"Sonny boy~ Are we playing good old hide and seek?"

Another arrow flew around the corner and blasted the wall behind Asai into fragments. "FUCKING. HOMING ARROWS!?" After a few exchanges, Asai hadn't been able to pin point his enemy. He had glanced up to only find no balconies or ledges. The arrows were flying in from random directions and they could also turn corners. "This is fucking insane!"

"I don't mind, but aren't you a tad bit too old?" "Fuck this I'm out!" Asai weaved towards the door before an arrow flew by his head. Slamming the door shot. This time, it didn't explode. "And he can control the power!?"

"You continue hiding okay? I'll start counting now. TEN!"

Ten arrows assaulted Asai's proximity from multiple directions. Unable to dodge them all, he took a few hits to the back and legs. He backed himself against the far wall. Against the mural that depicted the Leviathan. [Sealing Square]

From his [Inventory] he quickly chugged HP and stamina potions.

"Oh? That's cheating... I don't like cheaters. NINE!"

Nine arrows flew towards him, pelting and battering the red circle. The symbols flickered and struggled to upkeep the zone. With this moment of respite, Asai racked his brain.

"Oh? Nice trick you've got there."

"This guy, he's just like Robin. He can see me, so that means either he's at least 16 levels higher than me or he has a detection skill. He has [Disappear] and another variation of [All in One] But not entirely magical, but also physical. I've sparred against Robin before, this is doable."


Another volley pelted the [Sealing Square] further weakening it.

"[Blood Tyrant] That mother fucker could see because of the rain he summoned. So... That's it!"

From [Inventory] Asai pulled out multiple barrels of water.

"Thirsty are ya? Take yee time, I'll let ya drink- NOT! SEVEN"


[ANNIHILATE] The barrels exploded, the water splashed and gushed out. It was enough to reach his shins, but as the [Sealing Square] deactivated. The water was quick to flow across the hall. Wetting the entirety of the place.

Asai dived towards the side as another volley pelted his location. "SIX!"

"Come onnn hurry up!"

Asai pulled out both wine and whiskey bottles, throwing and dashing them against the many pillars across the hall.

"Is this water supposed to hurt me? FIVE!"

Losing his grip on the floor, Asai was unable to react in time. Taking another few hits to his legs. As he pushed himself off the ground, he found himself to having to limp. 

"Finally!" In one certain location. Two foot prints appeared where the liquids seemed to evade. It wasn't much, but it was enough for him.



Out of thin air, an Elf was thrusted towards Asai, towards his open palm and into melee range.

"I got you now mother fucker!"

[???: Level 71]

Asai saw it, the fear and surprise within his eyes.

[Psychic Phantom]!

Because of his injury, Asai was unable to vault properly. Igniting a lesser amount of mana. However, it was still enough to blast the elf's shoulder apart. The arm slumping into the wet ground, following by the blood.

The Elf didn't immediately die, instead he entered cardiac arrest, from the shock and pain. For safe measures, Asai sliced his neck.

After releasing the elf, Asai fell to his knees. Chugging more potions. The man was tired, hurt and sore. Being pestered by rocks, stones and arrows wasn't that enjoyable. He could only hope that Robin was far away enough that [Robin's Desire] didn't proc.


Asai sat himself against the wall and stared at the murals before him, until a stampede of foot steps barged through the large door.

"Count Asai Trichia! Thank the heavens! We've won! The keep is ours!" Jenson De Lion announced proudly.

"At what costs?"


The elf was an half-elf Ranger evolution class. The Elves had a skill that was really fucking dumb in game. every 30 minutes you proc the skill to supply yourself with 10 Kael's arrows. That were stronger than the arrows you could purchase from the npc shop. So you had no choice but to sit there and farm it for hours if you wanted to pvp.

2nd. Disappear, as you guys know. Stealth skill.

3rd. Ranger class has a skill called "Sieged Shot" No reload animation. It wasn't an active attack skill actually. It forced your character to stand still for increased damage. OFC we ignore the 10s duration. 

Become immovable for 10 seconds, gains 100% ranged attack damage.

Crossbow required

Cant move from position(Rooted:SELF) while this skill is in effect

4th. They have a skill to actually check for stealthed players.

"Detect players or monsters who are in Vanish mode within 15meter radius for 90 seconds."

Rangers put every single stat point into Dex for dmg. Because ranged/mobility = glass cannon ranged killer.


After this fight, I now realize I need to give the MC more utility skills.

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