Is this destiny?

Chapter 739 - Perfect babies

~ Los Angeles, Cliffside Villa ~

September 13… Two days before wedding.

Sarah woke up early in order to avoid Aiden getting handsy.

She is doing this for last two days.

Sarah is uncomfortable talking about her missing the pill, and condoms, and stuff… and she finds it easier to avoid Aiden and situations which could lead to any intimate atmosphere.

In the evenings they work until they practically sleep over the keyboard, so it's easy just to collapse in the bed. But mornings are tricky.

'Just few more days…' , Sarah told herself while slowly scooting out of the bed.

With any luck, by the time Aiden wakes up, she will be fully clothed and ready for the day. And she can take a nap later, to make up for any missed sleep.

Her toes almost reached the carpet on the side of the bed when two strong arms landed around her waist, pulling her back toward the middle of the bed. Sarah yelped in surprise when she found her body locked under Aiden's.

"Good morning, my angel… you are up early." His husky right-after-sleep voice made her brain melt. Oh, how much she loves that voice!

Sarah smiled awkwardly. "Good morning, sunshine… just trying to seize the day. Hehehe… You know, we have a lot to do. Today is the rehearsal dinner… and we should go to the resort and set up Eve and… things."

"Oh? I almost had a feeling that you are avoiding me." Aiden smiled faintly and his head fell on the pillow just above her shoulder.

Sarah felt his weight pressing on her, and his breath on her neck, and she was sure he is doing it on purpose!

"Wait… Wait!... WAIT!" Only when she screamed his hands stopped moving under her top.

"Yes? Is there something you want to say?" He didn't lift his head, and his seductively deep voice made him impossible to resist.

After some silence Aiden looked at Sarah and saw that her face is flushed, and she looks… uncomfortable.

"Are you shy? I can help with that." His hands resumed moving.

Sarah gasped when she realized that he already removed her pajama bottom. 'This devil is getting faster and craftier by the day!'

"No… No… Not shy. There is something else.", she weakly admitted.

"What is it?"

Sarah pushed him away gently and he rolled over, allowing her body to move.

Sarah sat on the edge of the bed and hesitated while taking few deep breaths. She made a decision.

Aiden saw Sarah reach for the side table and when she turned around she had a condom on her palm.

She looked at him while nervously biting on her lower lip.

"We are back to that? How come?" He smirked. "Don't you want Anna to be an aunt for the second time."

It took a second for Sarah to process what he said. "You heard my conversation with Anna?"

"I was right behind you." He flatly said while amused smirk danced on his handsome face.

Sarah facepalmed. Of course, he was less than two steps behind her while Jesse was being scanned for a tracking device. Only a deaf person would not hear them. How come she didn't figure out that earlier? "Why didn't you say something?"

"Why didn't you say something?", he returned her question with irritation in his voice. "Don't you think that this is something I should know about? Or do you think that only you have the right to decide if we will be parents or not?"

Guilt washed over her. "I'm sorry…", Sarah went back to bed and hugged him. "I was not thinking that far. I was just embarrassed… It's my responsibility to take the pill every day, and I forgot and then neglected it…"

Aiden wrapped his arms around her and kissed top of the head. "It's not only your responsibility. It's the two of us. Remember that I'm by your side, always."

Sarah heard his gentle voice and looked up at him. "You are not upset?"

"As long as you promise not to keep me in the dark going forward. I am the man in your bed, so I want you to talk to me first about these things, not to your sister or anyone else. Deal?"

"Deal." Sarah was relieved that he took it well, maybe too well. She wanted to know more. "What would you do… if I get pregnant?"

Aiden's eyes lit up. She is actually talking about pregnancy?

"I would be ecstatic!" His enthusiasm was impossible to hide. "Our babies will be so perfect that everyone will think they are super-humans… But I will leave the timing to you. You decide when you are ready because your body needs to go through it. I only expect you to let me know when that time comes. And until then…" He took the condom which she previously dropped on the bed and held it between his fingers. "…practice makes perfect."

Sarah held her breath and trembled from anticipation as Aiden tore the condom's wrapper with his teeth while his hungry eyes didn't leave hers.

It's almost lunch time, and Sarah and Aiden are in the car, heading to the Golden Ocean Resort.

Aiden is driving. His left hand is resting on the steering wheel, while his right one is holding Sarah's left.

Sarah loves this: Aiden by her side, holding her hand with their fingers entwined. Other than the soft music from the radio, they are enjoying the silence. Each in their own thoughts. Together.

She is thinking about the morning and his words that he would be ecstatic to have a child with her. Their child. Her lips stretched into a smile when she remembered that he said how their babies will be perfect. Babies… more than one! She stole a glance at Aiden and thought how considering the genes coming from their father, his children will be perfect.

Sarah was surprised that she has no problems imagining two or three toddler sized Aiden-copies running around the house, and in the garden… But what if it's a girl? She looked at Aiden again and pursed her lips. She can't imagine him in a girl-version no matter how much she tries. He is too manly to be a girl.

"What are you thinking?" Aiden noticed that she is looking at him with a complicated expression on her face.

"Oh…" Sarah hesitated for a second while gathering the courage to speak up. "I can't imagine you as a girl."

He shoot her a side glance. "Why would you do that?"

Sarah cleared her throat and fidgeted for some time before responding. "If we have a girl. A baby girl. I can't imagine how she will look like."

Aiden chuckled before lifting his right hand which was holding onto her left and kissing the back of her palm. "She will be beautiful, like her mother."

Sarah stared at Aiden's handsome profile for some time, unsure if she is more impacted by his smooth response or by the fact that he didn't seem to be surprised by her sudden baby-topic. But she knows that she is enjoying the sight of the gentle smile on his face.

Eventually, Sarah turned her head to the right and looked at the changing scenery through the window.

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