The night prior to the battle of Crea's Workshop.

Asai and his small force of just over a thousand men were marching towards Crea's workshop. He had realised it would be entirely suicidal to even attempt to siege the elven capital with his numbers. Rather than march more of his men to their deaths, he believed it wiser to join the mid-front. Perhaps finally choosing the option of performing an hammer and anvil stratagem upon the elves.

When he did consider attacking the capital. He imagined the elves to simply ignore him. The prince had given him an impossible task after all. Never expecting him to actually even get this far. Since he couldn't pull any aggro from another other fronts, he really was left with no choice but to reinforce the mid-front.

The last report he had received from a messenger stated that the human army had already been besieging the castle for days. And it would appear to continue for much longer if no assistance was provided.

He had heard no reports about Walter, reportedly considered MIA. However, Asai knew that being considered missing in action for such a long time without news, pretty much meant the man and his 10,000 strong army was dead.

He glanced back towards his men who were chatting idly as they slowly marched north. Their morale seemed good, rather than thinking about their losses, they bolstered their beliefs by only thinking about the consecutive victories they had achieved thus far.

To his side, was Robin, Benny and Count Jenson De Lion. Behind him rode mercenary Shoto and Ford. The two viscounts had incurred injuries to their sword arm, thus becoming unfit for battle. Returning alongside Gary and Clam. However, they had left their levies and knights behind to support the war effort. Their direct vassals however, followed them home. 

"My lord, the men are tired. I advise resting for the night." Ford hesitantly suggested.

Asai took a glance towards Count Jenson De Lion who nodded in agreement.

"Very well. Set up the camps. Robin and I will take first watch."

The man quickly sent the orders out.

By now, Robin and Asai both were exhausted as well. Their minds wary from the long march and the many battles they had engaged in. They didn't want to spill any more blood. Seeking each other for comfort, the two were quick to climb the trees, out of view of the men below. Where they could cuddle and enjoy one and another's warmth.

Perhaps an hour in, Robin noticed lights within the distance. Illuminating the woodlands. The two went on to scout ahead, both in stealth.

When they were closer enough to see the sudden emergence of a new force. They were glad to notice that they were all human. Flying the flag of Duke Jeffrey De Lumix. Asai quickly showed himself.

"I am Count Asai Trichia, what are you doing here so far from home? The next supply wasn't scheduled until next week."

The head knight quickly jumped off his horse and saluted. 

"Count Asai Trichia, I am knight Ronald, I bring to you three thousand men to be placed under your command. One thousand knights, one thousand knight-trainees and one thousand foot soldiers. Courtesy of Rosemi De Lumix. And also, a letter for you milord."

Upon taking the letter, he quickly checked the contents, in case there was any new vital intel.

"Dear Count Asai Trichia,

I apologise for my inability to assist you as much as I'd like. As much as I would love to be besides you, engaging in glorious battle for fame and honour. My father still insists that I remain behind, hence I have sent you what I could. I hope you know, I pulled in all the favours I could. You owe me one now. Also, I didn't know you were pen pals with her highness? Princess Victoria Del Lagos sends her regards, in fact, she helped gather the men I've sent you. So you also owe her a favour too I suppose.

I'll pray for your safe return.


Rosemi De Lumix, your future wife.

P.S  You still owe me a date. So don't die until you pay up!

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