Chapter 175 Mrs. He goes down the mountain

After Feng Xuanrui returned to Beijing, Princess Qi didn't think about going back to her natal family.

It's just that the prince is not in the palace, and as a princess, she has no problem going out on a daily basis. If she returns to her parents' home, she doesn't know if she will attract some criticism.

 In addition, the palace did not know when news would arrive, so Princess Qi never replied.

Now when she heard her sister-in-law talking about it, she smiled helplessly: "Let's go back together tomorrow and take a look."

 Zhou knew as soon as he heard it that it was probably not easy to talk about Suisui in front of everyone.

Zhou didn't ask too many questions. He smiled and asked about Feng Xuanrui's situation, and then asked about Feng Xuanze.

After the family talk, Mrs. Zhou played with the children for a while.

 After she married into the Song Dynasty, she gave birth to two sons. Now looking at such a cute little girl like Sui Sui, she can't help but feel fond of her.

 As for the matter of Prince Qi going to another courtyard to give birth to a child, Mrs. Zhou was very discerning and didn't say a word about it.

The two of them talked for a while and then saw Aunt Qiu coming in and saying that it was Mrs. He who came to say goodbye.

 In fact, not only did they say goodbye, the other party also prepared a gift, saying that they should express their gratitude to Suisui no matter what.

Although Princess Qi felt uncertain, she still welcomed the person in with a smile.

Mrs. He is in a hurry to go down the mountain. She doesn't care about the issue of sincerity now. She will go down the mountain first to find life-saving medicine!

 It’s just that before leaving, some thanks and farewell are definitely needed.

She didn't bring much with her when she went up the mountain, so she sent someone to go back quickly to get it.

 There is a box full of jewelry and two pieces of brightly colored cloth, all of which are of the finest quality.

If Suisui hadn't given him some life-saving tips, Mrs. He wouldn't have been willing to give it away!

Mrs. He sincerely expressed her gratitude, but Princess Qi was a little embarrassed.

 It's just that these are all achievements over the years, so naturally she won't stand up and say: No need, the child is still young and childish words are unscrupulous.

 So, she held Sui Sui's hand, explained the situation carefully, and then let Sui Sui decide.

Suisui did not refuse the gift.

Lele said that if she accepted it, the He family would feel at ease and Sister Shu Ran would be happy.

Furthermore, Suisui also liked so many beautiful things, so she accepted them after thinking about them.

He Shuran naturally came over too.

 At this time, holding Suisui's hand, he refused to leave no matter what.

She rarely made a friend, but before she liked him enough, she had to go back home.

 Reluctant to give up, sad for sure.

Mrs. He watched from the side, not wanting her daughter to be sad, and said with a smile: "When we are healthy, we can go find something to play in Suisui."

Although there are some differences in family status between the two houses, if we have a good relationship, we can still play together by sending a post.

He Shuran felt a little better after hearing this. She reluctantly held Suisui's hand and whispered, "Suisui, I'll go find you to play when I get back. Just wait for my sister."

Sui Sui stood opposite her, letting her sister hold her hand, and nodded solemnly: "I'm waiting for you, sister. My mother-in-law said that Zhuangzi is a lot of fun in the summer. Let's go pick apricots to eat together!" "

Apricots are sour and sweet, and He Shuran likes to eat them.

 Unfortunately, due to her health, she is very taboo, and even if she likes it, she doesn’t dare to eat more.

Now when Suisui mentioned it, his saliva secreted unconsciously, and his head was already one step ahead of his own thoughts and he nodded: "Okay!"

 The two children made an appointment and said goodbye. Princess Qi took Mrs. Zhou to see Mrs. He off for a while. After watching the person walk away, she turned and returned to the house.

Zhou had a good impression of Mrs. He, and she didn’t bother to ask when the relationship between Princess Qi and Mrs. He became so good.

The two of them talked for a while and talked about some interesting things. Then Zhou changed the topic to another matter: "In half a month, it will be Brother Chen's birthday. In previous years, my aunt and the others didn't have anything big to do. It means, this year is the crowning ceremony, it has a different meaning. The invitation was delivered to my house early this morning, and you will probably have received it as well. By then..."

 Zhou didn't say the rest of the words, she just pointed her chin in the direction of Suisui. The meaning was very clear, whether she wanted to take Suisui there.

 Brother Chen, whose full name is Lu Yinchen, is the eldest grandson of the Song family's aunt. He was born on the second day of May.

 Princess Qi has not thought about this issue yet.

Now that Mrs. Zhou asked, Princess Qi frowned slightly.

Aunt Song was married to Lord Fu Guogong, Mr. Lu, who was also the Minister of the Ministry of War. Because of this marriage relationship and Song's father's good ability, Fu Guogong had been promoting Song's father intentionally or unintentionally over the years.

 Song's father is now the Minister of War. If nothing unexpected happens, he will most likely take over from the old Duke and become the next Minister.

However, the situation in the capital was ever-changing, and the struggle for royal rights was also involved.

 Some things, sometimes, may not go as smoothly as imagined.

 It is still too early to say anything about the future.

Princess Qi couldn’t even imagine that she was that far away.

 The Lu family is a simple and kind family. After hearing this, Princess Qi was already thinking about the possibility of taking Suisui with her.

It’s just that Suisui hasn’t taken a name yet, and he doesn’t have a formal identity.

Princess Qi said that after raising her, she would be considered a member of the royal family. This statement has not yet been approved by the prince.

Even if you get the prince's approval and don't hold a small banquet to publicly acknowledge your identity, you will still be criticized in private.

 There are many things that cause trouble.

Princess Qi is not afraid of trouble, but she is mainly afraid of being wronged every year.

But if you don’t take her with you, all the children in the family will go to celebrate their birthdays, leaving the children alone in the family home. Just thinking about it makes Princess Qi feel sad.

 This issue really needs to be thought about.

Seeing Princess Qi's hesitation, Mrs. Zhou thought for a while and whispered: "You know that I am outspoken. If what I say doesn't sound right, don't mind. I think it's better not to take her with you at this stage. After the status banquet was held and the royal family recognized her status, we took the children out to see the world. Now that we have status and confidence, those people who rush to the top and look down on the bottom will not dare to look down on Sui Sui. ”

  What Zhou said, although it was not pleasant to the ears, was still true.

After hearing this, Princess Qi nodded: "I'll think about it again, I'll think about it again."

Zhou didn’t try to persuade her too much. She must have said everything she needed to say, and she didn’t hide any thoughts about her family.

 In fact, Mrs. Zhou can also understand Princess Qi’s tangled psychology.

Such a cute and well-behaved daughter, who wouldn’t want to take her out and show her off.

 However, he does not have an upright identity. Many people recognize him publicly, but he has a different face in private.

 In this world, there are many people with two or even three faces. If because of this, it casts a shadow over the years, it will be more than worth the gain.

When the two fell into silence, Aunt Qiu walked in silently again.

As soon as she saw her coming in, Princess Qi quickly put aside her thoughts and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

  Second update

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