Asai was once again alone. Sitting on the beach staring absentmindedly out into the horizons. Until Robin pulled him into her embrace from behind. She was currently on her knees, to achieve this.

"Mr, are you okay?" When Robin saw the tears within his eyes, she immediately swung herself to his front and hugged him.

"Ah, I see. Without parents, to shower her with love and care. All alone in those slums with those people who attacked her. Robin is as broken as I am as a person. As much as she has become dependent on me for comfort and warmth. I too, have begun to rely on her." Asai reached his arms around her, squeezing her tight to return the feelings. "I'm okay Robin. I just, I just miss my family that's all..."

"Your family? I was told you were also an orphan, and no one had heard a thing about your parents."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just like you Robin... Thank you for coming into my life and please, please remain in it." After the fight with the [Blood Tyrant] Some of Asai's memories were missing. By now, he couldn't even recall any memories concerning his family back on Earth. Something had cut the connection, or that part of his soul out. He truly was a broken man.

"Don't worry Mr. I'll always be here for you. And if you still want me to kill that moon, I'll do it for you." The little glow on her cheeks, the smile she now wore was the gentlest one he had seen. 

Asai reached up and gave her a peck on the forehead. 

"Thank you."

"KYA!" Abruptly, Asai got up, swooping her off her feet.

"Now, I'm sure it's supposed to be your bed time. Since you're naughty, you should be punished!" He charged forward and threw her like a javelin into the water.

Before Robin even resurfaced, golden astral projectiles materialized above the water and shot towards Asai splashing all the surrounding water onto him. When Robin surfaced, she had the fattest grin on her face.


Once the group returned to Trichia village. Asai forced himself to sit down and focus on administration work. For too long he had thrown the responsibility and reigns onto Annie and Mary. 

The moment he was ready, he summoned his lords and project leaders. 

The first big meeting they had was to decide on the location of their City hall. Although everyone wanted him to move to another already furnished and built town to settle in. 

After having sent Clam, Benny and Gary out to scout the local lands better, and to draw out a map of local resources. Asai definitely believed in Trichia village to be the prime location. It was surrounded by natural woodlands that spanned for miles, the river was close enough to feed the population and the lands were smooth and fertile. Asai after hours of consideration decided to invest in Trichia, to grow the little farming village into a proper town.

He then focused his current funds on the safety of the people, learning from his lesson. He began to write into action practices that would garner a more militaristic society within his County. The image that men had to be strong to protect their family, and with the Count's support, that it would be possible.

He invested the entirety of funds he had stolen from the bandits, and all of his hard earned loot from monsters. The general militia which was mostly volunteer work received a small stipend to boaster their equipment. The farmhands received better equipment which lead to better yields as they became more proficient.

As the amount of work and jobs boomed within the County, the population also boomed, and the people came in doves. The people who came looking for work also brought their families. This led to more guards, sponsored militia men, regulations and laws to be written into action. It was a great endeavour that gave him many headaches, but with the support of Mary and Annie's nightly visits. He shrugged on.

Soon his coffers would be exhausted. The expansion of Trichia County progressed much faster than approximated. To this, he then moved on to alliances. The first alliance he created was with Duke Jeffrey De Lumix. Father of Rosemi De Lumix. Receiving a boon of coins and second hand weaponry. Asai would use the functional weapons in his militia whilst smelting and re-forging arms with the far too broken old metals.

After a long evening with Rosemi. Who advised him on which counties were good to forge alliances with.

Asai then moved on to business.

He tried to bring as much as he could from Earth to sell as his inventions.

Cards, othello, chess, go were the easier items he could fund within his local factories. When it came to bigger inventions, he simply couldn't. He was only a college graduate who studied digital art. Something that was entirely useless in a world without computers.

When he tried to market tomato ketchup and mayonnaise, the people here didn't find it to be anything special. Just another flavour, another dip to add to their already large assortment. Truly, those other isekai stories were too good to be true. 

All of his business ventures didn't become big hits, however they did garner a little interest, which managed to earn him a small profit. Enough to make the factories upkeep worth while.

He saw this as many numerous small victories to ultimately become one big victory.

Many of the maidens who were kidnapped from their villages during Bralcom Fowl's attack decided to stay in Trichia, they either joined the orphanage to look after the kids who had lost their parents, or they applied to work as maids for Count Asai Trichia the man who had avenged them and their loved ones.

There would be no better honour than working for the local hero, they thought.


I think you guys can tell right? I've spent the past couple chapters to actually rethink my approach towards this story. Honestly, at the start I didn't take the novel seriously. I was doing it for fun, so I wrote whatever I wanted without much thought and depth, utilizing all the freedom a web novel format afforded me.

However, as the character list grew and my information sheet on my second monitor. I started to care more about the characters growth and development. Not forgetting the world building. However, I never enjoyed novels that spent every second and minute explaining every colour pixel on a wooden door and how many lines there was on a leaf. So I basically speed-runned this novel.

You guys ever watched porn? And they've got a script, a plot and a story in it? And it's completely terrible but you don't care because you only came for the sex? That's basically how this novel started. XD Hence, the lacklustre writing at the beginning.

Thank you guys for reading. I really do appreciate the feed back! 

Even if it hits me right in the kokoro

kophzi out.

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