The two skills clashed within the air, mana particles fell and sizzled like fireworks. Down upon the two still locked in melee.

The two continued to trade blow for blow. However, after trading so many blows one after the other the prince's sword shattered.

Prince Victor's body was completely battered. His armour had already been slowly sliced and destroyed off. His [Group Euphoria] could only mend his flesh, not the armour he wore. And, after his armour was mostly wrecked and lay upon the dirt. His body soon followed along. Even as his body continued to mend itself, Rima Regenon with her unmatched skill continued to slice and dice up his body faster than it could heal from life steal.

The Queen's body on the other hand was completely fine. Her mana seemed bottomless, constantly casting [Heal] onto herself. Her armour however, had seen better days.

Finally, the blood loss was too severe, Victor fell to his knees. His sword limply held. The man no longer had any energy to fight. The fields of battle became quiet. The humans no longer beat their chests in symphony. The elves no longer needed to prayer. The result evident.

Queen Rima Regenon stood impeccably. Peering down upon the human prince who was on his knees as if he were swearing fealty upon her.

"Prince of the humans. You should've done this from the very start. Although I must say, our little date together was truly enjoyable." Victor had no reply. He simply stared into her eyes, waiting for his death. 

Queen Rima leaned in, to whisper. "I had so much fun making you bleed. I think, after you die. I'm going to enjoy myself too much and by accident continue to enjoy the blood of your people." She smirked. 

Rima Regenon raised her blade up above her head, preparing to decapitate the human.

The paladins loyal to the prince looked around. The loss and despair within the others were apparent. The levies that had long since perished, failed to stop the forces from Crea's Workshop. The small human force was now entirely surrounded in all directions, and their prince was about to be beheaded.

One knight looked to the sun, praying for salvation.


Before Rima could behead the man. He fell unconscious, his body crashed into the ground. half his face covered in mud.

"Tch. Can't even die properly-" As she stood above the boy, ready to strike. 

Queen Rima was assaulted by new orders. In confusion, she looked towards the moon, still lingering above.

"WHAT!?" "WHY!?" She shouted in great indignation.

A dragon beyond the horizon swiftly approached. A single human leapt off its back and landed nearby. The ground he landed upon sunk down into a crater. The man seemingly unaffected by the landing walked on over.

Once again absent-mindedly staring at the body of yet another one of his sons.

"I'm here. I'm ready." Godfrey spoke not to Queen Rima, but towards the sun. The woman in waiting could only grit her teeth. Godfrey turned towards the elven queen, imbuing his mana so that all may hear.

"I am Godfrey Del Lagos. King of Del Lagos. With my power and authority afforded upon me via Loha. I hereby declare that my kingdom and all of its armies surrender. The war, under the eyes of the almighty gods and goddesses above is now over!"

The surrounding humans and elves were confused. Waiting to see how their queen would react to this declaration. "Kill them all?" "Enslave them?" "Let them go?"

What Godfrey did next, shocked them even greater. The king kneeled before the queen, lowering his head. "I am willing." He announced.

Queen Rima Regenon, glanced towards the moon one last time to confirm, before she nodded in defeat.

"Any last words King of the humans?"

"Yes. Please tell my son, I am sorry. I have failed as a father more than once. And that, do not blame the gods. It is I who made this choice. Tell him to continue living, and that there is more to life than fame and glory."

"Sure." Rima nodded bluntly before she quickly swung her blade down, and decapitated Godfrey. Ending his life instantly.

The black dragon hovered over the prince's body. As it watched the humans and elves closely. Enjoying the show.

Queen Rima mounted her steed and trotted off without even saying or announcing anything. Seeing their queen and her royal corps leave. The elves also quickly left. Leaving the small force of humans dumbfounded.

They were abandoned there amidst mounts of corpses. Left for the local wild life, bandits or elven peasants to scavenge upon.


One paladin approached Victor's body. The dragon glared at him for a moment, whilst it began to read his mind. Once it approved of the human, it flew off back into the horizon.

Istvan stared down at the prince's body, and also King Godfrey's corpse. It was only after he started to bark orders did the remaining humans did what they could to retrieve the bodies. It was going to be a long journey home. They had lost their armies, the war and their king.

When the news finally made its way back to Einhoren. Many would cry and shed tears. Their husbands, sons, cousins, friends and neighbours had died in the thousands. And for what? 



In Rohan, the weapons (Sword/dagger/wand/staff/mace etc) weren't purchasable from npcs at the higher levels. You had to grind monsters and hope for the drop, and then also hope that weapon had the correct stat.

The game was so RNG, that you saw Priests running around with swords instead of staffs because the RNG stat gave it more INT than a staff would.

So Queen Rima running around with two blades is actually legit in the game. 

Similar to the Archer/ranger class running around with a mace instead of a crossbow/bow to kill people. KEKW

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