With both fronts succeeding. The humans were quick to enter and slaughter everyone they could find. 

When Asai stormed into the halls of Gray Dawn Tower, followed by four platoons. (40 men) They found the Elves clad in their variation of full plate armour. Literal walking humanoid tanks of the Medieval period. In their hands were their signature slim longswords. Attached to their left arm guard were small gauntlet shields. They stood with the blades drawn, allowing the humans to engage first.

Asai quickly glanced back to his men. They were in half plate, and quarter plate armour. A short sword in their right hand, and nothing in their left. The look in their eyes told him that they were prepared.

"Loha is watching you men. Fight with your souls on the line!" Leading by example, he decided to be at the forefront for this. As he had instructed his men, usually the exact vanguard would be the knights, clad in full armour. The TANKS, to absorb the initial charge, however at this moment. He only had the knight-trainees and foot soldiers. Thus, he shall personally take on the role of a TANK.

Although these men didn't belong to Asai's territory, and in fact belonged to Jenson De Lion. The men had seen how Asai's military would engage and disengage enough times thanks to the many skirmishes the humans had encountered prior to reaching Gray Dawn Tower to know what Asai would do.

"FOR LOHA!" Asai Roared, as he charged.


The Elves prepared to strike with their longswords, aware that they had greater range and could keep the humans at bay and possibly forever stuck within the small confines of this hallway.

However, as they watched Asai who was alone at the front charge in. They simply blinked and the man was gone. The sudden loss of vision struck them with confusion as their brains no longer tried to calculate the time and distance of impact. When suddenly


The sudden eruption of their frontline shocked them shitless. As they gazed upon the corpse that was once upon a time an elf. The sudden urge to vomit assaulted the ones close enough to the front before the rest of the humans ruthlessly threw themselves at the elves. Lunging in with their blades before they were ready to replace their sudden loss of a front line.

Asai had to dive out of the glass window to save himself from the human stampede. There was no way he would survive between a clash between metal and metal. Especially when it was such a close-quarters cluster-fuck. He doubted they would even have the space to use their blades. Imagining them to be punching one and another instead.


Sneaking off alone, Asai was searching for the head commander or captain of the keep. Traversing the place, whenever he caught a lone elf, seemingly running back from collecting more munitions, or any elf that was high enough level to benefit him. he would quickly cast [Death Call] paralyzing the elf before silently slicing the poor lad's neck. Leaving him to bleed out alone.

As he continued walking, he came across a great hall. The large doors were left slightly ajar. He slipped in, still hidden within [Hide] as he went in deeper. He observed the walls and the ceiling. Murals and paintings that reminded him of Renaissance artwork were everywhere. Looking closer, he would notice the murals to only tell of war, battles and dragons.

One particular mural depicted what seemed to be a gigantic sea serpent, being challenged by over a hundred boats.

"That right there is the Leviathan. Magnificent creature isn't it sonny?" A rusty and deep voice boomed. Unable to locate the source of sound. Asai dipped behind a pillar.

He infused mana into his eyes to better search his surroundings.

"This feeling. It feels familiar." A sudden flash back to the [Blood Tyrant] urged his body to dodge. Within a second of following his intuition. The pillar he hid behind erupted.

Fragments of stone pelted his back side as he rolled away. Asai double checked his hand, only to confirm that he was still in [Hide]

He glanced back towards the collapsed pillar to find a silver arrow plunged into the stone floor.

[Kael's Arrow]

"Sonny. I can see you!"


The next chapter was really frustrating to write. And I will believe it to also be frustrating to read.

The class MC is fighting against is the most annoying mother fucker. Mad mobility speed, mad off-screen ranged attack and auto attacks and skills that lower your mobility and root you.

Can you already imagine how annoying that is to fight against as a melee class? XD

It is with this experience, that I wrote the next chapter. Sorry lads, you're going to have to feel my pain and suffering too!

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