Trichia Duchy


Asai sat alone within the corner of the lively tavern. The world, as busy and bustling as it is, seemingly leaving him alone for once.

Dressed in full leather, boots and adorning a cape that also came with a hood in which he hid his defining hair colour with. No one seemed to recognise him. Perhaps no one would think to find a mighty duke, drinking alone at a low end tavern within one of the many villages around.

Asai was once again reflexing upon himself.

"If... If I was quicker? Or if that jackass Arthur didn't delay me. Could I have made it to turn things around?"


"Because of my order, hundreds of lives were lost. Could I have done something else? If only I had better skills..."


"Benny... If only you didn't speak up."

"Ah... So many ifs." "This one is for you ben." Asai downed another mug of ale. However, due to [Alcoholic] he wasn't getting the desired effect at all. Noticing that no one paid him any attention, he refilled his mug with whiskey instead.

"I'm now a duke, but it certainly doesn't feel like it. Duke Jeffrey's territory is three times the size of mine. I'm more like an honorary duke. I probably am now that I think about it. Queen Victoria needed a hero to cheer the kingdom up, and there I was, undefeated in battle. The perfect guy to prop up, especially with my reputation with the common people. My humble background makes them like me more, whilst now that I have the queen's favour. With her ploy of a kiss, none of the nobility would be stupid enough to mess with me.

I can imagine, the queen must be itching to make an example out of someone, just to show the others what type of ruler she can be or plans to be."

Asai chugged the whiskey that was supposed to be taken as shots down his throat. Enjoying the burning sensation.

"The territory is already running smoothly, so I don't have to worry about that. Nor can I rush the expansion project. The elven kingdom has agreed to our non-aggression pact, so we don't have to worry about any retaliation. Before anything else happens. I need to focus on getting new skills..."


Asai snapped out of thought, peered up to see a red headed adventurer.

[Mimi: Lvl 25]


"Can I take this seat?" Asai simply nodded. "Okay sweet!" She sat herself down.

"I thought she was going to literally take the chair... Fuck it, the more the merrier." "Want some?" 

The woman looked at the label on the bottle. Eyes widening a little. "Yes please!" Expecting Asai to only pour her a shot, she watched as he filled her mug entirely. Now licking her lips, she was quick to wet her tongue.

"MMM! Thank you." Taking another sip. "Say, are you some sort of rich noble's son or something? This stuff doesn't come cheap you know?" Rather than lie, Asai ignored the question and just drank. He didn't feel like exposing his identity tonight. "Rich, handsome and mysterious." She nodded in approval.

"Say, since I paid for the drinks. How about you update me on the local happenings and any news one should know?"

She tapped her lips a few times, before downing more of the vicious liquid. Closing her eyes, waiting out the burning.

"Ahem* Well, I came here for the same reason all the other adventurers are. Two of our lads recently hit it big around here, Shoto and Ford. The two have been inviting us all over, says we'll get discounts on board and stay which definitely helps in our line of work. 

Rumours are that, adventurers are more respected and welcome around here. Since the new duke used to be one himself they say. Who wouldn't want to live here if they can feel represented? Ah wait-" She chugged the rest of her drink. "Ah~ Ahem* Also, this hasn't been confirmed yet, but there's rumours of multiple dungeon outbreaks. 

Because, you know. The war? With all the soldiers and knights gone, and the majority of adventurers following them as mercs. Dungeons were left unchecked, so now there's plenty of beasts and monsters alike for us to hunt. 

Considering how this Duchy is still in the process of growing and expanding. Business is good, many buyers many sellers. You know the drill... Umm.. Please sir, can I have some more?" She pushed her mug towards Asai.

Asai like the cultured gentleman that he was, obliged.


The next morning, Asai awoke to find the girl asleep on his bare chest.


To anyone who wants to see real world examples of all the vaults Asai and Robin keeps performing across the battlefields.

This is why they prefer daggers/small weapons. So it doesn't ruin the axis/balance/rotation etc.

And this is why they have to vault.

Think of Mana as being another version of kinetic energy transfer. Where the more mass you can incorporate, to collect the energy from. The stronger the strike. However, rather than physically striking a target. The mana transfer at the end is shot out as the astral projections. The skill.

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