Is Xiao Fu Bao Disliked? The Whole City Loves Me With Their Lives

Chapter 57: A blessed girl cannot enter the door of unhappiness

After Dr. Liu came in, he didn't waste any words and asked straight to the point: "Sui Sui saved all of us yesterday, what is the prince going to do?"

 The old doctor always speaks straightforwardly, and King Qing knows that.

 After all, Dr. Liu went to the military camp and worked as a military doctor for them for several years.

 We all have some friendship.

 In fact, King Qing didn’t think about this issue clearly. He shook his head frankly: “I’m still thinking about it.”

Lest the old doctor get excited and start to criticize him again, Prince Qing quickly said: "I will definitely not pretend that the matter does not exist, I just haven't thought of how to thank him for the time being."

Doctor Liu's sarcastic words were all on his lips. After hearing these words, he swallowed them back: "This child is blessed. In the past, Chen Dalang's family was not a good person, so they did not receive blessings and care."

 “A blessed woman will not enter a house that is not blessed.”

“The Chen family is not blessed with this kind of blessing, nor can they bear it. They deserve it!”

 “Let them stop being human beings and become beasts worse than pigs and dogs every day!”

 “This child is also pitiful, how could he end up with a father and mother like that?”

"No? How could a man like Jin Yanghou give birth to such a lovely daughter like Sui Sui? Is he worthy?"


Doctor Liu is really attacking people indiscriminately when he sprays people with anger.

  King Qing listened silently on the side.

He thought: If you have scolded Chen Dalang and Jinyang Hou’s family, you can’t scold me again!

Doctor Liu didn't scold King Qing. After all, he still wanted to ask for help, so he had to show his attitude, right?

After finishing spraying those people, Doctor Liu sat down and tried to calm down: "I see that the prince has already made an idea about where to go in Sui Sui. Do you want to make arrangements to go to Prince Qi's Mansion?"

 After King Qing’s wife and daughter were gone, he no longer cared about these things.

 So, Doctor Liu thought, there was a high probability that the other party would not take Suisui back.

Furthermore, even if King Qing wanted to, Feng Xuanrui might not be willing to let go.

After thinking about it, Doctor Liu asked directly.

In this regard, King Qing had no intention of hiding it. He nodded: "Well, that's the plan for the time being. After I return, I will ask Brother Qi what he wants."

Doctor Liu naturally knew that King Qi looked forward to his daughter until his eyes turned green.

 But, people, sometimes it depends on the eyes.

There are many people in the capital who have the idea of ​​sending their daughters to Prince Qi's Mansion.

Although King Qi often said with a smile, the girl from this family is good and the daughter from that family is wonderful.

 However, I didn’t see him actually taking anyone’s child back and raising it as his own daughter.

Doctor Liu was not sure whether Sui Sui would be able to catch the eye of King Qi.

If they don’t match, it’s okay to marry the princess or the two concubines.

 At least let Suisui stay at home and be protected by an elder with status.

 Doctor Liu is not at ease with only Feng Xuanrui as a child.

He does not live in Prince Qi's Mansion every day, so it is obviously unrealistic to want to watch and protect Suisui every day.

Thinking of this, Doctor Liu asked tentatively: "If it is inconvenient for Prince Qi's residence, the prince's residence..."

  Doctor Liu did not rush to say the next words, but hesitantly observed Prince Qing's reaction.

Prince Qing had no intention of covering up this. After shaking his head slightly, he replied bluntly: "Sorry, I can't."

 His daughter is unique.

 He only had one wife and one daughter in his life.

Even though they are no longer here.

 He must always remember them.

King Qing thought that he would not marry another wife or raise another daughter.

 It is enough for him to have them.

Doctor Liu understood this as soon as he heard this. He also knew about Princess Qing and the little princess. He sighed helplessly. Doctor Liu thought about it and asked again: "If Sui Sui is not in the eyes of Prince Qi, Can you please come forward and say a few words of kindness to Sui Sui in front of the princess or the two concubines, so that they can take care of Sui Sui more? "

This matter is not difficult, and King Qing originally planned to do so.

Doctor Liu asked, and King Qing nodded quickly: "Of course, I will pay attention to it." King Qing thought that he would first persuade Brother Qi, and if he couldn't persuade him, he would talk to Sister Wang.

Xiao Liu likes Suisui, and Mrs. Wang will also like it, right?

Suisui didn't know the content of the discussion between the two people.

 When I wake up, my body feels much lighter again.

 The two children were chattering as soon as they got up early.

Doctor Liu looked happy and couldn't help but **** up his ears to listen carefully.

 “Believe me, sister, it will definitely be delicious!”

 “Well, I believe in my brother!”

 “Just believe in my brother!”


 Two children were discussing honey sesame candy.

Dijiao told them this.

 They are going to Nanqiao County today.

Nanqiao County has a lot of food and activities.

 Honey sesame candy is one of them.

 In order to encourage the two children to get up and wash themselves quickly in the morning, Dijiao specially told them what honey sesame candy was.

 Shaped like a flower, as thin as cicada wings.

Soft and crispy, sweet and delicious.

Thinking of Dijiao’s words when he mentioned honey sesame candy to them, Feng Xuanrui couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

 Sweet, he likes it!

Suisui also thinks this should be delicious.

  It sounds sweet after all.

Moreover, if my brother says it’s delicious, then it must be especially delicious!

  Honey sesame candy is a local delicacy that has emerged in Nanqiao County in the past two years.

 It's just that it's only popular among the rich and powerful.

More often, during New Year's Day or when various governments are doing business, various dim sum shops will prepare some.

 After all, when it comes to sugar, it means high prices, which ordinary people simply don’t dare to think about.

With the addition of honey, it’s even more unthinkable!

However, Sui Sui doesn’t understand, and Feng Xuanrui is not short of money.

 So, neither of the two children thought about whether this thing would be expensive or whether they could afford it.

They packed up and set off.

 The weather is good today, and Shuiqiao Town is not far from Nanqiao County.

 After noon, they arrived at the county seat.

 Compared with small towns, county towns are more prosperous and lively.

 The roads are paved with smooth and neat bluestone slabs, which makes the entire county look neat and refreshing.

After King Qing and others arrived, they first found an inn.

There are quite a lot of inns in the county. They found a big one and booked it directly.

I was on my way, so I didn’t stop for lunch, so I just had a snack.

Doctor Liu feels that now that he has settled down, he must not go have a good meal!

 After dinner, I happened to go to the snack shop to check out the honey sesame candy.

 His proposal received an enthusiastic response from the two children.

 “Listen to Grandpa Liu!”

 “Listen to Dr. Liu!”

 Sui Sui started to say listen to Grandpa Liu. After listening to his brother’s words, he shouted again: “Listen to my brother!”

With one sentence, Feng Xuanrui was made to smile, and he kept asking King Qing: "Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, just follow Doctor Liu!"

  Second update

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