Is this destiny?

Chapter 734 - Hills and Whites talk

~ Los Angeles, Cliffside Villa ~

On the rooftop terrace, after breakfast…

While our team of six was discussing events from previous day, Oscar, Elanor, Edward and Stella are on the same topic while trying to fill in the gaps.

All four of them are irritated and confused by the fact that their kids didn't tell them anything about the incident. And it seems that Jarred Smith and his nephew are more in-the-know than they are.

"Thank you for sharing the link with us.", Elanor told Edward. "It was good to watch our kids work together."

"What do you think is the reason that none of them approached us related to this incident? They know we can help them.", Oscar asked. "Even if they don't ask for help, shouldn't they at least notify us what happened? This is serious, and not some random street brawl."

"They know we know.", Edward's comment made other three turn toward him. He saw that they are silently demanding more information, and he explained: "Sarah and Aiden spoke with me earlier. They know that we were watching… and that I was the one who got inside hospital's security system… and that I gave you the link to the feed." Edward ended by looking at Elanor and Oscar.

Stella was troubled by what Edward said. "They know that we saw them getting in trouble, and they refuse to bring it up? Is this their way of telling us to stay out of it?"

"If they know that we are watching them and collaborating… Their silence shows that they don't approve of us acting without involving them, behind their backs." Elanor paused while choosing her words. "The only way to mend this is if we share what we know. With every next incident that we pretend it didn't happen, the gap between us and the kids will increase. Is this what we want?"

Even though she was looking toward the ocean, Stella understood that the last part was directed at her. She is the one who said that kids are not ready to find out about Eastern European families, and so far, the other three are following her recommendation because they believe that Stella is the most familiar with the situation. Stella turned around and saw that Edward, Oscar and Elanor are looking her way, waiting for her to speak.

"I still believe that they are not ready. If they know the truth, they will rush into danger recklessly and end up in a war they can't win." Stella paused before continuing: "I will talk with Sarah… I don't know how much I will tell her, but I will talk to her and see where it leads us."

"Why Sarah? Why not all three of them?", Oscar asked.

"Related to that topic, Sarah is the most opinionated out of the girls and she is capable of swaying opinion of her sisters. If I talk to all three of them, they will support each other and it will be more… difficult.", Stella explained.

Elanor didn't approve that Stella does not want to share information openly with her daughters. She is known as a strategist in White family, and she would never be able to come up with a good approach to tackle any given situation if she does not know the facts. Especially when they are at a disadvantage, every bit of information helps. Elanor understands that Stella wants to keep their kids out of the reach of those families, but they already crossed the point where that is an option. The families are after them, and kids are being pulled into it no matter if they know about their background or not. Elanor wanted to remind Stella about all this, but they already discussed that topic last time they met, and Stella does not seem to be willing to change her opinion. But Elanor needs to say something…

"Stella, I understand your point. Kids are not strong enough to fight this. But I think that you should keep in mind that you have three daughters, and my two sons are with them, as well as Felix. Six of them are working together on this, and they are so much more than just fighting proves of an individual. You saw Sarah and Aiden together, they are each other's strength."

Stella hesitated for a moment, but then her face turned to stern. "I know what is out there, and if they rush into it… they are not ready."

"What if they don't rush? What if they just want to defend themselves? More information will help them, you can't deny that." Elanor persisted.

"Which one will not rush? Do you honestly believe that they will not rush into danger for the sake of protecting their loved ones?" Stella shook her head. "Just look what happened yesterday! Aiden and Sarah stormed into LA Medical Center to help Sophia and Felix without knowing what they are getting themselves into. If those four attackers were high ranking individuals from the main family, we would be now discussing how to find our four missing kids!"

Edward took Stella's hand in his and squeezed it gently, telling her to calm down.

Stella took a deep breath. "As I said, I will talk to Sarah… and take it from there."

After short silence, Edward spoke: "Regardless of the outcome of that talk, we know that kids need us. Both of your sons are in this area, and two of our daughters as well. We can provide better assistance if we are close by."

"I will be in the area for next four weeks. While Jeff and Anna are on their honeymoon I will come back to White corp. as a temporary CEO. I will bring my men as well as my hidden resources. They will cover the area and watch over Aiden and Sarah. Jeff and Anna will not be left without protection.", Oscar explained.

"I will accompany him, so you don't need to worry about security in Los Angeles area for the next month. You can focus on protecting Sophia and Felix in Seattle.", Elanor added. "Four weeks from now, we can meet and discuss future arrangements. Of course, we will rely on Edward to provide us with any information he can find."

"Where will you stay?", Stella asked because Elanor and Oscar are now with Sarah and Aiden. Do they plan to stay here for a month?

"We have several properties in the area.", Elanor responded vaguely.

"Did you find out why Jarred is here?", Stella asked Elanor after some silence.

Elanor shook her head indicating that she didn't.

"Do you think that kids are buying some weapons?" Oscar asked.

Elanor shrugged. "What weapons are they after that it requires Jarred Smith to come in person? I was thinking that his Charlie has his eyes on Sarah, but he told me that is not the case."

"What? He wants to match Charlie and Sarah?", Edward snapped. He finally managed to accept Aiden, and now another suitor is coming in the picture? That is too much for him to handle calmly.

Elanor's voice was rising as she provided additional details: "I told him not to think about it, because Sarah and Aiden are a match made in heaven. And I will not allow him to interfere!"

Oscar observed his wife losing temper, and he thought how this is a rare sight. "You still think that we should make them hurry with getting married?"

"Now more than ever!" Elanor decisively exclaimed.

Stella and Edward exchanged questioning glances.

"Why do you think they should hurry?", Stella reluctantly asked.

Elanor paused for a second. She didn't want to talk about Aiden's fickle past, it will make her boy look bad. She decided to talk about next truth: "Both of them are young, smart, capable, and good looking. Many have eyes on them. I was just saying that they should get married before someone tries to scheme something in order to keep them apart. When they are married, many of these who try to meddle between them will give up. Especially when they see that union between Aiden and Sarah is supported by both families."

Stella thought that makes sense, and she didn't probe further into that. She was thinking about her inevitable talk with Sarah.

Edward was not so convinced with Elanor's explanation. What she said is the truth, but that was the truth few months ago as well. Why is she suddenly in a rush to get two of them married? He felt that something is missing from her explanation.

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