Chapter 230 Mung Bean Cake

 Because it rained, the afternoon class was not long.

At the beginning of the Shen period, the young masters dismissed their classes.

Master Shen packed up his teaching aids slowly, thinking that it was raining lightly today and if the road was not easy, he would stay in the palace.

 If the road is easy, go back and buy a delicious roast chicken on the way.

A new small store opened in Beijing. The store is not big and the reputation is not great.

 However, Mr. Shen had tasted the roast chicken from that restaurant before and thought it tasted good.

If he could go back home today, he would buy one...

 Okay, buy two.

There are many people in the family, and the children are greedy.

 It’s just that chicken is warm in nature and can easily lead to internal heat if eaten too much. Roast chicken is even more likely to lead to internal heat. His wife is not willing to let the children eat more.

 So, he can’t buy too much and has to control it.

 It is not easy for him as a grandfather.

 Master Shen hummed a leisurely tune and slowly packed his things.

The princes in the palace could not wait any longer and asked their entourage to pack their things while they happily rushed to the main courtyard.

 Among them, Feng Xuanrui rushed the fastest.

In order to avoid the rain, he had to go around the corridors in the house. The roads in the corridors were not easy to walk. It was slippery in rainy days, and he could easily slip if he was not careful.

 So, he controlled his speed but not his volume: "Sister, I'm coming!"

Feng Xuanbin couldn’t run with his short legs. After following for a while, he gave up after finding that he couldn’t follow.

 However, someone else said in a loud voice: "Sister, Brother Seven is here too!"


As soon as these two young masters roared, the whole palace almost knew: the young masters have dismissed their studies.

Princess Qi was sitting aside at the moment, listening to Suisui telling herself about the letters she wrote to her sisters and brothers.

 Sui Sui asked his mother and concubine to help him refer to it.

 She and her two sisters are all children after all, and sometimes they may not think carefully.

 So, she still needs her mother-in-law to help her control her eyes.

 The letter was spoken by Suisui and written by Shen Huatang.

 When she writes, she tries to be as simple as possible, but she still subconsciously embellishes some words.

The result is…

Suisui listened to Sister Tangtang read it for a long time, and then there were some words that she couldn’t understand.

 The little girl looked at herself with a blank expression, wondering how Princess Qi could withstand such temptation.

 Hold her up, rub her for a while, and then hold her in her arms.

Shen Huatang also found that after she polished it a little, some words lost their original simple meaning, which made her a little embarrassed.

Princess Qi didn't mind. Anyway, letters between children don't need to be too formal or too much, as long as the children understand.

Sun Ronglin and Lian Ruoyi are both young ladies from official families and have been educated since childhood.

 So, Suisui doesn’t understand Shen Huatang’s polishing, but they definitely understand it.

 In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

Seeing that Suisi was stuck in her arms and embarrassed to come out, Princess Qi smiled and patted her.

Just after clapping his hands twice, I heard Feng Xuanrui yelling in the yard: "Sister, I'm coming!"

 The earth-shattering roar immediately startled Princess Qi.

She watched quite amusedly as a group of young men stained with water vapor rushed in, and was about to give a warning, but Feng Xuanrui reacted the fastest, quickly pulled the cloth on one side, treated herself briefly, and then stood at the door for a moment. After standing for a while, until the water vapor on his body was no longer heavy, he walked in.

 Others followed and followed suit.

 Watching them pampering their sister so much, Princess Qi's heart felt warm.

  King Qi took a medicinal bath and went to sleep.

 After all, my health is not good, I still need to take care of myself, and I may be a little autistic. Princess Qi was not in a hurry to disturb him.

 Why are you quarreling with him?

 Are you going to quarrel with yourself to **** the treasure?

 The gentlemen had been in class for an hour, and they were all tired and hungry.

 Although they did not consume much today, they also consumed mental energy.

Feng Xuanrui first touched Suisui's hair, and after touching his sister's hair, he shouted: "Concubine, I'm hungry, I'm hungry!"

When he shouted, Feng Xuanbin also shouted.

Others are older and feel embarrassed to shout.

But a few years ago, they were also one of them.

Thinking about this, I feel a bit embarrassed.

Today’s dessert is bean cake, which is steamed with mung beans and red beans mixed with seasonings.

 The steamed taste is very light, but when eaten, the texture is extremely dense.

In addition, there are candied plums and dried cherries.

The tea soup is based on warm black tea, but it is the lightest layer of brewing, leaving only a faint tea aroma. It is also supplemented by red dates, longan, osmanthus nectar, chopped peach stones and peanuts, making the whole cup The tea drinks make a tinkling sound and are very lively.

  Suisui likes to drink something like this.

 Because for eating and drinking, one cup is enough.

Of course, if you are too greedy, you can also eat two dried cherries or plums.

However, the dried cherries are fresh and she likes them very much.

 Looking at Suisui's round face after eating, Princess Qi looked at her from the side and couldn't help but arch her eyebrows.

She thought, if it rains today, maybe the cherries in Zhuangzi will be more ripe tomorrow.

 It’s just that, in view of what happened last time, she didn’t dare to say what to eat this time.

I’m really afraid of cooking them all overnight!

 Once or twice is still an auspicious sign, but if it happens too many times, she really can’t explain it!

 At this time, in the palace, the Queen Mother was also thinking about this matter.

Even Princess Qi can discover things. The Queen Mother also has the emperor's investigation data, which shows more specific information. Can she see the clues?

Furthermore, Princess Qi suddenly went to Lanruo Temple before, telling the public that she went to pray for blessings before, but now she goes to fulfill her wish.

 But the Queen Mother could not guess that it had something to do with Sui Sui.

 This child...

  It is a person with good luck.

 The Chen family in the past and the Jinyang Hou Mansion in the future did not receive the wealth and good fortune that God rewarded. It was because they did not have this blessing.

God doesn’t want to see them, which shows how much cats hate dogs!

Even though Princess Qi kept it secret, the Queen Mother could understand her worries.

Even though Prince Qi’s palace is rich and powerful, there is still an emperor above him.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother helplessly shook her head and clenched the beads in her hand.

 Her two sons...

 One is too smart and the other is too stupid.

 This makes her often doubt...

 Is it because they were not distributed properly when they were born?

 But they are not twins, they are several years apart.

How can this not be balanced?

 The Queen Mother couldn't figure it out. In the end, it came down to this: the emperor followed her, and King Qi was like the late emperor.

The emperor, who was being cared about by the Queen Mother, was listening to the Marquis Hu Guo talking about Tuan Tan.

 The corresponding data of Tuan Tan has been collected, and the Ministry of Industry has burned a lot of corresponding new samples.

 Just waiting to present it to His Majesty so that His Majesty can see the effect of this thing before making subsequent decisions.

 The Protector of the State agreed to King Qi’s request before. Now that he is entering the palace, he can’t say more than a few nice words. By the way, he can talk about the importance of Tuantan and...

 The importance of carbon mines.

  Second update at 19:00

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