
Queen Victoria Del Lagos was seated upon her regal throne. The exact same one that her father used to sit upon for no reason. Even when the throne room was empty, and there were no guests or visitors to be had.

She never knew why. She chalked it up to the man as being obsessed with his seat of power literally. However, now that she sat upon it all alone, with nothing but the sunlight to keep her company. She started to understand. 

It was one of their untold secrets, known only to the one true successor. The throne required the user to be of royal blood, and having gone through the coronation ceremony via the powers of the church. Her blessed bloodline activated. She wasn't even sure if she was still fully human. She already had inhuman strength and speed before, but now. Now she felt afraid of her new found powers. If she even forgets to manage her strength for a second. Furniture, doors and tables would break. 

The only thing missing from her now was a devout soul. One that would faithfully follow her religion. Her Goddess, Loha.

Seated upon the throne. She stared towards the heavens. However, it wasn't the birds, the blue sky or the clouds that she was looking at. No, something much large than life was there. It spoke to her in a foreign language and as her belief and faith towards the Goddess increased. So did both her understanding of the words the divinity spoke, and her inhuman body.

"So... This is the power and responsibility father had? This is why he never even hugged or held me? Because he was afraid it would kill me. Kill us, Victor was also treated the same... I see, I understand now father. You obtained the strength needed to protect your family, your kingdom and people. Ended the war between two kingdoms and united us humans into one.

The costs of that power, was this ridiculous strength that you struggled to control. You gave up so much for us, yet us siblings just thought you didn't care about us, that we weren't good enough in your eyes.

You knew Victor wanted nothing more than your acknowledgement. But, you didn't want him to shoulder this loneliness so you never gave it to him. But you're also a hypocrite father. You wanted him to surpass you, to be better than you. You must've known about his experiments for power. Yet you did nothing to stop him... You wanted him to love you as a son would, yet you kept us all at a distance.

I guess, in the end. You were only human too."

The sun glimmered, shining rays of warmth upon her.

"Are you, are you trying to comfort me?"


"I don't need it. Father, if you're up there. Watch me, I'll do what you couldn't. I'll learn to control this strength. I'll surpass you... I'm forbidden from telling anyone? Goddess Loha, are you here to bless me or control me?"


Just saw this on PinInterest:

Amazing artwork.


The throne, once all conditions have been met. 1 Royal blood, 2 Blessed by the pope/coronation ceremony. 3. Acknowledged by the Goddess. The throne will then trigger the dormant bloodline. The person now has satisfied the conditions to communicate with the Gods.

For the Elves, it was the Goddesses' Fountain, the lake it self. Similar to a baptism.

Author notes, maybe borderline spoiler 

1st Prince Victor suffered from Hero/Chosen-one complex because he never felt good enough, especially living under the shadow of his father. This son, did everything he could, even human experimentation to achieve more power.

2nd Prince Arthur suffered from Hero/Chosen-one complex because his mother was a concubine, he received hardly any love from everyone being the 2nd, and whilst Victor had both ideal Golden hair and eyes, Arthur only had Golden hair. The nobles saw this and figured he wasn't blessed/chosen by the Goddess. This son, did only what he thought was righteous, justice, correct and heroic to obtain power. In the end, his desperation for acknowledgement, to be special lead him to betraying the kingdom by accepting Queen Rima's proposal.

1st Princess Victoria, didn't suffer from hero complex. As she was shunned from the limelight, with two brothers who were heatedly battling for the throne. She was treated like a political tool, only useful to cement and secure alliances with other noble houses. She knew her future wasn't in her hands, however, after the war she suddenly found herself on the throne without contending. No other human, no Victor or father to order her around anymore, to trade her away like a commodity. The irony, when she realised she had traded one false-freedom for another. When the Goddess Loha started to order her around, constricting her new found freedom.

The irony, when the one who didn't want it, became the real chosen-one by the Goddess Loha. However, this thing the men wanted so much, so desperately. Was just a glorified leash.

This arc was basically about the consequences of three different men who all suffered and tackled their own individual hero/chosen-one complex. 

The 3rd character is our MC. Being thrown into this world, he thought himself to be a hero, destined for greatness, that everyone he met would have plot armour, to help him without wanting anything in return. Just like the usual heroes are within video games and books.

Asai suffered, because he got attached to others too quickly. Believing they would always be there for him, however Mel left, and then Kozumi left. That's when he realised and struggled with his complex. That he wasn't anything special, that the people he got attached to all have their own individual lives to live, their own wants, needs and desires.

The people he considered to be stepping-stones for him to grow? Clam, Benny, Gary ended up sticking around and being there for him. Throwing themselves into the fray for him. (That's why he kept calling them MFC RFC, because he didn't want to get attached to what he considered to be "stepping-stones")

To everyone who stuck through with this author who enjoys teasing information and not stating it as a matter of fact.

Thank you for bearing with me.


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