Is this destiny?

Chapter 204 - Room 412 (4)

JoAnna was sitting on the edge of a fountain and swaying while humming tune of the music coming from the club across the street. The chilly breeze felt nice on her flushed cheeks from beer.

She saw pair of legs in finely pressed pants in front of her and raised her head. Her vision was blurry, and she squinted trying to focus and see if she knows the person.

"Are you Jo?", she heard male voice which she didn't recognize.

"Go away.", JoAnna waved her hand indicating him to move.

"You don't need to be rude." His voice was cold.

"You are rude for coming here in front of me.", JoAnna sneered.

"Can you answer my question?" Jeff demanded an answer.

"What question?" JoAnna totally forgot what he asked her.

"Are you Jo?" He looked for her many times, but the only thing he got is that there is no nurse Jo in the hospital. What is her name then?

JoAnna looked at him, obviously irritated. "Will you leave if I answer?"

"OK" He nodded.

"Fine" She responded.

He waited for her to say if her name is Jo, but she was not answering. After some time, he lost his patience. He is known for many things, and patience is definitely not on that list. "So?"

She looked like she is trying to remember something. "So... what?"

"Is your name Jo?" Jeff was getting agitated. How drunk can a girl get? Or is she like this when she is sober as well?

"No..." JoAnna shook her head. "Now leave."

Jeff stared at her, if her name is not Jo, why would other nurse call her that? "What is your name?" For some reason, Jeff wanted to know her name.

"That is a second question." JoAnna informed him.

"Why don't you tell me your name?" Jeff was clenching his fists from frustration.

"What will you do for me?" She tilted her head and playfully looked at him.

"What do you want?" He was giving up on an idea of having a normal conversation with this woman.

"A hamburger." JoAnna read previously a study, that if you eat food rich in fats and carbohydrates, it can help to burn alcohol in the body. And asking this man for one meal somehow seemed right.

"For a name?" Jeff was shocked when he heard her.

"You don't think it's worth it? Then leave me alone." JoAnna went back to humming.


Jeff and JoAnna walked one block down the street. While walking, Jeff supported her few times not to fall as she was tripping on her own feet. They found a bar which serves food, took a seat at the bar, and she ordered a largest hamburger meal with a beer.

He stared at her, and she stared at him back. "What?"

"Your name..." He reminded her.

"Food is not here yet.", she took few peanuts from the bar counter and put in her mouth chewing carelessly.

He sighed. Is she difficult because she is drunk or is she always like this?

Food arrived and she took a huge bite of the greasy hamburger. "JoAnna", she mumbled with her mouth full.

"What?" Jeff was pulled out of his thoughts. He almost forgot why he bought a hamburger to this annoying woman.

"JoAnna", she repeated more clearly and took another bite.

Jeff looked at her and blinked few times. 'Is this little J from my memories?'

JoAnna felt nauseous and pushed plate with food away from her. She grabbed her glass of beer and took few large gulps. Cold liquid felt good, and she closed her eyes while enjoying the slightly bitter taste. When she opened her eyes, she looked at Jeff and saw him staring at her. He leaned closer to her, and she observed that he has long eyelashes, dark eyes and a straight nose… and he was a bit too close. JoAnna inched away from him and lifted an eyebrow, "Do I have something on my face?"

"Actually... you do.", he took a napkin from the bar and wiped her greasy chin.

Now she leaned closer to him and carefully examined his face. Strong jawline… and a grumpy expression… "412", She said after some time with great satisfaction.


JoAnna smiled, "412... Now I remembered where I saw you. Room 412."

He never paid attention to his room number at the hospital, but now that she said it, it sounded right. "My name is Jeffrey."

JoAnna remembered one of main rules they follow in the hospital: patient, don't get attached... don't get involved. They develop affection toward person who cares about them. It's human nature. Soon after the treatment is done, they will snap back to reality and forget about you. So… don't get attached... No matter how handsome he is.

JoAnna sighed, "OK... 412. Time for me to go." She took another swing from her beer glass and finished it.

He looked at her stumbling off the barstool and walking outside. "Wait... " he called after her.

But she didn't pay attention to him, she continued walking.

Jeff gave his card to the bartender and asked him to hurry up. When he got his card back, Jeff rushed outside and looked left and right, but could not see JoAnna.

He decided to take the same way they came and rushed down the street. He found her behind a corner, leaning on the wall. "Are you OK? Do you want me to call a cab for you?"

She lifted her head and squinted trying to see who he is. After some time, she finally spoke, "Ah! 412."

He was getting irritated but told himself that she is just drunk. Jeff composed himself. "Do you want me to call the cab for you?"

She nodded.

Jeff saw few cabs parked further down the street and pointed that way. "There are few, come."

She stumbled toward him and he supported her while shaking his head. He thought how can a young woman be so reckless and drink this much? What if he is a man with bad intentions? As he thought like that, they reached the cab. Jeff helped her get in the back seat and nodded to the cab driver. He heard cab driver ask, "Miss, where are we going? ... Miss? ... Miss? ..."

Jeff looked at the back seat and saw that she passed out. He rubbed his temples.

The cab driver looked at Jeff who was still standing next to the cab. "Mister, where should I take her? And who is going to pay for the ride?"

Jeff wanted to explode. How is he supposed to know? He went to such trouble just to find out her name. There was only one thing he could think of. He got into the back seat next to her and gave cab driver address to his hotel.

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