Is this destiny?

Chapter 728 - Guests at the Cliffside Villa (5)

Dinner went relatively well.

Sarah's fear of not having enough food because of unexpected last-minute four people disappeared when she saw a full table of visually delectable dishes. The food was delicious and there was plenty of it. Again, she can only praise Aiden for selecting and training the staff.

Aiden and Sarah spoke a bit between themselves, but they mostly kept busy with food and wondered what motives these six people have to gather in their home. Sophia and Felix are invited, so it is not strange that they are here, but others… that's a different story.

Jarred didn't talk much. He was mostly observing people.

Charlie and Felix chatted like they are best friends. Charlie is familiar with mechanics and they found an intersection of interests.

Oscar and Edward talked in their usual reserved manner when strangers are in the vicinity, while Elanor and Stella chatted like no one else is there, mostly about the upcoming wedding.

Sarah observed time and smiled. "They should be waking up about now.", she whispered to Aiden.

He knows that she is talking about four people they have locked inside VR room.

Both of them wanted to go downstairs and see their reaction, but they can't do it since there are guests in the house, and they need to play hosts. They will need to be satisfied with watching the recording, later.

Down on the sixth level underground, in the VR room…

Lazo was first to stir up. He opened his eyes and observed his surroundings. "What the…?"

Lazo could not believe that he woke up in something what looks like an ancient-style dungeon. Walls are made out of irregular almost-square-shaped dark rocks, there are no windows… there is a sound of water dripping… he saw that in one corner, water is dripping from the ceiling, creating a puddle on the floor which is draining who knows where… There are some things on the wall, and upon closer inspection he saw that they are some middle-age style shackles, chains. Squeaking sound from the back got his attention and he craned his neck to see… rats! Several of them gnawing on something that looks like a human bone which is next to a skull.

"Aaaahhhhh!", Mila's shrill scream filled up the space. Her back was turned to Lazo and she was facing the sight of rats going in and out the human skull through the eye socket.

Simo and Pavle also woke up, probably because of the noise Mila made.

It took them a while to realize that they are all tied up in the middle of the dungeon room and they can't budge. Their arms and legs are tied up together and secured to the floor, so they can't reach to untie each other. They are unable even to sit up. Very uncomfortable.

"Where are we?", Simo asked weakly.

"I don't know… but it does not look good.", Lazo answered with a shaky voice.

"How did we end up here?", Pavle asked.

They confirmed that no one remembers.

They sat in silence staring at their surroundings for some time before they started to recollect what happened in the hospital.

"Why you didn't join us outside?", Lazo asked Pavle.

Pavle sneered. "You three escaped! Sophia's husband jumped on me, and I thought I had him until another guy appeared."

"Escaped? Does this look like we escaped?", Simo hissed.

"This would not happen if we had a better plan in place. And who is the smartass who decided to go and attack one of Milena's daughters?" Mila was quick to put the blame on Lazo. But she is not completely wrong. Lazo was the one itchy to go and snatch Sophia thinking that everything will run smoothly.

While four people argued on the sixth level underground, five levels higher…

After dinner, everyone got down to the first floor underground where Sarah and Aiden have a 'hangout' room. It's a large space filled up with comfortable sitting arrangements, large TV, wet bar and several games which Sarah and Aiden love to play such as few pinball machines, pool table, darts, and various arcade games.

Felix was instantly pulled toward Galaga arcade game. "No way!", he mumbled few times until Sarah told him that it's OK to play. Felix was remembering his youth while playing the game with a silly grin on his face.

Charlie was interested in one VR game, and Sophia joined him. Felix was busy, and Sophia was trying to avoid Stella and Edward because she doesn't want to lie to them, and at the same time she does not want to end up in a situation where she might talk about move to Los Angeles.

Charlie and Sophia put on VR helmets and played a multiplayer adventure game where players can sit and move their characters by pushing buttons on handheld controllers. Based on their giggles and cheers whenever they defeated a monster in the forest, they were having fun.

Sarah and Aiden saw that everyone is busy in their own way, and two of them played pinball.

Jarred was at the bar, content in his own thoughts while observing Sarah's and Aiden's parents who chatted like long term friends and observed that their relationship is good. He doesn't know that before this they met only once, when Sarah and Aiden graduated.

Jarred's sight moved onto Charlie and he smiled faintly when he saw that Charlie is obviously enjoying himself. It's a long time since he heard Charlie laugh out loud.

"Hi Jarred.", Elanor approached him.

"Hi Elanor.", Jarred responded.

Now that youngsters are busy, they don't need to pretend that they don't know each other.

"What brings you here?" Elanor didn't try to be polite.

"I was invited."

Elanor showed a knowing smile. She does not believe him. "I never knew that it's so easy to invite Jarred Smith." Her smile faded as she continued: "What do you want from my kids?"

Jarred chuckled and his eyes landed on Sarah and Aiden.

Elanor was slightly irritated because he is not responding. "I know you were with them in LA Medical Center today. But I don't know why. And why are you here now?" She saw that he is looking at Sarah and Aiden. "Are you after Aiden? Or Sarah?"

"Your kids are interesting, but I am not after them."

Elanor's eyes flashed when she realized that he emphasized how HE is not after them. "Is it Charles? He is after… Sarah? What does he want with her?"

Jarred chuckled again, entertained that Elanor is jumping to conclusions.

Elanor usually does not talk like this, ahead of herself. But this time her mind is already filled with thoughts how they should make Aiden and Sarah hurry with marriage before something happens, and now Jarred hinted that Charles has his eyes set on Sarah!

Elanor gritted her teeth in frustration. "Tell your nephew to forget about it if he knows what is good for him. Sarah is my daughter-in-law."

Jarred was surprised by Elanor's loss of control. She is always calm and composed. He found it amusing and decided to poke her a bit more: "Oh? You want to start a war because of a girl who MIGHT BE your daughter-in-law?"

Elanor narrowed her eyes at him and spoke in dangerously low voice: "What do you mean by: might be? She will be. It's just a matter of time. Look at them… match made in heaven and madly in love. There is no place for anyone else. Even if that person is your nephew."

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