Chapter 374: Distributing Gifts

King Qi felt that the atmosphere among the children seemed a bit strange.

But it doesn't matter, it would be nice if he gave me more love.

Feng Xuanbo: Help me, who will save me!

Don't take the exam, really don't take the exam, I'm going to die!

Unfortunately, no one came to save him. Princess Qi still smiled at him: "Xiaowu answered well. It seems that he has learned well."

Feng Xuanbo:.

Not really, concubine.

There's no need to boast.

It's not like their brothers don't know about these scumbags in the whole family.

However, it seems normal that both parents have filters.

The young masters of Prince Qi's Mansion all withered after experiencing a thrilling test from their own father.

I don’t like to play games anymore. I can’t do anything except coax my sister. She looks like she’s been sucked dry by a goblin.

Suisui didn't understand, so he looked around and thought his brothers were unhappy, so he hurriedly took out the things he had dug out and distributed them to his brothers.

These things were rewarded by the palace.

When Aunt Xiang was sorting it out, Suisui looked at it. There were some things that she thought were suitable for her brothers, so she asked Aunt Xiang to pick them out and put them aside.

At this moment, the little girl started to take out things from Aunt Xiang: "This is for brother, this is for third brother, this is for fourth brother, this is for fifth brother..."

After Suisui took it out, he placed it on the table on one side and muttered in a low voice, "Give this to whom, give that to whom," and put them in a pile.

Feng Xuanrui was originally thinking, what would he do if his father took the test again?

After hearing his sister's thoughts, Feng Xuanrui's attention suddenly passed.

As for my father’s exam?

I don’t know, I don’t care, just do whatever you want.

The worst case scenario is that it will be left in situ.

Anyway, it's not the first day that my father knows that he is a scumbag.

My sister is the most important.

Therefore, Feng Xuanrui came over.

Feng Xuanbin couldn't bear it for a long time. He originally wanted to bite Sixth Brother, but now he didn't care. He squeezed his two heads over, and the temperature around Suisui suddenly rose.

However, she did not feel uncomfortable, but happily held the hands of her two brothers: "Brother, seventh brother, come and see the gifts I have chosen for you."

Auntie Xiang brings small items every year.

It's not convenient to carry large items, so I told my aunt that I could wrap them up as gifts and give them out during festivals or the prince's birthdays.

It's my eldest brother's birthday soon, and I'm already thinking about what to give him.

Therefore, I mostly bring small items.

The biggest ones are just a few Langhao pens and pen washers.

They were all used on His Majesty's royal desk.

It looks old, but the workmanship is extremely fine, and it looks very luxurious at first glance.

In Feng Xuanrui's pile of gifts, there were various gemstones, beads, and rough stones that had not been carefully carved, but they were not big in size, and there was also a wrapped ink block.

However, Feng Xuancang's gift contained Lang Hao, who looked quite familiar.

After Feng Xuanrui looked around, he whispered: "This one looks familiar."

King Qi noticed that after Guaiguai had prepared gifts for the brats, he hurriedly waved his hand: "Go and see what my sister has prepared for you."

When Feng Xuancang heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and approached with Feng Xuanjie and Feng Xuanbo.

Suisui's eyes lit up when he saw his brothers coming over. Under the illumination of the candlelight, he looked particularly fresh and cute: "Third brother, this pile belongs to you, that pile belongs to fourth brother, and there are five more." elder brother…"

Suisui doesn't understand the true value of these gifts. He only thinks that this one is good-looking and suitable for the third brother, and that pen is good and suitable for the third brother. That pen washer is good, suitable for the fourth brother, and the jade handle is also good, suitable for the fourth brother.

The little girl sorted things into whichever pile she thought was suitable.

Several brothers unexpectedly prepared gifts for them every year. After seeing the things, they were moved in their hearts.

Feng Xuancang smiled and thanked Suisui, and even touched the little girl's soft fur: "Thank you for Suisui. Third brother is being polite."

Suisui raised his little head happily: "You're welcome, Third Brother."

Feng Xuanjie doesn't like to talk, but he is not so reserved in front of his brothers and sisters.

After he accepted the pile of gold beads, silver beads, and two jade handles given by Suisui, his eyes were sore, he pursed his lips and whispered, "Thank you, sister."

Year after year, he still raised his cute little head: "Fourth brother, you have to smile more, you look so good-looking."

What Feng Xuanbo received were two beautiful jade pendants and a bunch of small beads.

Although Feng Xuanbo was used to seeing good things, the things his sister gave him seemed particularly different.

He put away the things solemnly and thanked Sui Sui with a smile: "Thank you, my lovely sister."

Suisui narrowed her cute round eyes happily: "You're welcome, Fifth Brother, you should also study hard!"

Feng Xuancang secretly wondered why he made a mistake and allowed Xiao Wu to take advantage of it.

He forgot to add the word cute!

Obviously his sister was so cute, but because he received the gift unexpectedly, he was so moved that he was speechless and forgot to praise her more.

Feng Xuanjie also had some regrets, but there was no chance.

Because Feng Xuanrui had already squeezed past and said with a smile: "Sister, sister, where is mine? Where is mine?"

Feng Xuanrui was given various jade trinkets. The largest one was a purple jade hairpin, which was crystal clear. The material looked very good, as if there was water flowing in the middle.

Feng Xuanrui happily put away the gifts, fearing that they might be dropped or touched, so he asked Qingshan to come over and help him take them.

Qingshan carefully put away the things, holding each item tightly.

After Feng Xuanrui put it away, he expressed his gratitude: "Thank you, my lovely sister Sui Sui. I wish you peace and happiness."

Suisui was thanked and nodded excitedly: "Yeah, I listen to my brother."

The two people getting along made several other people feel sour.

They also knew that there was no way they could catch up with Feng Xuanrui's acquaintance with Sui Suixian and their friendship through life and death together.

It's normal for brother and sister to have a better relationship.

But, it’s still sour!

Why can't it be me?

Especially Feng Xuanbo can't help but think: Xiaoliu broke his head and ran away!

If he had fought back, would he have been the one running away?

Then he was the one who got to know Suisui first?

It's a pity that time can't be repeated.

In fact, Feng Xuanbo thought about it carefully. Even if he could go back in time, he was not sure whether he would accept this little girl when he saw Suisui for the first time.

Because Feng Xuanrui mentioned that he was very embarrassed when they first met, looking dirty and old.

Feng Xuanbo doesn't like ugly things very much, although he is not ugly at all years.

But the way he looked when he was in embarrassment was probably not as good-looking as he is now.

Therefore, fate sometimes seems to have been decided early in the morning.

Whoever belongs to him belongs to him.

Jealousy is useless.

Second update at 19:00

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