The quarter-moon above shimmered a gentle glow, down onto the beach. The group had now retreated back towards the tents that were located higher above the cove. Asai alone currently was taking a stroll, thinking and wondering about his journey.

Naturally he was conflicted. At first, he treated this world like a game and deigned to enjoy himself the moment he set foot outside the orphanage. However, after witnessing the loss of human life, being trapped underground and then going on his journey to search for Mel who he naturally felt attached to.

"I- I was lonely, I desired kinship greater than I could imagine. I always hid myself behind a façade, but that's who I really am isn't it? A coward. No wonder I got attached to anyone who got remotely close to me... Are these excuses?"

He took the moment to analyse himself and his choices. How many times had his choices in this second life been dictated by his hero-complex? He understood that the strong should help the weak. However, how many damsels in distress was he willing to save? He now had more power, land and supposed fame. But, he knew with all those positives also came responsibility.

Although he didn't mean it, and didn't even instigate it. The village located at the outskirts of his old borders was crippled. That loss of life was on him. He had failed to set up proper defences, scouts, guards and perhaps diplomacy. Diplomacy being, if he had managed to procure alliances with the other baronies that had reached out to him. 

However, the childish him. The immature and selfish him decided his priorities lay in power levelling, grinding and even trying to have more sex. And yet, what of it? What did that achieve? He willingly threw his companions into the fray, danger after danger, ordeal after ordeal. Those people trusted and believed in his judgment. Yet, deep down. He was inexperienced to this new world, the new laws, the way of life and the rules of society here.

Hell, he blamed the lack of information on the nobles, withholding and casting a blackout to control the populace. YET, even after he obtained a position of power, he didn't look towards the books. 

"How much do I even know about this world? I gave up as soon as I saw the border dragon. Like the coward that I am. I now have connections to a royal prince, yet I haven't asked him for information. I need help, I need assistance. I'm still not good enough for what has been given to me... Why, why was I so obsessed with levelling up? Is this system actually a curse and not a blessing?" Asai no longer felt like he was a hero or a protagonist of a story. No, the [Blood Tyrant] was correct. He indeed was a monster.

"I really am an idiotic twat. Have I even grown at all?"

Asai alone, shed a tear. A tear of both frustration and helplessness.


Before leaving, Asai noticed a certain scent. It somewhat reminded him of rice.

He turned to see no one. But, on the beach, on the sand. There were two sets of foot prints.

[Sealing Square] [Silence] 

Kozumi casted her skills. Before revealing herself, Mizumi was beside her, hands wrapped around her waist. *bonk* 

"Owe!" Mizumi took a step back and harrumphed. 

"Silly Asai, why would you think you're an idiotic twat? Why would you say that? I've heard all about your exploits. Mizu here has been spying on you for me. I know what you've been through. The ordeals you dared to challenge to also challenge yourself." She reached in, her palm on his cheek. "No one is perfect Asai. This world isn't perfect. Nothing is..."

Kozumi pulled his head into her bosom. Comforting him under the moonlight.

"Listen, the very moment I saw you. I saw the longing and loneliness in your eyes. I understand that you're an orphan and had no familial love and god knows how important that is." She glanced back to Mizumi. "I'll tell you a secret. You may find my flirty, open and approach towards life to be much too free but honestly, I am just trying to smile. I have to stay strong, for both I and Mizumi's sake. Mizumi, Me and you. We're all stuck miles away from where we belong. It's okay to force yourself to do something extreme to take your mind of the real issues. It's only human."

She pulled his face out of her bosom before kissing him, a soft gentle kiss on the laps.

"I have an offer for you Asai. You're one of us, you're not human. You're a Dhan. When the war starts, when the Dhans invade Del Lagos. Come with me and Mizumi. Come home with us, back to where you belong."

She took a step back, heading back to Mizumi.

"I'll wait for your answer. You have until the Dhans invade."

The two instantly went into [Hide] the [Sealing Square] faded out of existence, and the sound of water crashing into the shore returned.

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