Is this destiny?

Chapter 740 - Two days before wedding (J&J) (1)

~ Los Angeles, Golden Ocean Resort ~

September 13… almost lunch time…

Aiden and Sarah are in JoAnna's office.

JoAnna is explaining overall situation to Sarah and Aiden: "Guests can come three days before and stay until three days after the wedding. I don't care much about them after the wedding, but we need to be vigilant before, and during the wedding, which is today and next two days. Resort is closed off for anyone else until the wedding and will resume regular work on sixteenth. Some wedding guests already arrived, and I am very grateful that you are able to set up additional security now. We will have twenty six people at the rehearsal dinner tonight, and more than fifty rooms already have people checked in. After our talk with Elanor, I suspect that some of those extras will attempt to crash our small event tonight. Considering that for today I have only resort security and handful of extras from Jeff, getting Eve to watch over us will make me feel at ease."

"Mom is not sending her men?", Sarah asked.

JoAnna confirmed. "I told her not today. Her men will be here for the fifteenth from early morning. I thought this will be more comfortable for you since mom would come with them as well, and then you would need to work with her related to security. Like this, she is coming only at five o'clock."

Sarah was pleased with this. She does not want to be forced to interact with Stella. And if Stella changes her mind, she knows where to find her daughters.

JoAnna showed them on the resort map which areas will be used for the events related to the wedding, and the hall for the rehearsal dinner.

"Tonight, everything will be in this hall. Entrance which connects to the hotel building will be guarded by resort security, so that is safe. But I hope you can secure these two side entries which are accessible from the outside directly. And we will prefer that no one can take photos."

Sarah and Aiden explained that they will be placing additional cameras and confirmed that for tonight fifteen drones will be watching the area, each capable of paralyzing people within seconds.

"Tonight's rehearsal dinner starts at five. Will that be ready?", JoAnna asked.

Sarah and Aiden exchanged glances before confirming. They will have lunch at the restaurant downstairs and then get busy with securing the area.

When they finished talking about the security, JoAnna mentioned few more things…

"I assume that you will be more comfortable having your space than to stay up in one of my guest bedrooms." JoAnna gave to Sarah and Aiden card keys for a suite in the resort. "You have this room for a week. If you stay longer, you will need to pay for it."

Sarah and Aiden were happy with this arrangement.

"One more thing…", JoAnna stopped them as they were about to leave. "Besides regular staff, only resort security is onsite, and they don't necessarily know you. Put these on, so that no one disturbs you." She handed two light brown vests and explained that with them on, people will assume they are part of the resort security and they will not ask questions or stop them from going to any area. "Just verify at the reception downstairs that the venue hall for tonight is not locked up, and you are good to go."

Sarah checked the vest and observed that there is a resort logo on left chest pocket and on the back, with text 'SECURITY' above it.

"Any hats? I noticed your security has dandy baseball hats…", Sarah half-teased and was surprised when JoAnna tossed two hats her way.

"Happy?", JoAnna stifled a laugh when she saw Sarah's silly content expression. Everyone likes free stuff.

Sarah bobbed her head enthusiastically while observing light brown hat with resort logo and text 'SECURITY' on it.

She put the hat on her head before linking arms with Aiden and heading out of JoAnna's office.

Sarah and Aiden had lunch at the restaurant in the resort with a map in front of them. They were working out their plan where cameras will be placed, and also general areas for each drone.

"You know, in many cultures is not polite to eat with a hat on your head… no matter how handsome you look with one on.", Sarah told Aiden after lunch as they walked toward the main lobby.

"I'm not used to hats. If I took it off, I would forget about it and leave it behind.", Aiden explained with a smile. He likes that Sarah said that he is handsome with a hat on. He will wear it today. Definitely.

"We should make sure the venue hall is unlocked.", Sarah reminded him while gesturing toward the reception.

Aiden glanced toward reception and saw few people waiting in the line. "You do that while I get our things from the car." He gave her a quick kiss and walked out to get the equipment they plan to set up for Eve.

Sarah understood that he wants to save time by splitting up work.

She turned to the reception and observed that the next in line is a young woman with a long brown hair cascading down her back whose whole style screamed: I HAVE MONEY! The woman was impatiently rapping her fingers on the reception counter.

"What do you mean: you can't give me details about the rehearsal dinner? I am invited to this wedding!" Woman removed her oversized Gucci sunglasses in slow motion and looked at the receptionist arrogantly.

Receptionist was exasperated, but still managed to smile. "I'm sorry, miss…?"

"Turner, Madison Turner.", young woman snapped.

"Miss Turner, you are not on the guest list for the rehearsal dinner." Receptionist repeated for the fifth time: "You are on the guest list for the wedding which is in two days, and you will find detailed program for that event in your suite. Now, if you don't have any other questions, please make way for others."

"How dare you talk to me like that!", Madison almost screamed. "Do you know who I am?"

Sarah looked at the full-of-herself young woman who was starting to cause a scene, and then glanced at herself. She realized that her current outfit makes her look like part of the resort security. She got an idea…

"Do we have any problems here?" Sarah approached the reception counter.

Madison glared at Sarah for a second, and Sarah was sure that the woman will snap at her.

Surprisingly, woman harrumphed, put her oversized Gucci sunglasses back on, turned around and stomped away in her high heels.

Madison was fuming and cursing internally: 'I came here all the way from Austin early because I found out that there is a wedding-related event tonight! These measly resort employees will NOT prevent me from seeing Aiden today! I will find a way to figure out when and where the rehearsal dinner is… considering that Jeffrey is the groom, Aiden as his brother will be attending!'

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