Isekai Rohan

112 Prelude

Einhoren Grand Cathedral

It was currently raining a light shower. The clouds were grey, and dull. Slithers of sunlight made it through the rain clouds. Down upon the Grand Cathedral.

The great hall glistened as the minimal amount of sunlight shimmered through the great windows that depicted the heavens and angels above. Towards the two sides were two statues that stood gloriously with wings of gold, each carrying a torch that pointed towards the heavens above in honour of Goddess Loha, the creator of humanity.

By the throne sat crown prince Victor Del Lagos, dressed in his full plate armour. A fur cape stretched across his shoulder. Atop his head was a tiara that was designed to imitate an angel's halo.

He stared before him as his most trusted, and strongest supporters stood at attention. The mighty noble houses by the front, whilst his personal paladins by the back.

The light glistening through the window by his back side covered him with an ethereal golden radiance which also bounced off his lustrous golden hair. 

Trumpets blared within the back ground. A prelude towards a great beginning. "It's time." 

Princess Victoria stood by his right, whilst Walter stood before his left. "KNEEL." 

All within the great hall, including Walter kneeled before Victor Del Lagos. The man stood, and with great dignity he traversed the great hall out through the large entrance. There he approached the balcony, climbing the steps up onto the podium where he presented his regal body to the world.

Presented before the man was the entire royal army and behind them, were the citizens who were fortunate enough to squeeze themselves into the grand plaza. The others who weren't so fortunate, the citizens of the kingdom of Del Lagos. They all stood at attention upon hearing the trumpets. They stood at attention, gazing off into the distance and although they couldn't see the man. They glanced towards his direction, giving him the respect and honour his position demanded.

As Victor stood upon the mighty podium in front of his grand audience. The skies above relented. The clouds parted and the rays of sunlight shot down upon him. Highlighting him as the rays of light bounced of his metallic armour. The sunlight continued to expand from him. Encapsulating the crowd with divine light before further growing and shining down upon the entirety of Einhoren.

Goddess Loha had blessed him personally before the people.

Victor peered down upon the masses. Injecting mana into his vocal cords, he began his speech.

"People of Einhoren, people of Del Lagos. Look towards your left, towards your right. There, stand, your friends. Family, loved ones, brothers and sisters. They are people who are strong, powerful, intelligent and kind. We humans, since time memorial has treaded the lands of this world with love and kindness.

But I stand here before you all today, regretfully so. To inform you great people of this great kingdom of the atrocities the elves have performed upon us! For months they have stolen, taken, killed, kidnapped and raped the people of our lands. We have attempted to peacefully resolve the differences between us but nay! They deem us lower than insects, the ants they tread on.

They ignore our pleas for co-existence and peace! People of Del Lagos, as your prince. I Victor Del Lagos. I AM ANGRY! I am sickened by the blatant disregard for human life! They send their mighty warriors into our lands to raid and kidnap our children. Claiming them as their slaves and labourers. 

I am angry. terribly so. For your sake, for your friends family and loved ones. I hereby declare war on the kingdom of elves Via Marea! And I pledge to you the great and noble humans of this world. Before I conquer their capital Vena. I SHALL NOT REST!



The knights down below the plaza all began to chant


The chant like a virus instantly spread towards the citizens, into the crowds, through the streets. Spreading far and wide through the capital. Even all the people who were no where near enough to hear his speech joined in. The capital of Einhoren began to shake under the fervour of the people.

The nobles who wanted to sit out from this war felt their mansions shake and boom. Their hearts beating as one. Racing, calling upon them to join the cause.

To fight for humanity. 


When I was 17. Back when I was a young teenager who was full of energy and believed ourselves to be special and invincible. Crossing roads without a care, climbing buildings trying to parkour etc.

One of my friends, a girl. We never dated or anything, but we still had spent a lot of time together. All of a sudden, she passed away and there I was at her funeral. The sudden loss of life, her absence in my life and the reality that I'd never get to see her again ruined me.

For weeks, I cried and cried. It took a while before I could move on and continue living my life. To meet and experience new people and life. However, clearly even now I still remember her.

It is with this experience, that I wrote the previous chapter concerning Mel.

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