"Eyes on the prize Larmiel"

"Yes, your Majesty!" Larmiel, although being the royal healer. Was now clad in plated armour. In his grasp, rather than a wand or a staff. The man held an elven longsword. Queen Rima Regenon also sported such a blade. However, she held one in each arm, dual wielding. 

The two had been keeping an eye on the battlefield for hours now. The mass melee of bodies stretching across the fields.

"There! I see him your Majesty!" Glancing towards the distance that Larmiel pointed towards. Queen Rima finally found her prize. In her sights was the human prince Victor Del Lagos.

"The hunt is on little rabbit!"  "Come. On me!"

Her personal royal guard, the elites followed their queen on horseback. Entering the fray with great fervour and energy.

The cavalry charge had to swing around the flanks to avoid massacring their own forces. Now entering from the side, the column of mounts ran over all the humans who weren't quick enough to appropriately respond. Even if they were knights clad in full armour. The metal plates didn't help when horses who weighed around 300kg barged into them, and then proceeded to stomp them into the ground.

Now close to her target. Prince Victor noticed the sudden emergence of elites. Rallying his paladins to reform the lines and meet the charge head on. Whatever human of elf unlucky enough to find themselves position between the two charges quickly shit their pants. 

When the two columns of cavalry clashed. Victor targeted the Queen. Being the only female on the field with a crown, it was evident who she was. Queen Rima easily parried his blade, whilst also decapitating another paladin with off-hand. The two cavalry charges parted as they continued to run. No human or elf dared to enter the new empty zone that was created within the messy battle field. 

The horses turned around, reforming the line once more. Preparing for another clash of horses and metal. Before the second charge was actioned. Queen Rima alone trotted forward. Taunting the prince. Victor's men looked to him, to see how he would answer. This was the opportune moment to perhaps end the war. However, would his pride and dignity as both a royal and a knight allow it?

"This bitch! Fine, I'll play your game." She was but a young woman, how powerful or skilled could she really be? He wondered.

Now the two close enough to be in ear shot. Surrounded by the clash of metal, the throes of death and the constant rumbling from the skills being fired upon one and another.

"How do you do? Prince of the humans. I am Queen Rime Regenon, I hope you've enjoyed your stay within my lands." She jumped off her horse and did a little curtsy. 

Prince Victor also dismounted. 

"I am Prince Victor Del Lagos. And, I appreciate you asking. I'm doing great thanks. I hope I could say the same about your population count, however I must apologise as it seems I had enjoyed myself too much with the blood of your people."

The sudden lull within the middle of the fields created a small respite. As the humans and elves separated to catch their breath, their energy and to watch the ensuing duel between royalty.

The heavens above seemingly pleased, entertained the idea and forcefully segregated the two species apart with their zones.

Victor glanced around to see the fatigue and exhaustion within the human ranks. Their numbers were so little, when compared to the mass of elves. The human's were losing, and actually considered this duel to be god-sent. If queen Rima were to perish here, the moral shift would breath in a second wind. Whilst the loss of their queen would also strip the elves of their blessing from Marea.

The paladins behind Victor began to clash their metal gauntlets against their chest plates in unison. Their hearts beating as one. 

The elves began to pray for their queen's safe victory. With thousand of elves praying in unison, the words they spoke sang out like a song.



The two skilled fired at the same time from above their heads, just barely missing one and another. Slamming down directly onto their targets, both fighters were now covered by a dust cloud that glistened with mana distortion.

The queen and prince both emerged unscathed and instantly sliced one and another. Victor had been successful in slicing her torso, causing a great deal of blood to spurt out and cover her silver armour in crimson red. Rima had managed to slice through his abdomen. The two, just like the cavalry charge, took a few steps away from one and another, preparing for the next encounter.

Queen Rima watched as the prince's wounds regenerated. The skin stretched and stitched itself shut. [Group Euphoria]

Prince Victor watched as the queen's torso regenerated. As a priestess, Rima had access to [Heal]

Victor took a deep breath, as he was wary from being in the battle since the beginning, whilst Rima was fresh.

The two now back to square one, when regarding health realised the fight wouldn't be so simple anymore. Eager to learn more about their opponent, to probe and to see if there were any more hidden cards. They once again pelted each other with their skills.





Heals a single target in accordance to your psyche/intelligence stat

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