Chapter 261: Stealing my sister

 Sui Sui followed his mother and concubine obediently to the clean room.

 After coming back, I simply washed up and put on my little hat, and then went to say hello to the imperial grandmother.

It is already afternoon now. If it is later, King Qi and his family should stay in the palace to have dinner.

If you plan to return home in the evening, you still have to set off early to avoid bumping into each other due to difficult walking at night.

 So, Princess Qi took Sui Sui to greet the Queen Mother, talked for a while, and then returned home with her people and a corresponding reward.

  King Qi has almost finished chatting with the emperor.

 When the family of three came, it was just a carriage.

When I returned, another car followed behind me, which contained rewards from the Queen Mother and Her Majesty, as well as gifts from various palaces.

There are a lot of things, and there are some that King Qi shamelessly begged for.

 The family of three returned home happily.

Since I slept for an hour, I was in good spirits. I played bamboo leaves and dragonflies with my father in the car.

 The carriage was not very spacious, so the father and daughter could not have much fun.

 But the happiness of children is the most important.

  Even if I was sitting there, just rubbing bamboo leaves and dragonflies with my hands, I would find it very interesting.

 The carriage swayed and quickly returned to the house.

 After returning home, King Qi took Suisui to play.

Princess Qi needs to sort out the rewards in the palace and put the corresponding items into storage.

These are Sui Sui. Princess Qi has no intention of directly entering the treasury, and the prince also agrees to this arrangement.

Of course, the reward given to Concubine Ren by the Queen Mother must be delivered to her alone.

However, thinking about Concubine Ren receiving the reward, she probably would not be in a good mood, and Princess Qi felt a little helpless.

 However, after all the things were rewarded, the Queen Mother sent people to follow her in a high-profile manner.

It would be a bad idea not to give it away now. If the Queen Mother knows about it later, Princess Qi will not be able to explain clearly.

 In the end, Princess Qi sent Aunt Qiu to handle this matter.

Today the gentlemen did not go to Zhuangzi to practice riding and archery.

 So, after King Qi and his companions came back, all the princes heard the news and knew about it.

 Then they couldn't sit still.

 Sister is back!

Ah, who can sit here?

Furthermore, they had discussed before that the modification of the small wooden horse was almost in progress. Feng Xuancang and Feng Xuanjie had already completed many detailed parts and the like, leaving only the final assembly.

Thinking that they would be able to assemble it tonight, they were all so excited that they couldn't sit still.

 At this time, Suisui was fishing for ornamental fish with his father.

This kind of fish is not delicious, but it is fun.

So, King Qi picked them up with a net and put them back, in order to get Suisui to applaud and praise: "Father, you are so awesome!"

 “Wow, my father is awesome!”


 King Qi was lost in the sound of "Father" one after another, and he almost couldn't control himself!

 The ornamental fish in the pond have been caught again and again.

 It’s a pity that they have no mouths, otherwise they would probably have to thank King Qi for being their living father.

 If you don’t kill, you just play.

 The life of a fish is also a life!

 It’s a pity that no one cares.

  King Qi was very happy to play, but he didn't understand it. He just thought that his father was doing this too well.

 So, she kept clapping, and then she entered a vicious circle.

 At this time, Concubine Ren had just sent Aunt Qiu away with a smile.

 Looking at Aunt Qiu walking away, Concubine Ren's expression changed.

Her expression changed complicatedly for a while, and then she whispered to Aunt Sun behind her in confusion: "No, what does the Queen Mother mean by this? What does she want to do? Have I not been honest recently? Is she trying to beat her? It must be It’s knocking!”

 “Oh, it’s so annoying!”

“What do their previous generation’s affairs have to do with me?”

   “I’m still aggrieved!”    …

 Concubine Ren could not control her thoughts.

 Aunt Sun actually doesn’t understand it very well.

She thought about it again and again, and after a long time, she said uncertainly: "...Maybe it really is a reward? You defended the little princess. This is true. The queen mother must have heard about it."

Even if the Queen Mother didn't inquire, Princess Qi would definitely have a nice word for her master.

Hearing what Aunt Sun said, Concubine Ren couldn't believe it. She thought about it and asked softly: "Is it really a reward? Isn't it a beating?"

After asking, he let out a long sigh: "It's so annoying. Isn't it good that she ignores me? Why does she think about me when she has nothing to do? It's so uncomfortable!"

Aunt Sun didn't know how to appease her master, so she could only say something to make her feel at ease.

 Concubine Ren didn’t even have a good meal at night because of the sudden reward from the Queen Mother.

Suisui and his father fished for a while. Seeing that the fish were all wilted, King Qi let them go for the time being.

It happened that dinner time was coming soon, and King Qi quickly went back with Suisui in his arms, washed his hands, and had a meal.

 Feng Xuanrui and the others couldn't wait any longer.

 After school, all the hula-la crowds came over.

King Qi was so strong that he could hardly stand due to the squeeze.

In the end, Suisui was ruthlessly snatched away by his brothers. Feng Xuanrui and the others took Suisui directly and assembled the small wooden horse with the parts prepared.

The small wooden horse assembled this time is different from the previous one.

this time…

 It has wheels and can run.

 It’s effortless to push back and forth.

Other than the slightly weird shape, everything else is actually pretty good.

Brothers work together and the speed is extremely fast.

Although Suisui didn't understand, she looked at the scattered parts, assembled by her brothers' skillful hands, and quickly turned into the little wooden horse she had seen before. The little girl exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, Brother is awesome!”

 “The third brother is the most powerful!”

 “Fourth brother is so awesome too!”


 The child is still young, but his ability to carry water is already very good.

 I praised my elder brother every year, and from the third brother to the seventh brother, no one fell behind, and he was praised again and again.

 The brothers were so praised that they were dizzy, and Feng Xuanrui hugged Suisui happily.

During his return to Beijing, Feng Xuanrui ate well and slept soundly, so he gained a lot of weight.

 And because I haven’t neglected my daily exercise, I am in good physical condition.

 Although he can only hold Suisui upright now, after all, his height is there.

However, compared with the previous effort, it is now very easy.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that I can carry people away quickly.

  King Qi was pushed aside and there was no space left to occupy.

He even wanted to step forward to help his sons assemble the wooden horse, but he didn't push through.

Feng Xuanbo came over even more schemingly. Father is long, father is short. Father, you are the best. Father, look what is over there. Father, father...

King Qi was made dizzy by Xiao Wu’s chanting-like words.

 Finally I couldn't bear it anymore, so I found a place to sit down and watched the children making trouble with a smile.

King Qi thought that he was a mature adult and could not compete with the children.

Furthermore, he spent a day with Sui Sui, and now he just gave in to his sons a little bit...

 Just give in reluctantly.

King Qi gritted his teeth and thought.

  Second update

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