Isekai Rohan

156 Aftermath

Einhoren Grand Cathedral

It was currently raining a light shower. The clouds were grey, and dull. Slithers of sunlight made it through the rain clouds. Down upon the Grand Cathedral, seeping in.

The great hall glistened as the minimal amount of sunlight shimmered through the great windows that depicted the heavens and angels above. Towards the two sides were two statues that stood gloriously with wings of gold, each carrying a torch that pointed towards the heavens above in honour of Goddess Loha, the creator of humanity.

Before the throne stood the pope. In his hand was the golden crown that was left behind by Godfrey. It was designed to appear like an angel's halo. With a mixture of both feathers and wings if one looked closer.

The pope stood facing Princess Victoria Del Lagos, who was down upon one knee. Victoria was dressed glamorously, on top of her magnificent dress, she adorned a cape long enough to reach her heels. The white fur wrapped around her shoulders. Her golden hair tied neatly for the occasion.

"Almighty and everlasting God, we beseech Thee of thy abundant goodness, pour out the spirit of thy grace and blessing upon this thy Servant princess Victoria Del Lagos; that as by the imposition of our hands, she is this day crowned queen, so she may, by thy sanctification, continue always thy chosen servant."

The pope placed the crown upon her head gently, before an archbishop approached with a small vial of holy water. Splashing a few droplets upon her, blessing her for all time.


The instant the coronation ended, Queen Victoria Del Lagos remained seated on the throne. There was much to be done, and little time to do it. Once the members of the church left, one by one the nobles and vassals of the kingdom entered. Standing at attention according to their ranks. Rosemi De Lumix stood at the very forefront. Behind her, the counts, viscounts and barons.

Duke Jeffrey De Lumix, who was standing beside the new queen stomped his sheathed sword into the stone. The signal immediately began the next process.

"Now entering, Count Asai Trichia."

Asai, now dressed in a suit for once, instead of his usual leather gears, entered. He felt his skin prick, as all the eyes and glares were focused upon his person. Once he stood before queen Victoria, he kneeled as a vassal would.

Queen Victoria rose from her seat. Now standing in arms reach.

"Count Asai Trichia. You obeyed your kingdom's call and fought bravely upon the fields of battle. You came home without a victory not because you had been defeated, but because it had been denied from you. Upon returning home, you were greeted by no parades nor any celebrations. As the queen of this kingdom. I both apologise and thank thee for your services, your courage, your efforts and your continued loyalty.

In recognition of your achievements, I hereby grant you the peerage of a duke."

Although she was supposed to use a ceremonial sword, Victoria pulled out her own personal blade instead. Planting the flat surface upon his shoulders.

"You kneeled as a count, now you rise as a duke!"

Asai finally rose, meeting the gaze of his new queen. Victoria Del Lagos quickly abused her position, leaning in and kissing the man on the cheek before seating herself back on the throne. Gasps and murmurs resounded through the hall. One particular gasp was louder than the rest. Rosemi's.

For the remainder of the process of granting peerage and promotions. Queen Victoria remained seated throughout. Adding greater fuel into the fires of gossip.

The kingdom of Del Lagos had suffered a great loss. Many of the upper nobility had perished. Thus, Victoria was quick to fill the ranks and holes. Whilst Asai had been promoted to duke, viscounts Timson Brown and Sam Bones had been promoted to counts. Mercenaries Shoto and Ford were granted peerage, becoming barons within Asai's territory. The two eager for a stable living were quick to promote their fellow adventurers into knights and vassals.

They were perhaps the happiest of the kingdom, they had went to war and came back carrying foreign exotic weapons and armour. Not to mention Asai still paid them for their services even though the kingdom had lost.

Count Jenson De Lion wasn't promoted. Being the nephew of Duke Jeffrey, doing so would upset more noble houses than the queen could handle. "Two dukes from the same bloodline!? Think about the balance of power! Preposterous!" The nobles complained.

The second prince of the kingdom, Arthur Del Lagos was announced dead, again. Written down in history as a man who fought for his king and kingdom, perishing early on within one of the many melees. Of course, to protect the image of the royal family, a hush order was placed upon the four thousand that were there to witness otherwise.

The first prince of the kingdom, Victor Del Lagos, was reported to be injured in both body and soul. He had lost the will to fight on the moment he had learned his father had bargained with the gods for his life. The surviving nobles all blamed him for his vice and greed, for the great loss they incurred for his campaign. With majority vote, the man was no longer seen fit to become king, thus stepping down and moving to one of their many summer palaces to recuperate. 

Luckily for the man, there was one lone maid who was happy to see his return. She volunteered to look after the man until his soul was healed. Perhaps, if it wasn't for her. Victor may have taken his own life already, in great shame and depression.


When Asai returned home, he didn't celebrate his promotion. He instantly threw a funeral for the loss his territory had suffered. He deigned to support the families that were victims of such loss and pain. Clam and Gary drunk themselves into slumber when they heard the news. Karen and Ash did their utmost to comfort them. Giving them pity sex in hopes of cheering them up.

When all was said and done, exhausted from the brutality of war. He would sleep deeply.

Only to awake, finding himself surrounded in bed by Robin, Mary and Annie. Who, for some reason were all naked.



Royal Palace.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's an emergency!"

Queen Victoria who was busily reading report after report, glanced up to see the messenger. Quickly snatching the letter she opened it, revealing its contents.

It was short and quick to the point suprirsingly.



The border dragons are gone.


[Asai Trichia: Lvl 72]

[HP: 115 MP:115]

[Title: Monster]

[Skills unlocked:]



Sword and Dagger Mastery

Death Call

Double Psychic Phantom

Sealing Square

Phantom Menace


Mental Fortitude

Delicious essence



Loha's blessing

Robin's Desire


[Robin: Lvl 64]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


70% chance of Vanishing


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 80% of normal attack.


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 30 meter radius for 60 seconds.

[Clam: Lvl 58]   [Gary: Lvl 59]  [Paul: Lvl 32]

To anyone wondering. Yes the stratagem the elves pulled off on a massive scale was this one.

Except Asai demolished one of their flanks.

To everyone who thought of the elves as cannon fodder. >.o

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