Chapter 262 Cute Little Trojan Horse

 Children are still very efficient.

Before dinner, they not only assembled the small wooden horse, but also pushed Sui Sui around several times.

The flexible wheels and the stable wooden horse give people a refreshing and caring feeling.

Moreover, Feng Xuancang made a simple safety belt out of deerskin for the sake of safety.

Of course, they don’t have the concept of seat belts nowadays, but Feng Xuancang feels that her sister is still young, and it would be dangerous to fall if she cannot sit firmly when sitting alone on a small wooden horse.

 So, he drilled three holes on the wooden horse, and then put two deer hides on it.

 After sitting down on the wooden horse, if you are afraid of falling, you can tie this around your body.

 Deerskin is soft and long enough.

Although it is not completely safe even if it is strangled, at least if there is an accidental fall, there will be a buffer.

Suisui exclaimed in surprise at Feng Xuancang's attentiveness: "Third brother, you are so amazing!"

Suisui had a deerskin bag, which she carried on her back when she went to primary school.

 Looking at this deerskin safety belt now, Suisui is really surprised.

 At the same time, I was also touched that the third brother was still attentive to his love.

 After the little girl finished boasting, her eyes were red.

 When Suisui's eyes turn red, the young masters begin to feel distressed.

Feng Xuanrui looked for the handkerchief in a panic, fearing that his sister would cry.

Feng Xuancang coaxed the child softly, not wanting the child to be too sad.

 Fortunately, Suisui didn't cry in the end. He obediently followed his brothers' actions, picked up the wooden horse, and spun it around twice more.

Feng Xuanrui thought it was fun and wanted to go up.

 He is young, and Feng Xuancang and the others are very accommodating to him.

So, after Feng Xuanrui went up, Feng Xuanbin also squeezed in.

However, it was still too tiring to drag three children at once, so Feng Xuancang took Feng Xuanrui down smoothly.

Although Feng Xuanrui was dissatisfied, he also knew that there were too many people and the third brother could not pull them.

 Finally, he jumped down and started pushing behind him.

There is a guardrail behind the small wooden horse. If you feel tired, you can lean on it, but because it is made of wood, it is a bit hard.

 However, it was convenient for Feng Xuanrui to push it.

However, feeling the touch in his hands, Feng Xuanrui was not satisfied: "Go back and ask someone to sew a soft cushion to protect this."

Honestly, he knocked on his sister again.

It's okay for them to sit on it, since they have rough skin and thick flesh.

 But, my sister can’t.

Hearing what Feng Xuanrui said, Feng Xuancang also reacted, but he didn't think carefully and nodded immediately.

 Aunt Xiang showed up in time and said she had good sewing skills. She would go back to estimate the size and sew it.

King Qi was worried at first, but when he heard Aunt Xiang's response, he smiled and sat back down.

The children played around for a while, and then dinner started.

 The dinner was quite sumptuous.

 Eat egg dumplings every year with purple rice porridge.

 It is said that this purple rice is also a tribute.

The emperor's uncle gave him a reward today, and the total amount was not very large. But my father said that he should try something new, so he asked the kitchen to cook some.

 Actually, I can’t eat it every year, so what’s the difference?

However, if the father says it is good, then it is a good thing.

 So, eat more.

 Children can only eat so much, and a small bowl of porridge is already the limit. Moreover, I also ate three egg dumplings every year.

Finally I almost made it.

 Fortunately, there is entertainment after the meal, and I can still move around for a while to eat.

After dinner, Princess Qi quietly called Feng Xuanbo over and whispered to him: "Go back to stay with your mother tonight."

Princess Qi didn’t say much.

Although Feng Xuanbo was puzzled, he also knew that if there was no unexpected situation, his mother-in-law would not let him go back to accompany his mother.

 When these young masters grow up, they will move to the east courtyard and be separated from their father and mother.

 When children grow up, they need to be separated and independent.

 This is a normal thing in every family.

Feng Xuanbo was too smart to ask more questions. Princess Qi was actually worried that Concubine Ren would feel uneasy because of the reward from the Queen Mother.

 So, letting her own son go back to stay with her and serve as the concubine might also help her feel more at ease.

After sending Feng Xuanbo away, Princess Qi sighed softly: "Time flies too fast. Tomorrow is the end of the month, and Brother Ze and the others should be back."

 At the end of the month, the Imperial College and all major academies will have a day off.

 The students can also go back to their hometowns and make some adjustments.

Either change some clothes, bring some money, or find some books.

 In short, I have been reading for a month and my strings have become very tight. This is a rare time to relax.

Hearing the princess mention his best eldest son, King Qi nodded happily: "Let Zhuangzi bring back more good things tomorrow. Brother Ze likes Buddha to jump over the wall. Let the kitchen prepare it early tomorrow morning and cook it early. It’s also delicious. Brother Ze’s room has also been carefully tidied up. Now that the flowers are blooming, some flowers have been inserted..."

 After talking about his eldest son for a long time, King Qi did not forget his second son, who will also come back tomorrow.

Thinking of his second son, King Qi frowned slightly.

He still doesn't understand. Although he is not a shrewd person, he is not stupid either. Concubine Ren is even more scheming.

 Why did the two of them give birth to a fool?

If it weren't for that face, it was almost a replica of him. King Qi even suspected that Wen Po had mistaken the child.

 It's just that they are biological children after all. After thinking about it, King Qi said, "Brother Yu likes to eat lamb chops, so let's make arrangements for him too."

They are all sons, and he loves them all, so he doesn't like to favor one over the other. He ignores anyone and makes them feel uncomfortable.

 Originally, I could only go home for one day every month.

Princess Qi responded with a smile.

 It was later in the evening when the children were all tired, so Princess Qi asked Feng Xuanrui and the others to go back to the east courtyard to rest.

Feng Xuanbo said he missed his mother and wanted to go back to the backyard.

When Feng Xuanbin heard this, he was also interested.

Princess Qi naturally did not stop her. The child was still young and it was normal for her to miss her biological mother.

When Feng Xuanrui saw that both brothers could stay, he couldn't help but move closer to his father: "Father, I miss you so much. How about I stay too?"

King Qi:…

I don’t really want it either.

However, Xiaoliu was still young and King Qi couldn't bear it, so he finally let him stay.

Feng Xuanrui cheered happily.

Feng Xuanjie looked envious, but was embarrassed to say it.

Feng Xuancang saw it and persuaded him in a low voice: "If you miss your mother, tell your father and he will agree."

Hearing what the third brother said, Feng Xuanjie shook his head: "It's better not to give up. My mother hasn't been feeling very well in the past few days. She probably went to bed early. I will have to torment her when I go back."

Feng Xuancang thought that when he met Aunt Wen a few days ago, her face was indeed not very good-looking, and nodded again: "Okay, you and the third brother can go back to the east courtyard. Tonight, it will be just the two of us. ”

  Second update at 19:00

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