"Your Majesty!" Count Jenson De Lion, although fearful of the mighty dragon, was ecstatic to see their king enter the fields of battle. Within the man's prime, he was truly a force to be reckoned with. Known as the one-man-army. He would personally go off on a whim and fight the other kingdom or rebel dukes alone.

Within the kingdom, there were rumours that he was sick. but as soon as Jenson's brain processed the punch that had blasted Asai so far off the bridge. He knew that the man was actually perfectly fine. He quickly turned towards the newer soldiers, yet to recognise their king and lord.

"That's the king of Del Lagos! King Godfrey Del Lagos. All kneel at once!"

The 4000 shocked to hear that their king had arrived truly in style. With a colossal dragon at that! Was quick to kneel in both reverence and fear of the man.

Asai remained within Robin's arms, who was shaking in fear. [Dragon Fear] was a natural occurrence. 

"Please, say something! I'm fighting for your kingdom and your foolish son's glory. Friend or foe, which is it!?"

On one side of his mind, he believed they were on the same side. On the other, he was remembering the fact that he had just killed his son.

The elves on the other side were so afraid, that after hearing the announcement from Jenson, and seeing the human army before them all kneel in reference, immediately threw their swords and shields away and ran. Hoping the human king would have the decency not to murder an unarmed elf who was merely minding their own business.

Godfrey peered into Asai's black abyssal eyes.

"You. Murdered my son. I demand a life for a life." "FOE!?"

Count Jenson was speechless. His own king was now threatening his current lord and marshal. Asai summoned his two golden fangs. "I'll go down swinging if I have to!"

Godfrey chuckled as he saw the two little toothpicks. He allowed his mana to surge throughout his body. The golden radiance was so overwhelming, Both Robin and Asai who were more sensitive to mana felt their face burn, as if they were standing too close to a hot furnace.

"Send no one, and I'll kill all four thousand and twenty one of you." The dragon seemingly joining the man, now perched its head high above him, facing the human army.

"Take me-"

Robin and Asai looked to see who spoke. The instant their heads turned, they were only able to see the man's body explode. As Godfrey, was now standing before them pulling his fist back towards himself.

"Good man." He nodded in satisfaction before jumping up onto the dragon's head. Arthur's corpse was now within its' jaws.

The human army could only stand in fright as the dragon and king flew off into the distance.

Godfrey was so insanely fast that Asai couldn't register the man's approach and punch at all.

Robin was the first to puke and cry, being covered in blood and gore.

Asai looked towards the corpse beside them. 

"Ah. Benny..."

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