Two walls of light shot down from the heavens. Sealing the bridge off from all external factors. A golden wall of light glistened in front of the 4000 humans. Whilst a silvery-grey wall closed off the bridge in front of the elven shield wall.

Asai and Arthur paused momentarily in surprise.

The elves on one side and Robin on the other poked the walls with their weapons. It was clear to the two within that they were trapped within. And until there was only one, the walls would remain.

Arthur was staring at the two lights as if they were divine intervention. visual acknowledgement from the heavens that the path he tread upon was correct. That indeed, he was the one true destined hero.

Asai deactivated [Sealing Square] before he slipped into [Hide] "This guy has that bullshit intuition right? Then how about this!?"

[Phantom Menace] x 1

To the by standers. Asai seemed to just vanish one second only to reappear the next right behind Arthur, posed to strike.

Arthur instantly followed his intuition. Both blades swung behind him, spinning on his back heel as an axis. Whilst one blade decapitated Asai, the other sliced open his abdomen. His intestines immediately falling out before the man dropped to his knees evidently dead.

Count Jenson De Lion found himself lost for words. He had seen Asai butchering and slaughtering thousands of men, the sudden end to such a great man simply refused to process properly within his mind.

Robin clenched her fists. Frustrated that their connection was cut. Benny fell back onto his ass. 

Arthur smirked victoriously. 


The force slammed into his back like a sledgehammer. The air within his lungs taken. He crashed face first into the stone bridge, skidding across it. From within his helmet, his nose has been crushed, deformed and bleeding profusely. As he pushed himself up, he found his two swords to be elsewhere.

Because of the small concussion that he had just incurred. He was now seeing three Asais charging towards him. He yanked his two old short swords out of his storage ring to fend against the man.

A second later and he found himself to still be seeing three Asais. His brain failed to compute, failed to recognise which of the three to defend against. By luck or great fortune, his listened to his gut feeling as always and blocked the left.

All three Asais vaulted at the same time, but only one skill activated


With a cross-block he once again held his ground. Just before he tried to retaliate by slicing the two swords downwards. He felt his right shoulder and back go numb. Glancing over just in time to see a karambit heading for his eyes.


He fell backwards, onto his ass. Just in time for a grey sphere to light up around him. nullifying the attacks that were upon him. His last bracelet of life snapped, fell and evaporated into thin air.

Before the sphere ended. He lunged outwards, finding it surprisingly easy to slice their necks. Arthur leapt back to regain his breath, only to find his back against the golden wall.

He saw the little girl that wanted to kill him personally. He saw the hate and disappointment within the human army's gaze. As if he had betrayed their kingdom.

"B-but, I'm doing this for you guys? Why don't you understand!?"

[Phantom Menace] 

Once again there were three Asai's slowing walking towards him.

"WHAT BLACK MAGIC IS THIS!? FIGHT ME FAIR!" The Asai in the middle grinned.

Arthur immediately shot towards him, a last ditch effort. 

[DEATH CALL]  "Idiot! That only helps me get to you faster!-"

Arthur's body propelled itself forward at even greater speeds than before. He could no longer stop, no longer able to change direction. The two clones both took it upon themselves to sever his limbs. 

However much that hurt, Arthur believed himself to be fine. As long as he killed Asai here, Queen Rima would no doubt heal him.

That was, until the real Asai vaulted over the man entirely. Flipping and landing on his feet as Arthur continued onwards, now without any balance the man fell face down.

Fear struck him. "How could I have failed? I'm the hero! I'm the one!"

"Any last words Arthur?" Asai slowly approached.


Asai leaned in close towards his ear.

"As I said before. Nah. I'm good thanks. It was nice seeing you again though."

Asai immediately slit his throat. There will be no third battle between the two. "What was that saying? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me? No... That doesn't really apply here does it?"

Watching as the blood spilled out onto the stone, whilst the man below suffocated and helplessly died. "Seriously. You couldn't beat me before, what made you think you could this time? Fucking idiot." 

"And to think Rosemi cared about you..."

Just as Asai was about to reach towards all the enchanted accessories. He felt a punch land upon his shoulder. Blasting him back towards the humans, crashing into Robin as she tried to catch him. Since Arthur had perished, the walls were gone.

He was quick to check the new arrival.

[Godfrey Del Lagos: Lvl 99]

The man was staring absent-mindedly at the corpse. "Fuck, I have to fight a level 99 out of nowhere!?" Asai was quick to chug a few potions.

Suddenly, a blast of wind slammed into everyone around but Godfrey.

[Höðr : Lvl 99]

A black dragon that blotted out the sun was flapping its wings hovering just above the bridge. Robin gripped onto Asai's hand tightly, tempted to escape with the man. She couldn't see levels, but anyone could tell that the beast was mighty! Both the humans and Elves froze in horror.

No one had ever seen a dragon before. The only ones who even knew about them, were well aware they simply guarded the territory borders. Rejecting entry into the northern lands.

"Holy shit..."


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