Chapter 237: His child, he will protect it

King Qi thought that it was impossible not to tremble.

He is just an ordinary person. How can he not be afraid of life and death?

However, with a child in his arms and two more following him, King Qi could only pretend to be calm and not want to scare them.

Although Suisui didn't understand what her father said to Aunt Ren, she felt her father's fearful mood and gently put her head to the side of his face. Her voice was soft and magical. It means comfort: "Father, don't be afraid. I will give you support every year, and you will no longer be afraid of support."

 The little daughter acted coquettishly with him, and King Qi felt his heart melting again and again.


 It feels so good to have a daughter!

King Qi was so moved that he almost shed tears. He hugged Suisui tighter and rubbed his face against Suisui: "Father, your good boy, your good boy!"

Concubine Ren looked on, feeling sad and helpless. Seeing that she was pricked by King Qi's beard every year, she frowned. Concubine Ren raised her hand to pull at King Qi in distress: "Hey, hey, please be gentle. , your beard is prickly!”

King Qi subconsciously wanted to say: Impossible, he just picked it today.

 But when he lowered his head and saw his little brows knitted together, he felt distressed again.

He let out two ouch sounds, then raised his hand and gently touched his soft little face: "Father, I didn't mean it. When I go back tonight, I will shave it carefully again."

 It seems that just trimming the beard is not enough.

  It has to be scraped.

  King Qi wanted to…

 How about…

 Just uproot it, right?

 The matter at the snack shop was quickly settled.

 Did Shaodong’s family accidentally fall from the building, or is there some conspiracy involved?

  King Qi and the others were not interested.

When the crowd dispersed, although the discussion was still there, everyone was busy with their own things.

 Then Si came back and explained the situation: "The doctor said that the situation is not bad. If he can be cared for for a while, there won't be any big problem."

Even if the head is broken, if the head is not hit in a fatal place, under normal circumstances, one can still be saved.

King Qi nodded after hearing this: "Okay, let's tidy up and buy some at another snack shop."

  King Qi was still a little scared at the moment.

 What Concubine Ren can understand, how could he not understand it?

 Coupled with all the previous things, think of them together.

 Sui Sui…

 He is a child full of blessings!

King Qi was both happy and worried.

 Afraid that others would be thinking about the blessing of his precious daughter.

King Qi thought, no one can come!

Even the emperor brother can’t do it!

Whoever dares to take advantage of his daughter's blessing, he will open his mouth and bite him to death!

 It's just that I was frightened today, and it was time to kill the sheep just now.

 So, they walked around for a while and then left the city directly.

Concubine Ren was frightened and really wasn't in the mood to go shopping anymore, so she told King Qi and went back home first.

 When she came back, she also brought news of an accident they had encountered on the street.

After hearing this, Princess Qi's face turned pale with fright. She asked worriedly: "How is Suisui? The child is not scared, right?"

 It is not surprising that Ren is the concubine. The princess does not care about the prince first, but cares about Sui Sui first.

 She explained the situation carefully to reassure the princess.

After hearing this, Princess Qi nodded gently, and then signaled Aunt Qiu to tell Doctor Liu to prepare some soothing soup for the prince and others to drink when they return to the house to calm their mind.

 At the same time, I also need to tell Doctor Liu and Master Shen what happened on the street today.

  After all, the children of both families are among them, so if they get scared when they go home, it would be nice to have someone to comfort them.

 And if something like this happens, they really have to tell others. Princess Qi is doing comfort work in the palace.

 On the other side, King Qi and Suisui have successfully reached Zhuangzi.

At this time, they were picking sheep in the backyard.

Zhuangzi's steward was leading the way with a smile: "I said, I have something to do today. Our sheep gave birth to seven lambs early in the morning. Now they are all fed milk. They look very strong. The chickens have hatched a baby. The chicks in the nest are all still alive now, each one is yellow, they look so good and fresh, and..."

 The steward was very happy when he saw so many happy events in Zhuangzi early in the morning.

 When I saw the prince coming, I was even more happy to share these things.

 In the past, King Qi might have exclaimed: Is there such a surprise?

 But now…

 King Qi could not help but have metaphysical thoughts.

  Could it be goats, chickens or something like that? Knowing that he is coming with the cute Suisui, we produce more so that we can raise Suisui in the future?

They are all good and sensible animals!

King Qi thought happily.

Since it was decided to kill the sheep at noon, King Qi went to pick it with Suisui in his arms.

King Qi did not ignore the other two children. He looked back from time to time for fear of leaving them behind.

 Since I left home every year, my feet have barely touched the ground.

  King Qi was not willing to put the person down at all.

 When picking sheep, he stood outside the fence holding Suisui in his arms.

 Sui Sui thinks any sheep is good.

King Qi taught her on the side: "We have to choose the tender ones to eat. That kind of mutton is tender, not the old one. It's good to make soup, but it takes a long time. Let's eat roasted mutton with green onions for lunch. The meat should be tender."

“Look at that one over there. It has a good coat color. It will be polished by then and will be used as a wool mat for Suisui.”

“That one over there has a nice fur color too. It’s been cleaned and it’ll make a good wool pad.”

“That one’s not bad, with a little bit of black hair, it’s a bit of decoration, right?”


 His eyes can no longer see clearly.

Liu Hemeng was also happily hugging the wood of the fence and staring at the sheep.

Especially the new-born lambs, they look so tender and delicious.

Shen Huatang is relatively quiet, but he is still a child, and he is more curious and concerned about these living creatures than an adult.

 So, even my smart eyes couldn’t control it. I looked at this one for a while and thought it was good.

Looking at that one for a while, I thought it was pretty good.

Shen Huatang even became worried in his heart: How long will it take to eat so many sheep?

Eating too much mutton will cause internal heat, so you can’t eat it every day?

Liu Hemeng didn’t think about eating. After hearing what King Qi said, she just thought...

Wow, it's just a thick wool pad.

That hair is not good, it is a bit bald, and it may be a bit thin when used as a cushion.

That one is good, it is mottled, but the embellishment is very good.

 Hey, there’s that one, it’s pretty good too!


 It’s a bit hard to choose!

 The two older children found it difficult, let alone Suisui?

Suisui followed the direction of her father's finger and looked at one after another. She felt that every one of them was good, and they all looked like wool pads that she had made and cleaned.

  Sui Sui is in a dilemma, and he starts to fight against his opponents.

How could King Qi be so embarrassed about his treasure?

 So, he waved his hand and said, "Kill the ones you picked just now, kill them all!"

After finishing speaking, not forgetting what happened in the Tang Mansion, King Qi quickly followed: "Didn't the young master of the Tang Mansion break his leg and not heal it? Send two legs of mutton to replenish him. "

  Second update

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