Seeing that he is not paying attention to her, she cleared her throat. "Excuse, me. I'm here to check your IV."

Jeff just glanced at her before returning his gaze to the laptop. He stretched his left arm on the bed beside him, where IV needle was inserted.

JoAnna took his action as an OK to proceed. She put new IV bag on the IV stand and took his arm to check the needle. She pulled up his sleeve and noticed a heart shaped birthmark on his forearm. Subconsciously she whispered, "big J".

Jeff lifted his gaze from the laptop. "Excuse me?"

JoAnna shook her head and smiled while avoiding his gaze. "Nothing, nothing. You are fine... Excuse me." She left his room.

Jeff looked after her and thought how she looks familiar, but he could not remember where he saw her. He went back to his emails. After some time, he put his laptop on the side, deciding to rest. Since he is in the hospital already, he should take this opportunity to rest. Tomorrow he will discharge himself. Doctor said two days, but he feels fine, so one day will be enough and he will make sure not to overdo it.

Jeff lowered the bed and closed his eyes. In his mind, he heard JoAnna's voice say: 'big J' . He could not stop himself from thinking: 'where did I hear that before?' He closed his eyes and started drifting into sleep. Image of a small girl, maybe 5-year-old, with two ponytails, appeared in his mind.

"Big J, Big J... carry me on your back...", she lifted her small chubby arms toward him.

Boy's voice responded, "OK, little J... but this is the last time. Next time you walk, OK?"

"OK. I promise...", she responded with a huge smile.

Jeff opened his eyes. He remembers that place... it is a park he frequented often when he visited his grandparents on the East Coast. Or was that a park? Maybe a farm, or a private property since there were not many people in the area. Was 'big J' him? If that was him, who is the little girl... could it be this nurse?

He already knows that nurse comes on every three hours to check his IV. Next time when she comes he will ask her.

Jeff could not sleep. The image of little girl was showing in his mind. Scattered memories of conversations...

"Little J, do you want vanilla or chocolate ice cream?"

Sad girl's voice responded, "Why can't I have both? I like them both..."


Jeff was anxiously looking at his IV. Finally, door of his room opened. But it was not JoAnna.

Jeff frowned. "Who are you?", he asked in an almost hostile tone.

Jill approached him apprehensively. "I'm Jill, your nurse. I came to check your IV."

"You are not my nurse...", Jeff's frow deepened.

Jill was confused but did her best to smile and focus on her work. There are all kinds of people, and many are not at their best behavior when they are in the hospital. She had training for this. Unless he is physically hostile, the best she can do is to ignore his attitude. She took a deep breath and responded: "Yes, I am."

She replaced IV bag.

Jeff thought for a moment, if all these distant fragments of memories are imagination... did he imagine JoAnna? He cleared his throat, "But last time, a different nurse came."

Jill was still confused, and after few seconds she remembered. "Ah, that was Jo. I had something going on, and she stepped in." Jill checked the needle in his forearm. Everything looked fine and she headed out. "I will see you again later."

"Wait...", Jeff called after her. Jill stopped and turned around.

"Can you ask Jo to come and see me?", Jeff asked.

Jill already knows that many patients develop crush on their caretaker, and she smirked. "I will let her know." She exited room 412 and had no intention to bother JoAnna with another hopeful patient.

Hours passed... it was time for next IV drip change. Doors opened, and a third nurse came. Jeff was losing his mind. 'What the heck?' He forced a smile. "Excuse me, are you my nurse?"

The nurse smiled. "Yes, I'm Emma."

"What happened with my previous nurse?" his confusion and irritability was showing.

"We had a shift change. Day nurses left for the day.", Emma explained calmly.

Jeff's face dropped. He was waiting for hours, and she didn't come... Why would she come to see him? He is a stranger. Jeff made one more effort. "Do you know nurse with name Jo?"

Emma thought for some time. "There is no nurse by that name." Of course, she could not remember, it's JoAnna and she is not a nurse, she is a resident.

Jeff was flabbergasted. First another nurse shows up, then he hears that nurse Jo does not exists. What kind of a hospital is this? Jeff lost his patience. "I want to check myself out."

Emma looked at the time. "Regular work hours are over, there is on one to check you out. You need to wait until morning."

Jeff thought that he is going to explode. He plopped back into the bed and did breathing exercises to calm down. As he was sleeping off, another scrambled memory showed up in his mind...

"Big J, what will you be when you grow up?", little girl looked at him with her large puppy eyes glittering like stars live inside them.

Boys voice responded, "I will be famous."

Girl looked confused as she tilted her head.

Boy continued, "Famous people earn a lot of money. When I get rich, I will come back and marry you."

Little girl's eyes widened in surprise.

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