Via Marea

Goddess's Fountain

Above a large pristine lake. There floated gently was Queen Rima Regenon. Currently, she had her eyes closed as she prayed. The moon light seemingly focused on her and her alone. Her platinum hair stuck to her skin because of her sweat. A frown across her brow. From the edges of the lake stood her personal guard. They stood in silence as they watched their queen perform her duties. 

Praying towards their creator, their god. The goddess of beauty Marea.

One man dressed in a fine silk attire approached. His face brimming with urgency. As he entered the lake, his legs becoming submerged under the water.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's an emergency!"

Queen Rima's grey eyes opened. She saw the man who had been her most loyal supporter and friend since decades ago. A gentle smile stretched upon her face. As she stood, the water under hear feet fluttered.

She walked across above the water before she was just in arms reach of the man who was still submerged under up to his waist.

"What is it Larmiel?" Larmiel her supporter, friend and royal healer of Via Marea immediately answered.

"T-The humans have declared war on us! It's a disaster! They accuse us of horrible atrocities that we've never committed! What are your orders?" Before Queen Rima answered. She glanced up towards the moon. A minute of silence passed before she nodded. Turning her gaze back towards her old friend.

"We prepare for war Larmiel. If they humans desire bloodshed. Then we shall deliver. Marea wills it." A silver radiance glistened within her eyes. Ripples shot across the water surface as she and Larmiel began to make their way back towards Vena, the capital of the elves.


As soon as Queen Rima sat upon her throne in Vena. She glanced upon her friends who had helped built the elven kingdom. Herphius the armour smith. Hibernon the master weapon smith. Gamiel the ranged weapon specialist. The three bowed as her eyes hovered over them.

"Your Majesty, our armouries, weaponries and warehouses are all ready and filled to the brim. If the humans want war. Your kingdom is ready to show them their folly."

Del Lagos certainly had plenty of greenlands fertile and fit for agriculture. On the other hand, Via Marea had a higher surplus of crystal quarries, mineral and ore deposits scattered throughout her lands. 

"The humans should have stockpiled greater amounts of food for this campaign. Whilst we have a greater amount and quality of weapons and armours. What do you say our chances are of victory Gamiel?" The ranged weapon specialist.

"Your Majesty, surely you jest? There isn't even a need to ask. We will be victorious one hundred percent. I doubt the humans will even make it close enough to touch us when we rain our arrows down upon their skinny asses HAHAA!"

Queen Rima Regenon glanced towards the side. Beside the window stood two heavenly beauties. If they told anyone they came from the moon, on orders of the moon goddess, men would believe it.

"And what say you? Our chances of victory and defeat?"

"I have spent years slowly crippling their foundations. Their best craft smiths lay dead. Their best strategists are missing. Their people march upon false beliefs and a path of lies. I am certain in your victory. Hence, why we are here to support you."

"Very good. Kozumi, Mizumi, After this little war with the humans. If you do well, I shall personally grant you peerage within my kingdom.

Kozumi and Mizumi bowed deeply.

"Thank you your Majesty!" The two quickly entered [Hide] and was gone like the wind.

After a moment of silence.

"Did any of you manage to unravel that little trick of theirs?" Her closest friends all shook their head in defeat. They had never seen anyone appear and disappear at will before. It was simply unheard of!

The silvery radiance flickered within Queen Rima's gaze. An excited grin stretched from ear to ear. "I have been on this planet for over 571 years, finally! Finally, the humans managed to grow the balls to attack us! I simply can not wait!" Rima licked her pink lips in excitement.

"Go, go inform the nobles they have work to do. I didn't grant them peerage just so they could swim in riches and women!"

The men saluted and immediately departed to act upon her orders.

Unbeknownst to humanity. The elves weren't a peace loving people. In fact, they were much more militaristic than the humans were.

They granted peerage to the strongest of their kind. Within their kingdom, there were no adventurers. Everyone had mandatory military enrolment and training. Everyone was accounted for, every elf had a role to play and perform within their society and kingdom.

With her long long life. Rima was terribly bored of playing the peaceful and kind queen. 

The only reason they never waged war was because Marea, their goddess ordered them not to. However, whilst Queen Rima was praying at the Goddess's Fountain this year round. Marea said only two words.

"Annihilate them."


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