Chapter 373 King Qi’s guilt

After returning home, she found that Uncle Huang had prepared snacks for her at noon. The child cheered happily: "For brother, for brother, I want to eat with my brothers!"

Sui Sui does not protect food.

On the contrary, because of the love of her brothers and because she was surrounded by love, she knew how to share.

When eating at lunch, I thought about whether I could eat these things with my brothers.

It's just that this is the palace, and Sui Sui remembers that he can't talk nonsense, look around, let alone ask for anything at will.


Even though he is her uncle, he is the lord of the world, and his majesty cannot be offended.

Now that I saw the dim sum, Suisui was so happy that he wished he could fly to his brothers now.

It's a pity that my brothers haven't finished school yet.

Thinking of this, Suisui felt a little disappointed while holding the snack box and sighed: "When will brothers come back?"

"Come back soon?"

"How long is it in a while?"

"Are you coming back soon?"

"Huh? Will it take that long?"

The child asked uncontrollably, and King Qi answered patiently.

I won’t get bored just because the kids are asking questions.

King Qi even found this question and answer interesting.

He had rarely had such an opportunity before to pay attention to the growth of a child.

Nowadays, it is rare to experience it, but it is a novel feeling.

At the same time, King Qi also felt a little guilty in his heart.

That is, he paid too little attention to the growth of his children in the past.

Now that the eldest son has reached the age where he can talk about marriage, he actually doesn't have many memories of father and son when they were young.

King Qi felt regretful and guilty.

He thought, he must compensate to some extent, right?

King Qi had countless thoughts in his mind. He still held the food box and kept asking questions.

Children will not find the same questions annoying.

She just wanted to know an answer persistently.

Therefore, even if I have asked and confirmed the answer, I still want to ask.

Because I desperately wanted an answer, I kept asking adults who knew the inside story.

After asking and knowing the answer, you will feel at ease.

Unfortunately, after a while, I will feel panic again, and I will worry about the answer, or I want to know, so I will ask again and again.

King Qi was not impatient at all and kept responding: "I'll be back soon."

"Brothers also want to be good and will be back soon."

"It's almost there, right away."

Children have no concept of time.

Therefore, when King Qi said it would be soon, it would be soon. Sui Sui would probably understand and then ask again.

The little girl seemed to know that her father might lose patience if she kept asking questions like this, so she quickly climbed on top of him, pressed against him, and kissed his slightly rough face.

King Qi was so coaxed that he couldn't even lower his lips. He smiled so hard that his teeth couldn't be seen, and he kept coaxing the child.

Princess Qi watched this scene while listening to Aunt Qiu reporting the information in the mansion to her, and then smiled knowingly.

Little child...

It's amazing.

After Feng Xuanrui and the others came back, Suisui couldn't wait to rush forward to share the delicious food with his brothers.

It’s so delicious, it’ll be a big loss if I don’t eat it!

Feng Xuanrui hadn't eaten the palace's snacks for a while. Now that he smelled the fragrance, his saliva began to secrete more involuntarily. He hugged his sister first, then held Suisui's hand and went to have snacks together.

Feng Xuancang is old and embarrassed to eat too much.

But Sui Sui didn't think so much. When she saw that her third brother ate so little, she immediately forced the plate with snacks into his hands: "Third brother, you eat, eat more!"

Feng Xuancang was made to laugh by his sister's little move, and was also a little touched.

I wanted to raise my hand to touch my sister's soft fur, but was rejected by Suisui: "No, you can't eat snacks after touching it!"

After Sui Sui finished speaking, he was afraid that Third Brother would be disappointed. After thinking about it, he blinked and said in a sweet voice: "Third Brother, after you finish eating, Sui Sui will pat your head again."

At a young age, the little girl has a sweet mouth and can coax people.

Feng Xuancang was so coaxed that the snack almost stuffed into his nostrils, but Feng Xuanjie finally reminded him.

The children gathered together happily.

King Qi felt guilty because he had played with Suisui before, so he wanted to make it up to the children.

After dinner, King Qi did not let the children go directly to play. Instead, he called the children forward one by one and asked them about their homework today, their experience in learning martial arts, etc.

Feng brothers:?

How could you pass the exam if you are not old enough?

They want to play, please, let them play!

No one wants to take the exam!

The problem is, my father’s eyes are so scary.

Such loving eyes...

It always felt like a stick would rush out in the next second and fall directly on them.

Is this the calm before the storm?

Feng Xuancang was older and vaguely understood what his father meant, but he was not too sure. He didn't feel much uneasy, just a little uneasy.

But Feng Xuanrui was young and couldn't understand it at all.

They just feel...

It’s over, God is going to kill them!

Could it be that the father knew that they did not pay attention to the class today?

But, they didn’t listen yesterday either!

What my father said is that they don’t need to be successful, just open their eyes and go blind.

How come you still passed the exam?

Feng Xuanrui scratched his hair, extremely anxious.

Feng Xuanbin was wondering if I could escape by pretending to be sick.

Feng Xuanbo, who had a very good brain, could not figure out his father's pulse at this time. He glanced at his mother and concubine quietly, and met her smiling eyes.

Feng Xuanbo: It’s over, it’s over.

The mother-in-law also smiled like this.


Where is your mother?

Your son needs your help!

Help, it's coming to him!

The Feng family brothers, starting from Feng Xuancang and ending with Feng Xuanbin, all five brothers took the civil test first and then the martial arts test, and none of them escaped.

The problem is, after the exam, King Qi touched their heads lovingly and sighed: "They have grown so big in the blink of an eye, what a good boy!"

Feng Xuanbin:?

How big have I grown?

I'm still young!

I just gained some weight, but that’s not my fault.

The mother-in-law said that it was just the time for him to grow, so it didn't matter if he got fatter, he would lose weight by practicing martial arts in the future.

And Feng Xuanbin doesn’t think he is fat.

During this fight, he sat down on the enemy and the opponent couldn't get up.

Hee hee, what a useful piece of meat.

He doesn't want to lose weight.


What do you mean, father?

This look frightens a child.

Feng Xuanbin felt a little uneasy, and he quietly leaned closer to Suisui.

Then he squeezed onto Feng Xuanrui's body, and was bitten by Feng Xuanrui, who was also panicking.

Feng Xuanbin screamed loudly.

King Qi was talking to Feng Xuancang when he heard the movement and looked up quickly.

Feng Xuanbin was so scared that he tightened his buttocks and showed a strong smile: "Father, I am practicing my voice."

Feng Xuanrui:?

Second update

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