King Qing was speechless at this time.

 He clearly didn’t say a word, so why do everyone look at him like a betrayed person?

 Feng Xuanrui often acted coquettishly with his mother and concubine in the past.

 Otherwise, his legs would have been broken long ago for being so naughty and mischievous.

So, at this moment, with his chubby little face raised and Prince Qing's arms shaking, he looked pretty... well-behaved?

 After working on it for a long time, I really need to eat something good.

  King Qing nodded and motioned for everyone to come together.

There are a lot of them, their travel goals are quite big, and they look very obvious.

King Qing thought for a while and let his followers go on their own. He just ordered two people to follow and protect them.

 Because it was already past lunch time, there were not many people in the restaurant.

When Doctor Liu was ordering, he asked Suisui what he wanted to eat.

Suisui actually didn’t know that she was in much better condition today. Doctor Liu smiled and said to her, “You can eat meat, but eat less.”

 Sui Sui also knows that he should take it in moderation, otherwise he will be the one who suffers in the end.

After thinking about it, Suisui nodded obediently: "Then eat meat."

The little girl’s answer made Doctor Liu helplessly smile: “Is that pork, chicken or mutton?”

  Sui Sui:?

 Meat is meat, right?

 She actually couldn't tell the difference between meat.

  Anyway, they are all called meat.

Suisui felt that his understanding was correct, so he nodded again: "It's meat!"

The little girl looked so cute that Dr. Liu couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch her. She showed a little stubble on her bald head and responded with a smile: "Okay, let's eat meat!"

 Doctor Liu ordered a warm roast duck and a steaming bowl of pork noodles.

 Sauteed minced meat, paired with fragrant soup, poured onto the soft and chewy noodles. Not only does it taste delicious, but it also makes you feel warm and comfortable after eating it.

This restaurant has a lot of noodles, and I can’t finish them all.

Feng Xuanrui smelled the noodles and couldn't help but come over with a small bowl and share some.

 Doctor Liu also divided some, and gave some to the Qingshan brothers.

There was a little soup left at the end. Doctor Liu asked about Sui Sui and found out that she didn't want to drink it, so he gave it to King Qing.

 Prince Qing:…

  That’s okay too.

 Something is better than nothing.

  King Qing eats quickly and roughly.

 I felt like I was snoring as soon as I finished eating.

Doctor Liu is still blowing hot air here, while Prince Qing is already halfway through his meal over there.

Doctor Liu, who couldn't control his doctor's instinct, whispered to Prince Qing: "Eat slowly, eat quickly, be careful and your stomach won't be able to bear it."

 Wang Qing shook his head indifferently: "I'm used to it."

Suisui was still blowing noodles with his head down, but when he heard what he said, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced at Dr. Liu.

 Doctor Liu's face didn't look good and he rolled his eyes.

Although Suisui couldn't tell that this meant disgust, he also felt that Grandpa Liu probably didn't like hearing this.

Although he was a little afraid of King Qing, after thinking about it for a while, he still mustered up the courage and whispered: "But you must listen to the doctor."

  King Qing:.

 Doctor Liu:. .

Dr. Liu was happy after hearing this: "Oh, it's still our age. What a well-behaved child. Grandpa likes you the most. Let's go buy candies later."

 Prince Qing had already raised the soup bowl and was about to pour it directly into his mouth.

 At this time, the bowl was in my hand and it started to feel hot for no reason.

 That’s not true, and it’s not good if it doesn’t.

 In the end, I could only shake my head, put it down again, and followed Dr. Liu's example, drinking slowly with a spoon.

This speed is so slow that it makes people anxious.

 Prince Qing was a little impatient at first, but when he looked up, he saw Suisui looking at him quietly.

After noticing his gaze, Sui Sui withdrew his gaze and hid beside Dr. Liu. King Qing's heart suddenly softened.

He thought, since he was sitting down after eating anyway, he should eat slowly.

 Because of Dr. Liu’s reminder, everyone ate this meal very slowly.

 After dinner, we took a walk back together.

When passing by the dim sum shop, Feng Xuanrui took Suisui's hand and rushed forward: "Let's go, sister, I saw the dim sum shop, there must be delicious food!"

 Sui Sui followed closely, and his calves jumped very fast.

The two little ones flew out uncontrollably, and Dr. Liu followed them in stride, fearing that they would be scattered by the crowd again and be in danger!

  Prince Qing is tall and has long legs, so he has no such trouble at all.

Belonging to the kind of person who walked casually, he entered the pastry shop ahead of the two children.

This dim sum shop is quite large and sells a lot of dim sum and snacks.

 Sui Sui had never even been to the town before.

 In recent times, no one has taken her to see the world.

At this time, when I entered the shop, smelling the sweet smell and looking at the variety of snacks, I felt that my eyes were not full.

Haven’t seen this before.

Haven’t seen that one before.

 And that one!

That one looks like a lotus, that one looks like a peach blossom, and that one is so white.


 I think you’ve eaten the snacks over there?

 Sui Sui has been thinking about it, was it the same snack he ate the last time he got sick after eating too much?

It was rare to see someone he knew. Suisui tugged on Feng Xuanrui's sleeve and whispered: "Brother, we have eaten this before."

Feng Xuanrui is watching the fun at the moment.

There are many local characteristics in the shop that are rarely seen in the capital.

 The young boy was also dazzled.

Hearing his sister talking to him, Feng Xuanrui looked in the direction of Sui Sui's finger and found that it was red date glutinous rice cake. He nodded: "That one is called red date glutinous rice cake. It's sweet and soft, and it's delicious, but Don’t eat too much, it won’t be easy to digest.”

 “That one is Taishi cake.”

 “That’s a peach blossom cake.”


Feng Xuanrui knows many people.

When he encountered local dim sum and didn’t know it, he would ask Dr. Liu.

Some of them didn't know Dr. Liu. Fortunately, there weren't many people in the store when they came, so the waiter had already taken the initiative to introduce him.

This group of people can tell by looking at their clothes that they are either rich or noble. The clerks also have a very good eye for people.

 When a big customer comes, don’t be serious and enthusiastic.

 Listen to what the buddy introduced, what is this called, what is that called? I can still remember a few things at the beginning.

 As the number increases, Suisui feels that his brain is not enough.

Moreover, it feels like my ears can’t keep up.


 What was the name of that one just now?

 No, what is that red one?


After turning around in a circle and thinking about it, she remembered what her brother told her at the beginning: sweet red date glutinous rice cake.

 Forget everything else.

Feng Xuanrui had almost memorized everything, and was chattering to the clerk at the moment.

 When he was talking to others, he would not forget to hold Suisui's hand, for fear of leaving his sister behind.

 Sui Suisi obediently let him lead her. If her brother took a step, she would follow behind.

A little girl who just entered the door stared at Suisui for a while and couldn't help but laugh: "Whose little cutie is this? Why is she so good?"

  Second update at 19:00

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