Chapter 238 I have no quality

King Qi still remembered what Princess Qi told him before, that the Tang Dynasty was interested in their eldest son, and at the same time looked down on Suisui, and also bullied Suisui.

The princess acted decently, but she was dissatisfied at the time, but she couldn't really send the leg of lamb over.

King Qi said: I have no quality, so I will give it away, just give it away!

Dare to bully my daughter?

He has done a lot of things without hesitation, and this is not the least of them.

 If you have the ability, let the Tang family come to your door!

After listening to the prince's instructions, Sui Si hesitated to speak, hesitated to speak, and finally thought about it, sighed softly, and thought: Forget it.

 The prince is also doing this for the little princess.

How pitiful the little princess is.

 So, it’s all the Tang’s fault. There’s nothing wrong with giving him a leg of lamb!

Suisi quickly went to make arrangements.

 Sui Sui didn't know about the grievances between adults. She couldn't even remember the time when a bad brother made faces at her and scared her.

Suisui is watching the slaughter of sheep.

The steward called a few long-term workers over, and everyone quickly caught all the sheep that the prince had ordered.

You have to watch every year, but King Qi doesn't want the children to face the blood.

 So, I coaxed and hugged him and avoided the **** scene at the beginning. In the end, I couldn't persuade him anymore, so I could only accompany Suisui to watch the butcher process the sheep.

The other party's knife skills are good, after all, he is a professional at this.

 So, the whole process is very beautiful.

 Shen Huatang didn't dare to look at it at first and always looked away.

 Liu Hemeng is okay, he is younger and less afraid.

 So, I am more curious.

 The two little girls followed Sui Sui, fascinated as they watched.

 “Is that a lamb chop?”

“Let’s see, right? One by one, they must be ribs... suck.”

"It tastes delicious when cooked. Is that a leg of lamb? The meat looks tender. It's worthy of being a lamb."

“I think sheep tripe is still delicious, but which one is the sheep tripe?”


Shen Huatang didn't dare to look at it at first, but was so tempted by Liu Hemeng's words that he couldn't help but turn his head.

 She was first attracted by the butcher's knife skills, and then she observed the meat on the sheep.

When she was at home, she often drank sheep tripe soup. The doctor said it was warming and tonic, so she drank some of it habitually.

Now that he saw the slaughtered sheep, Shen Huatang was very curious. Where was the sheep's tripe?

As the butcher was cleaning it up, he cheerfully responded to the little girl's question: "It hasn't been cleaned up yet. There are still things in it and it's very pickled. Girls, just wait and eat. Don't look at it too much."

 Watching too much may affect your appetite.

Although Shen Huatang didn't understand, she was better at being obedient. She kept her mouth shut and didn't ask any more questions.

 But Liu Hemeng couldn't stand it and had many questions: "Whether the front legs are tender or the hind legs are tender, it doesn't matter to me whether the meat is tender."

Suisui doesn't know this question, but she has a small nose and can't help but cover her nose: "It doesn't smell very good!"

 The mutton is done and it’s really delicious.

 However, the smell is really not very good!

 Seeing Suisui frowning and covering her mouth, King Qi couldn't control himself.

 Originally, I wanted to let the three children play, but he watched from the side.

 But, seeing how well-behaved the baby is, who can resist holding it?

So, King Qi unknowingly hugged the child again.

 He also raised his hand to help Suisui fan himself: "Father, if you fan me, you won't feel sick anymore."

 I can’t tell whether I am old or not. It still smells bad, but it doesn’t smell very good anyway.

  King Qi was worried about how to comfort his children.

 Want a sachet?

 He has really had a psychological shadow on the sachet recently.

Anyone who says two more words is a little stressed.

 So, King Qi really didn’t want to use the sachet.

 However, if Suisui just doesn't like the taste, it's not like he can't force himself. Be good for his baby!

However, before King Qi could wrong him, Sui Sui's interest had shifted from killing the sheep to the new chicks.

 The tender yellow chick looks so cute!

 As Sui Sui moves, Shen Huatang and the others also move.

 Compared to the **** slaughter of sheep, the time here in Little Chicken is really peaceful.

 Most of the newly laid chicks are bright yellow, and of course there are some mottled ones with colors such as dust.

 But because today’s chicks are covered with downy hair, even if they are dark-colored, they still look very soft and cute.

 Sui Sui is watching from the side, and I really can’t help but want to get started!

Liu Hemeng watched on the side and advised in a low voice: "This is not easy to touch. They are just born. If you touch them too much, they will disappear. Then we will lose a chicken and many, many eggs. Unfortunately, only one hen is gone, and we will also lose many, many chicks.”

When Suisui heard this, he realized that this made sense and nodded quickly: "Then I won't touch it."

King Qi felt that these chickens were good enough. He waved his hand and said, "It's okay. If you touch it, just let the hen lay down again."


 This is really not treating a chicken as a chicken!

 Sui Sui didn’t even touch the chicken in the end.

However, in order to comfort the children, King Qi promised to take a few back to his home to look after them.

 Several children looked at the sheep and then the chickens.

 After that, we went to see a donkey grinding for a while, and then went to have lunch.

 Lunch is considered a whole sheep feast.

Roasted lamb with green onions, tender roasted lamb legs, charcoal roasted lamb chops, lamb tripe soup…

To relieve fatigue, I also paired it with some green vegetables.

 Eating every year was satisfying, and in the end, my little head couldn’t help but light up.

 After dinner, the three children played for a while and then felt sleepy.

 Look, King Qi, he finally has a chance to coax the child by himself!

 So, let him come!

King Qi coaxed Suisui in a strange way.

 Fortunately, Suisui is well-behaved and is really sleepy.

 So, I fell asleep after a while.

 The other two children stayed with Suisui, and they both fell asleep obediently.

King Qi looked at Suisui's lovely sleeping face and felt that he couldn't see enough.

 So, this child should be his!

 God is so careless. He was obviously his child, but he was reincarnated into another family.

He still has to work hard to get the child back.

 God is not interested in him enough!

King Qi stayed there for a while, fearing that he would disturb Suisui and the others, so he quietly left.

 Aunt Xiang and the others stayed in the house to watch in case something unexpected happened.

 When the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, Zhuangzi is close to the farmland, and snakes and rats may pop up.

 If you don’t watch, what should you do if you get bitten?

 Let alone whether it is poisonous or not, even a small wound on Sui Sui's body would make King Qi feel distressed for a long time.

King Qi not only asked Aunt Xiang to watch, but also asked the person in charge to lead people to sprinkle the nearby herbs and remove all the unnecessary weeds.

“And what’s that pile over there? If it’s of no use, just clear it out.”

“You should clean up the grocery room more diligently, and don’t cheat. We don’t know what you saved.”


 After sleeping every year, King Qi is energetic.

 He commanded the people below to do a thorough cleaning for Zhuangzi.

  Second update at 19:00

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