Chapter 174 Cousin Song Kuan

After Princess Qi calmed down, she took Suisui's hand and corrected Zhou's statement: "Suisui, this is my aunt."

How can you just say "aunt" when you open your mouth?

 This is obviously my aunt.

 Sui Sui's face turned pale when he heard the word "auntie".

She subconsciously shrank back, wanting to be buried in Princess Qi's skirt.

 Seeing such age, Mr. Zhou was shocked.

She was about to say that she didn't react at the moment, so she said "aunt", which didn't mean she didn't recognize Sui Sui.

 Seeing Suisui's reaction, Zhou was also at a loss.

What's going on here?

She looked at Princess Qi at a loss, and then looked at her again and saw that she was wearing a little hat, with a puzzled look on her face.

Princess Qi also reacted belatedly...

 Auntie is not a good word here at Suisui.

 In other words, people in the past were so bad that such a title was used to lead them to bad things.

Thinking of this, Princess Qi cursed a few more times in her mind, and then she let down her murderous desire.

She gently touched Suisui's hand and said with a smile: "This child had a hard life in the past."

 Ms. Zhou has already noticed this. The child is so skinny that his life in the past was not easy.

  Mr. Zhou guessed that there must be something going on here, so she didn't say much, and just looked at Suisui uneasily.

Princess Qi calmed the little girl's emotions and explained gently: "Sui Sui, this aunt is different from the previous aunt. This aunt is very gentle, and she can also draw beautiful flowers for Sui Sui."

 Zhou's painting skills are good, and he often paints small flowers and grass to entertain the children in the house, which makes them happy.

Feng Xuanrui still has several cards in his hand.

As soon as she heard this, Mrs. Zhou roughly understood something. She smiled and softened her voice: "Every year, the new aunt is a new aunt. She is not the same as the previous one."

 Sui Sui also knows that these are two people.

 Furthermore, she did not feel any malice from Zhou.

 However, the past abuses and beatings against her aunt were already engraved in her bones.

Now even the mention of the corresponding title would fill her with fear and make her dodge.

After listening to the explanations of the mother-in-law and the new aunt-in-law, Sui Sui slowly got out of Princess Qi's skirt. She didn't dare to look up, moved her feet uneasily, walked out cautiously, and stood tremblingly. good.

 She wanted to be a polite child.

 Even though she was scared to death.

 Watching such a child, Princess Qi felt distressed. Mrs. Zhou herself had children, so naturally she felt distressed too.

Zhou thought about it for a while, then a flash of inspiration came to her mind, and she said with a smile: "Sui Sui, I am the second aunt, am I different from my aunt?"

 As soon as these words came out, Suisui was stunned.

She raised her head in confusion and found that her second aunt smiled softly and lovingly.

 She is indeed different from the old days when she would only hit herself or scold her aunt with a ferocious look.

 I think about it every year, my second aunt is a good person.


 Seems less scared. Thinking of this, Sui Sui slowly looked away and said in a muffled voice with a slight tremor, "Hello, second aunt, I am Sui Sui."

 Looking at the little girl still looking scared, Mr. Zhou couldn't help but want to scold the people in the past.

 So, what kind of thing was my former aunt?

 What unscrupulous thing did you do to scare a child like this?

How scared are you now just hearing these two words?


 This is a child, what does she know?

 As for what?

Zhou thought that if the situation wasn't right, she would even want to roll up her sleeves and find someone to fight.

However, not wanting to scare the child any more, Zhou suppressed her temper and spoke to Sui Sui in a gentle voice.

Mr. Zhou's attitude was gentle, Song Kuan asked curious questions from time to time, and Princess Qi also kept calming Sui Sui's emotions.

There is no malice around me, but gentleness. Slowly, I am no longer afraid, and I even dare to raise my head and look at my second aunt and my new cousin openly.

 Yes, Sui Sui has not only gained a second aunt, but also a new cousin.

Song Kuan, eight years old, is Feng Xuanrui’s younger cousin and Suisui’s cousin.

The other party is not old, but he is not as naughty as Feng Xuanrui. He is a gentle young man as gentle as jade. When talking to Sui Sui, he is also willing to take care of Sui Sui, bending down slightly and looking into Sui Sui's eyes as much as possible.

 Zhou and Song Kuan both took good care of Suisi's emotions, and gradually she was no longer afraid.

Since there was no place to talk outside, the two adults quickly took the children back to Princess Qi's residence.

Seeing that Sui Sui and Song Kuan had become familiar with each other, Princess Qi gave the child to him with confidence and asked her nephew to play with the child.

  Although Song Kuan is young, he is very stable. Princess Qi is relieved for the time being when she leaves the child to him and does not go far.

 Song Kuan never had a younger sister.

 There are two cousins ​​in the house, but they are young now and don’t often play with them.

Nowadays, it is rare to have a little cutie who follows him obediently, listens to his words, and sometimes looks at him with admiration. Song Kuan is a little embarrassed and a little proud.

He couldn't help but show off, stacking things for Sui Sui and then taking Sui Sui to catch grasshoppers...

However, his mother told him that he would only play in the nearby area, so it was not easy for Song Kuan to take Sui Sui too far.

Even so, the two children still had a lot of fun.

 Watching the two children becoming familiar with each other and playing well, Princess Qi gradually felt relieved.

Seeing that her expression softened, Mrs. Zhou smiled and asked, "What's going on with this child? You sent a message to the government, saying that you wanted to raise a child, but you didn't explain the situation clearly. Both the father and mother were worried. I'm also afraid that when Xiaoliu comes back, you will be too busy to get away, and no one will bother you. "

At this point, Mrs. Zhou sighed softly: "No, as soon as I heard that you came to the temple, my mother sent me over to have a look."

This is not meant to blame. Zhou is not yet thirty, and he has always been quick to act and speak. He has no ill intentions toward his family.

 Princess Qi naturally wanted to make it clear to her natal family about the matter of Sui Sui.

However, it was inconvenient to send the message. After thinking about it, she said: "Stay one more night today. Tomorrow I will take Sui Sui down the mountain. I will go back home to see my father and mother first. Then we can talk about Sui Sui's affairs."

 There are many people out there with mixed eyes, and it’s easy for people to have ears through walls.

Even if Princess Qi talks about it, she can’t feel at ease.

Mrs. Zhou understood what she meant, nodded slightly, thought for a moment and then asked: "I heard that Xiaoliu broke his leg when he went south. How good is it now? You brought news to the house, only reporting good news but not bad news. Mother listened. I was so anxious. I thought about going over to the palace the day before yesterday, but when I heard that you had entered the palace, I decided to stop thinking about it. "

I wanted to come yesterday, but I heard that my daughter went to Lanruo Temple with her new child.

Mrs. Song was running around in circles around the house in a hurry, unable to keep up with her daughter.

  Second update at 19:00

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