Chapter 231 The emperor is not a fool

 The emperor is not a fool.

 As early as when Suisui's information was presented to the emperor, he had already discovered the problem.

 It’s just that the emperor has seen blessed children.

Moreover, the child is still being raised in his brother's house, so what is he afraid of?

 So, he didn’t pay much attention to this at first.

 Until the Protector of the State talked about Tuantan in detail.

The other party didn’t say it was a dream, he just said it was the child’s credit.

But can the emperor not see that there must be something hidden in it?

The Protector was not a shrewd person either. The emperor just said a few words and he explained everything honestly.

 After finishing speaking, he realized that he had said everything.

 But, he has such a brain, don’t blame him!

As soon as the emperor heard this, he became interested.

 This child…

 It’s a bit interesting.

 The previous dynasty emphasized literature over martial arts, so there were many literati, and there were even more corresponding articles, miscellaneous notes, and the like.

 There are countless kinds of stories written in the market, and there are countless miscellaneous stories.

There are so many theories about all kinds of strange powers and gods.

Although the founding emperor destroyed a lot when he first attacked the city.

 However, it is impossible to destroy all the imperial cities where people live.

 So, the emperor has also seen a lot.

 Although he himself believed very little about this kind of thing, he still had to have a sense of awe.

 Sui Sui this child...

 You have good luck.

The fact that he is able to enter Prince Qi's Mansion now is actually because of his fate with his younger brother.

 Think about it from another way, the relationship with your younger brother means that you have a relationship with yourself, the Feng family, and their country in Daxia.

 So, you see, God still loves him.

 Sui Sui is still a child now, and the emperor doesn't want to explore more about her.

Although the world is not at peace now, the country is quite stable, and the emperor feels that he is not a human being...

 However, one cannot be too impersonal to extract the value of a child.


That is God’s beloved child, and He can extract it at will. Is that okay?

Perhaps, God will strike back. What if he, the emperor, can't bear it?

Thinking of this, the emperor knew what was going on.

 The thoughts of the Protector of the State are not difficult to guess, and the emperor can tell at a glance who he is entrusted with.

However, he was not prepared to point it out, so as to save some face for his younger brother and the Protector.

 After all, the Protector of the Country is also his younger brother.

 A cousin is also a younger brother.

Thinking of this, the emperor pretended to ponder for a while, and then nodded: "This child has merit and deserves a reward, and this charcoal is indeed important. The mine that should be dug must still be dug, not only in Qingzhou, but also if it is discovered in other places, we will also You can try to dig it out, but there is one thing..."

 At this point, the emperor paused and looked a little more serious.

The Protector of the State was startled and asked nervously: "Your Majesty, please make it clear."

The emperor quickly said in a deep voice: "Don't go too far."

 This is a pun.

Since you are mining, don’t dig too much, don’t dig up my country!

 The other thing is to not punish the Chen family too much.

It is not okay for a scumbag to die too quickly.

There is still a fake in the capital waiting for them to torture.

If everyone is really dead, wouldn't it mean that this fake thing in the capital has been taken advantage of?

 So, life must still be saved.

The Protector's head, which has never been very bright, suddenly exerted a lot of energy at this moment, and he actually understood His Majesty's meaning: "Yes, I obey the order."  According to the news in the palace, the Protector has no news After leaving the palace, there was no news from King Qi for the time being.

Towards evening, the rain stopped and a beautiful rainbow appeared.

Suisui had seen a rainbow before, but he didn’t appreciate it much, so he had to work honestly.

Now I see it, being held by the hands of my two sisters and protected by my brothers, watching together, happily spinning around in circles.

Children gathered around the rockery, chattering, and Feng Xuanbin and Feng Xuanrui even climbed up.

 Two people, the quick one goes up and the quick one goes down.

 Happily crawling along with them every year.

 As soon as I started to move, I realized that I was wearing a new skirt. I suppressed my thoughts like this again: "I won't crawl anymore, I won't crawl anymore!"

 It is not good if your new clothes get ruined.

 She likes this outfit very much.

Feng Xuanrui never thought about forcing his sister to crawl.

If it wasn’t that climbing the mountain was too dangerous, and if it wasn’t that I wasn’t tall enough, it would actually be fine to carry my sister on my back.

  I am still too weak!

Feng Xuanrui reflected on it and decided that he would eat two bowls of rice tonight! !

It was already getting late and the rain had stopped. Master Shen and Doctor Liu were ready to go back to their homes.

Although Liu Hemeng and Shen Huatang were reluctant to part with each other, they thought they could meet again tomorrow and happily said goodbye to Suisui.

Although Suisui was a little sad, Feng Xuanrui had already run up to her with a beautiful drawing: "Sister, let's go make paper kites!"

 As soon as Suisui heard this, his attention was quickly diverted.

 The children went to play happily.

Doctor Liu and Mrs. Shen were walking together for the time being, but not long after they set off, the servants from Mrs. Shen's house ran over panting. From that look, you knew something must have happened.

Master Shen looked calm and motioned to his servant to speak directly.

 Master Shen has a good relationship with Doctor Liu, so the servants naturally know about this...

It can’t be considered a family scandal in the complete sense, so it can be said to be right?

The servant was not sure. He thought about it and finally decided to tell the truth: "There was some trouble in the Xie Mansion. The eldest young lady was injured on the head. The people around the madam were worried, so they sent someone back to Shen Langzhong's house to say something. , the old lady was not relieved when she heard the news, so she sent the young master to ask, Master, would you like to go and take a look? "

 The Xie Mansion that the servant mentioned is naturally the residence of Mr. Xie, the Minister of Punishment.

As for Mr. Shen’s house, it is Mr. Shen’s cousin, Mrs. Xie’s natal family.

 To put it simply, the eldest daughter-in-law of Xie Shangshu is the niece of Mrs. Shen.

 Master Shen has always had a good relationship with his cousin's family. Mrs. Xie, the niece, was also raised by Master Shen.

Now that I have hurt my head, I heard the news myself, so I really have to go and take a look.

It’s just that it was rude not to submit the post. After thinking about it, he said: “Go home first and wait until the post is submitted tomorrow.”

After hearing this, the servant responded honestly: "Yes, Master."

Doctor Liu said curiously on the side: "Can you tell me who went to Xie's Mansion and what caused the commotion?"

Xie Shangshu is a serious and rigid person with no human touch.

 Whether it is internally or externally, the rules and teachings have always been strict.

Logically speaking, with him under his control, nothing will usually happen in the house.

This has hurt the young lady’s head, which shows that things in the house are quite troublesome.

Doctor Liu had some guesses in his mind, so he asked.

 The servants didn’t know what to say.

 Master Shen glared at Doctor Liu: "You are the only one who likes to watch the fun."

Doctor Liu smiled nonchalantly: "Oh, I just care about my niece. Please ask more."

Master Shen almost rolled his eyes uncontrollably, and then muttered in a low voice: "It's probably related to the Jinyang Marquis Mansion."

 The servant's face turned purple. After hearing this, he almost nodded subconsciously.

 Doctor Liu understood at a glance that it was really related to the Jinyang Marquis Mansion.

If this happens…

It’s not that he can’t help his good friends and make suggestions.

  Second update

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