Is this destiny?

Chapter 733 - Discussing events from previous day

~ Los Angeles, Cliffside villa ~

In a spacious room, six levels underground…

JoAnna and Jeff are getting updates about events from previous day which occurred in LA Medical Center from Sarah, Aiden, Felix and Sophia.

Six of them are seated around a large oval table.

Sophia spoke about the incident with the elevator which brought her and Felix to the LA Medical Center for a checkup.

"Everything seemed normal until we were ready to leave. At that time a nurse stopped us and asked to stay behind because they want to do additional tests…", Sophia explained.

"I got a notification from Eve that Sophia is using facial recognition, and everything sounded suspicious, so we decided to go and check it out.", Sarah continued.

Aiden mentioned how Charlie offered his bodyguards.

They were each sharing what happened on their side, before watching on a large screen video feeds from the LA Medical Center…

First, they watched four people who entered VIP room where Sophia and Felix were. Felix told them what happened in the room, since there are no cameras inside.

Next, they saw on the video Aiden and Sarah arrive with four bodyguards, and three people dash out through the door toward the stairs with Sarah after them… Felix grabbing the janitor-impersonator and few seconds later, Aiden intervening until he was sure that Felix has the situation under control.

After they finished watching video from the parking lot, Sarah and Aiden spoke about what they found out later in the evening.

"We are confident that this is one of the families from Eastern Europe. Our family…" Sarah looked at JoAnna and Sophia. "Anna, there is at least one person working in LA Medical Center who tipped them off that Sophia is there for a checkup."

Aiden took over the explanation about the hospital's video surveillance being streamed to three destinations.

"What does that mean when you say that first stream was initiated from OUR family home?", Sophia asked Aiden.

"It means that your father hacked into LA Medical Center video security system. He watched our fight. Also, he planted his code within the hospital system which alerted him whenever one of you three entered the hospital as an employee, a patient or as a visitor."

"That is not an easy thing to do. Is it?", JoAnna asked.

"No… but there is more. He also shared link with our parents. That is the second stream.", Aiden looked at Jeff.

Jeff frowned slightly, but he understood that this means that their parents are collaborating… without telling them.

Sarah spoke about the third stream and shared their conclusion that it is related to King: "… it is an apartment in New York. There is no information on the buyer, and the account used to pay for the apartment is closed and does not have any historical data. All this looks the same when compared with what we found while looking into our neighbor from Fairfield, King. We are confident that he is the one who watched us. We didn't find any trigger traces in the hospital system other than the ones which are sending alerts to Edward, and because of that we believe that King also has someone in LA Medical Center watching Anna."

"It can be the same person who alerted those four, right?", JoAnna asked.

"It could be.", Sarah responded.

Jeff and JoAnna had numerous questions, and Sarah and Aiden did their best to answer them. Sophia and Felix were in between answering questions and asking for clarifications. After they finished their question-answer session, they summarized everything again in order to make sure everyone has the same understanding of what happened and what they know so far.

"The biggest news for me is that our parents are collaborating.", Jeff said while looking at JoAnna.

"They met only during your graduation, right?", JoAnna asked Sarah.

"They hit it off very well.", Aiden asserted his observation. "I was curious how was that possible, and now I know that besides Jeff and me having relationships with two of you…", he glanced at Sarah and JoAnna. "…they are also collaborating on watching us."

"You are saying that both our and your parents are aware of Eastern European families targeting us?", Sophia wanted to confirm.

Both Sarah and Aiden nodded.

"Also…", JoAnna paused while sorting her thoughts. "…this confirms that Edward has a secret identity. We should confront him about it."

"We already did that." Sarah informed them.

"And? How did he react?" JoAnna was curious.

Sarah glanced at Aiden who had a huge grin on his face. She sighed and responded: "He confirmed that he was watching us. But he didn't elaborate on anything else."

Aiden looked at Sarah, obviously not pleased with her answer. "What about him saying that we are made for each other? And that I'm the best person to take care of you?"

"Dad said that?", JoAnna perked up.

Sarah can't deny the truth: "He even gave him a huge man-hug. The one when you pat someone's back."

Jeff and Felix shoot envious stares at Aiden. Neither of them got such a good treatment from Edward.

Aiden noticed looks which Jeff and Felix directed at him and he grinned again. Sarah laughed.

Sophia saw how everyone is back to childish mode and decided to pull everyone back to the topic. "We have those four here." She looked at JoAnna. "We need your truth serum before we question them. Who knows what secrets they will reveal… this is the first time that we got our hands on someone who can actually reveal some inside information about our maternal family."

JoAnna was excited and anxious. "I've got the stuff. Where are they?"

Sarah grinned and pressed some point on the table in front of her. The red-glowing keyboard was outlined on the gray surface of the table and Sarah's fingers moved on top of it. Within seconds, hologram was projected few inches above center of the table. They could all see four 'prisoners' in the dungeon, their 3-dimensional image was scaled down to about two to three sizes smaller and it was slowly rotating, giving everyone a 360-degree view.

JoAnna, Jeff and Sophia were surprised by this sight, and Felix was super-excited after a second of barely audible 'Ohh'.

JoAnna and Sophia saw VR room that Sarah created in their family home, but even with that, this hologram hovering in front of everyone was impressive. Jeff was thinking how this looks like something that came out of a sci-fi movie, and Felix told himself that he will talk to Sarah later about the technology she uses to accomplish this. He saw his share of holograms, but this one looks… solid.

"Is this live?", JoAnna asked.

"Yes.", Sarah confirmed. "We were waiting for you to give us the serum so that we can question them. Who will do it?"

"I will.", Sophia volunteered.

"Do you need to go to work?", JoAnna quietly asked Jeff.

Jeff had a troubled expression. "I can't leave until we find out what they have to say."

They were quiet, but everyone heard them.

"We don't know how long this will take. If you have something urgent, go take care of it… these four are not going anywhere." Aiden advised Jeff.

"I need to say something before I forget…", Sarah added while looking at Jeff and JoAnna. "I know that you two are planning for a honeymoon with just the two of you. But I hope that in the light of recent events you will reconsider that and have some security nearby. Also, don't go offline completely. We need to know that you are safe, and you should have a way to contact us in case anything happens. Something more elaborate than just rings."

Jeff and JoAnna glanced at each other and promised that they will talk about it.

Jeff took Aiden's advice and headed to White corp. after they agreed that later in the day Jeff will send his men to transport four attackers to a safe house. 

Sophia, Sarah and JoAnna went to the dungeon-room to interrogate four prisoners while Aiden and Felix watched over them via hologram.

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