Isekai Rohan

111 Robin’s birthday

Today, was Robin's sixteenth birthday. By the social norms of this world, she would now be considered as an adult.

Currently, Robin was just returning to Trichia after completing her tasks. There were reports of large groups of vargs and goblins. As lord of the domain, Asai couldn't personally run out across the county so he had to send someone capable. Robin, always eager to prove and better herself volunteered. She would be lonely, she knew. But, she realised she had to grow up and become less dependent on her lord. The man, who was becoming increasingly busy.

Although many of his projects and businesses had already progressed enough that they no longer required his attention as much as before. With the amount of projects he had initiated in one fell swoop. He was still swamped with progress reports and visitors.


Robin's personal fame was already high enough that everyone within Trichia would recognise her. The guards and knights at this point didn't even bother asking her for identification. They simply saluted the young women, showing the respect she deserved for her prowess and position. The young lady was seen with the lord so often that they all thought of her as his personal knight or right hand lady. This granted her free reign and the freedom to go anywhere she desired.

As usual, she barged through the gates and entered the great hall. The knights on standby saluted her. Robin spared them no time as she was exceptionally excited to finally reach adulthood, and to spend this day with Asai.

Noticing the hall to be empty, she immediately marched in towards Asai's office. To only find it also empty. When she made her way to his bedroom. Ready to boot the door open as usual she found Annie and Mary whispering by the closed door.

"What are you doing?" Robin's attitude wasn't one that gently asked, rather she demanded the answer. A frown apparent on her face.

"Asai has locked himself within his room for weeks now." 

"And, we don't know what to do. He won't reply when we call him..." muttered Annie.

Robin, pushed the two ladies away from the door before imbuing one of her blades with mana. Puncturing the door and destroying its lock. She entered. After she was inside, noticing the many empty bottles that laid across the floor. She closed the door and struck her dagger into the stone floor. Leaving the handle to block the door from being opened.

She marched in to find Asai unconscious. His hair was greasy and messy. In his hand was a bottle of whiskey half finished. Robin quickly opened the window to allow the much needed fresh air to ventilate the place. Before she took the bottle out of his hands. Removing her boots and the belt that held her weapons. She climbed into the bed and pulled Asai's face into her embrace.

A few more tears dripped out of his closed eyes. He was murmuring in his sleep. Whimpering.

"Ssssh. It's okay. I'm here. You're not alone." She whispered.

She hoped that her warmth would be good enough for him. For hours she would stay like this, comforting his soul.


Later that night there was a knock on the door. When Robin opened it, she found Mary with a tray of chicken soup. Enough for two.

"What happened?" Robin demanded.

"We found out just now. Asai had a visitor. Apparently she used to be a bandit. She came to inform Asai of Mel's death. The two were adventuring when... She didn't make it."

Robin nodded, took the tray and closed the door.

For now, she would feed Asai and ensure he didn't go through this ordeal alone. It would take a few more days before Asai regained his energy and once again became the man that he was required to be.

As much as he wanted to rest, he had people to look after, to work for and to be there for.

As Asai slept. Robin planted a kiss on his forehead before shedding a tear of her own. Heartbroken to see him in such a state.


Her fate.


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