Is this destiny?

Chapter 203 - Room 412 (3)

Morning came and new nurse walked into Jeff's room. Jeff's mood worsened again. He was anxiously waiting to see JoAnna. Seeing that it's not her, he did his best to compose himself and asked the nurse who came in: "Is there a nurse at this hospital with a name Jo?"

This nurse said the same as Emma, "There is no such nurse."

"I want to check myself out.", Jeff told her bitterly. He gave up trying to find this non-existing nurse.

Two hours later, he was outside hospital thinking what to do next. He canceled all meetings he had for the day, and doctor told him to rest... he remembered that Sophia offered to give him a tour of Seattle. He didn't want to bother her, but he can give himself a tour.

Jeff went back to his hotel, handled some emergency issues, gave instructions to Steve and his secretary and then found few attractions in Seattle. He decided to spend the rest of the day work free.


JoAnna is in her apartment, happy that she has next two days off from work. She was thinking about what to do, when her phone rang. It was Jill.

"Hey, Jo! How about girl's night out tonight?", Jill happily chirped.

"Who is coming?", JoAnna was not much interested, but she does not have anything else planned.

"Only from work. For now, I have confirmed: Mira, Donny, Bella, Anna, Emma, and two of us."

JoAnna thought for few seconds before deciding, "Sounds good. Text me place and time."

"Coming right up!"

JoAnna thought that after stress with Dr. Light and what happened to Sophia at the party, she could use some relaxing time with girls. Few minutes later, her phone buzzed, and she got the expected text from Jill.


Jeff spent the day as a full-fledged tourist, he visited city Aquarium, Pike Place Market, walked on the piers, and took an hour-long cruise viewing city skyline. He ended his day with city views from Space Needle, and a visit to the Pacific Science Museum. To complete his tourist experience he took photos, and even sent few to Aiden.

In the evening, he went to a great rated Italian restaurant downtown and enjoyed a fine seven course meal. During his tourist-experience he didn't check his work emails... every time he was tempted to check, he reminded himself that it will wait until tomorrow.


JoAnna was downtown in a club with her girlfriends from work. They danced and spilled their worries to each other under the influence of alcohol. JoAnna does not drink usually, but the previously accumulated stress and current carefree atmosphere got her to start with beer. It didn't take much for her to get tipsy, but she was still aware not to talk about her mentor to these ladies. Even when they talked about Dr. Light, how handsome he is, JoAnna just smiled and didn't comment.

"Eh, he is your mentor... lucky you...", Emma told JoAnna.

"Yes, he is my mentor." JoAnna confirmed.

"I wish I can have more one-on-one with him... if you know what I mean..." Bella wiggled her eyebrows and giggled looking at JoAnna waiting for her to spill something.

"It's not as glamorous as you are imagining." JoAnna shoot her down.

"Ah, booooring.", Bella frowned.

Tipsy women quickly changed topic, discussing handsome men in the club who looked single. Few of them approached them, and girls went dancing. JoAnna didn't feel like dancing and stayed back with Jill to drink. JoAnna was in a bad mood because they brought up her mentor, whom she wanted to push to the back of her mind, and Jill didn't want to go dancing with some random men because she has a fiancé.

"Where is your fiancé?", JoAnna asked Jill.

"He is working tonight... so I get some girl fun.", Jill responded with a smile.

"Makes sense", JoAnna guzzled on her Heineken before ordering another one. JoAnna was already drunk, and after she finished her next beer, she loudly burped.

Jill heard her and burst laughing. "It's unusual to hear you burp and see you wasted… you are always so… polite…", Jill slurred.

Both of them laughed while supporting each other.

"So much for the GIRLS night out", Jill mumbled to JoAnna. "Look at them... " she waved her hand to the dance floor where other women from their party were dancing. "They said they want a girl's night out, and they went with men at the first chance that they got."

"No loyalty these days.", JoAnna confirmed while talking drunkenly. She felt nauseated, so she told Jill. "I think I will go home now."

"Let's go together." Jill linked arms with JoAnna for support.

At the exit of the club, two of them went toward the cabs which were parked, waiting for customers.

"Ah, I forgot my purse!", Jill exclaimed. "Just a minute." She said while stumbling back to the club.

JoAnna waited outside and felt dizzy. She observed at the other side of the road a fountain and some people sitting scattered on the edge of the fountain. She staggered across the street and took a seat there.

Jill came out and looked around. "Oh, she left without me..." She didn't see JoAnna across the street and went into a cab to head home.

JoAnna was sitting on the fountain edge, swaying while following beats of music coming from the club across the street.


Jeff finished his dinner and decided to take a walk before heading back to the hotel. He had an unexpectedly relaxing day. Mostly work free. And except for occasional disturbing thoughts about non-existent nurse Jo, he had a pleasant day. Weather was a bit chilly, but it was just right for a refreshing walk.

It just happened that restaurant he just exited is nearby the club where JoAnna was with her girlfriends. Jeff walked toward the club, but seeing the crowd at the entrance, he decided to cross to the other side of the street which has less people.

As he walked, Jeff observed people sitting on the edge of large fountain. Mostly couples intimately holding each other and making out. And then he stopped in his tracks when he saw a familiar face.

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