Isekai Rohan

104 Statement

It was one of those rare nights where Asai had a free schedule to spend on himself. 

He took a large swig of whisky from his glass cup. Allowing the vicious liquid to slowly burn and trail down his throat. Enjoying the sensation, before performing another one of his routine deep-dives.

He thought back to Clam, Benny and Gary. And how he actually had impossible demands and ridiculous expectations on the three. If he thought about it properly. Weren't they just kids? Hormonal teenagers at best. For what did he expect them to act and think maturely? They had spent the majority of their lives experiencing nothing in that orphanage.

Hell, if he also took into consideration the fact that these kids weren't afforded education, and lacked a mother and father to show them the ropes to life. For what reason and under what audacity did he expect them to achieve character development and mental maturity?

Why did he call them the MFC or the RFC? Because, digging deep down. He knew he hated them. He wanted them to die, they were insignificant beings that had no place traveling with the protagonist that was Asai! That's why he didn't even bother putting in the time or effort to getting to know them better. 

It was only after he had saved them, that they began to realise something was wrong. Something about themselves that was wrong. Being the lost souls that they were at the time, they placed their bets on Asai, just as Robin did. Hell, Asai was for sure a lost cause too. He tried to find someone to teach him, He desperately latched onto Mel, before quickly latching onto Kozumi, hoping she would stick around to sort all his problems out with her strength. It was clear as day to him now, as to why the two woman didn't stick around. 

For if they did, they would only be smothering and impeding his own growth.

"In my short sightedness, I expected perfection and everything to go my way, yet I failed to actually look into the people for who they truly are."

He snatched the glass off the desk, realising how short sighted he had been. Gulping the rest of the contents down.

"Why did I expect little children to act as perfectly functioning adults?"

Placing the glass down. He glanced towards the bottle of whiskey. "One more?" He reached out and bought the bottle directly to his lips. Ignoring the glass before downing a few gulps of the stuff. Satisfied, his mind wondered to himself.

"This is supposed to be my second life, yet. My brain didn't function the way I expected it to. I don't know if these are just my excuses but, this body, these damn turbulent hormones and puberty. Made me completely stupid and weak to the whims of any women willing to shower me with attention..."

"But, I think I understand why. I am only human, just like Kozumi said. Think of the times when a perfectly functioning adult male would refuse to reason rationally, and act upon the correct, smarter and mature action. Would fall victim towards the whims of his hormones and impulses. Specifically, anger, rage and desire. If humans were perfect and could ignore those impulses, hell. Earth wouldn't have been filled with so many prisons. Makes sense no? All those people in jail for murder, theft and rape."

Suddenly feeling much better about himself. Asai took another swig before crashing into the bed. Passing out cold.

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