Is this destiny?

Chapter 727 - Guests at the Cliffside Villa (4)

Sarah and Aiden held each other for few minutes in silence.

Sarah took a deep breath. "Edward and Stella are about twenty minutes away. How far away are your parents?"

"Fifteen minutes." Aiden tightened his hug, and as if he can read her mind, he addressed her worries while rubbing her back gently: "Don't worry. It will all be OK. We have space, and them coming at the same time means that they will give each other company so we don't need to do much, and we will not feel guilty for not entertaining them."

Sarah looked up at him and smiled. "Do you think this is a coincidence? Them coming at the same time… right after Sophia was targeted?"

Aiden smiled back. "Just like you, my love, I don't believe in coincidences. But let's wait and see what they have to say first. It will be fun. Treat it like a game."

Aiden's words made Sarah break into a mischievous smile. Like a game… she can do that.

Aiden chuckled at the thought how they are up for a fun evening after an exciting day. "I will tell Genie to get two more rooms ready, and that we have four more people for dinner."

Jarred and Charlie exited the elevator and saw the scene of Aiden and Sarah holding each other while talking softly, and Sophia checking Felix's lip.

Jarred cleared his throat to announce their arrival.

"I will check with Genie if dinner will be delayed and let you know.", Aiden said while going downstairs.

"Delayed?", Jarred asked Sarah sensing that there is a reason behind it.

"Additional guests are on their way.", Sarah responded shortly before gesturing toward the appetizers. "Help yourself… what would you like to drink?"

Jarred and Charlie turned toward the bar and were surprised to see the bartender waiting for them.

'I could swear that no one was there when we arrived…' , Jarred thought. He had similar thoughts about mysterious house staff which can appear when needed like Sarah when she went to the island with Aiden.

Sarah joined Aiden downstairs because Oscar and Elanor were about to arrive.

Sophia and Felix met Jarred and Charlie at LA Medical Center, but at that time Sophia didn't realize who they are. Now it is different, and Sophia is not very friendly because at the back of her mind is the thought that these two definitely have some intentions with Aiden and Sarah.

Felix noticed change in Sophia's attitude and even though she didn't explain what happened, he was ready to support her.

"I want to thank you again, for assisting us back in the hospital." Sophia had her faint-business-smile on her face while talking to Jarred and Charlie.

Of course, Jarred didn't miss that Sophia is much colder than before. He had more than one guess what could cause that change in attitude, but he decided not to address it. He is dealing with all kinds of people for many years and interacting with someone who is not very friendly is not a new thing for him.

"Please, don't mention it. We were just around. Anyone else would extend a helping hand if they were in our place."

Sophia had to admit that Jarred is on top of his game. His expression didn't reveal anything. She concluded that beating around the bush with him will not be useful and decided to speak her mind: "But it was not anyone else. It was you. And I can't help my curiosity… why did you help Sarah and Aiden?"

"Sophia, it was me who suggested that they can use our bodyguards.", Charlie had to clarify after seeing that Sophia is focusing her suspicion on Jarred. "I did it because I believe that they are nice people. Because of Sarah I got in contact with JoAnna who is the first one to offer me hope that I can stand again. I feel indebted to her. To both of them. And even if the surgery is not successful, I will always be willing to help them because they gave me hope when I thought that there is none left. There are no ulterior motives. Just gratitude."

Hearing Charlie's words made Sophia take a mental step back. She looked at Jarred who had a faint smile on and then at Charlie who was either very sincere or a very good actor.

Sophia gave a small nod before speaking to both Jarred and Charlie: "Sarah is my baby sister, and I feel the need to watch over her. If you try to take advantage of her, you will need to deal with me."

Charlie smiled. "You don't need to worry about that… I remember that JoAnna said how she is collaborating with a person she called Felix related to my surgery." He looked at Felix and asked: "Is that the same person?"

"Yes.", Sophia confirmed.

"Excuse me…", Charlie wheeled himself to the table with appetizers where Felix was, and initiated talk related to his surgery and Felix's role in it.

"Charlie is a good boy. Not a scheming one.", Jarred told Sophia when Charlie was out of the earshot.

Sophia glanced at Jarred and didn't respond. She was not really concerned with Charlie. But Jarred is another thing.

"Sophia, my dear! What a pleasant surprise that you are here.", Elanor gushed as she reached the terrace.

Sophia turned to see Elanor and Oscar come up the stairs, followed by Sarah and Aiden.

No one noticed flash of surprise in Jarred's eyes when he saw the newcomers.

Elanor went straight to Sophia and gave her a big hug.

Aiden introduced his parents to Jarred and Charlie and left with Sarah few minutes later because Edward and Stella are approaching the villa.

Before disappearing down the stairs, Aiden glanced at the terrace and observed that Oscar is getting drinks, Elanor is busy chatting with Sophia, Charlie is listening to Felix and Jarred casually looked at the landscape.

"It seems that my parents don't find it strange that Smiths are here.", Aiden said when he caught up with Sarah.

Sarah had to agree with this. It was almost like they ignored each other. But she does not know how Elanor and Oscar or the Smiths usually are, so she didn't want to comment on it.

"Do you think they know each other?", Sarah asked.

Aiden shrugged indicating that he does not have answer to that question.

Aiden held Sarah's hand in his and squeezed it slightly while talking: "Your parents are on the property and within one minute they will enter our home for the first time. How do you feel?"

Sarah looked at Aiden for a second blankly before asking: "Should I be nervous?"

"I was more going for: proud.", Aiden said with a straight face and slight irritation in his voice.

Sarah burst into laugh.

"Sorry… sorry… I was so off in reading the mood.", Sarah said while wiping tears from corners of her eyes.

She wrapped her arms around him. "Of course, I am proud to have a home with you."

They were about to kiss when Eve spoke in their earpieces: "Stella and Edward are at the main entry door."

Few seconds later, doorbell rang, and Aiden and Sarah welcomed Sarah's parents into their home.

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