
Southern Plains

The group had set up camp for the night. The carriages were positioned in a circle formation, acting as the barriers that would ward of the night. The merchant dressed in fine clothing was on the skinnier side. The man could definitely use some more muscle-mass. Having introduced himself with only a first name. Brian, was most likely a commoner. 

The party Mimi was a part of consisted of four members including her.

[Mimi: Lvl 25] with her red hair that flowed down to her bosom. Cute dimples and long eyelashes. Currently 18.

Beside her was [Lucas: Lvl 31] the self declared leader of the group. He seemed to heavily favour Mimi, as throughout the journey thus far, the man had been trying to strike up conversations with her whenever he could. Currently 20. "I didn't mean to cuck the guy, but what can I say? The girl you like was going around taverns looking for men to flirt with."

[Lucy: Lvl 24] was actually Lucas's younger sister. Mimi actually came from the same village as her. When Lucy decided to join her older brother to escape the boredom of the village, Mimi was quick to jump on board and join her. She announced herself to be 17. The two siblings both sported honey blonde hair and eyes.

The man constantly checking her out was [Marvin: Lvl 29] He had been following Lucas everywhere since they were kids. The man was an introvert for sure, constantly keeping to himself and remaining quiet. His dark brown hair suited him well. Considering his efforts to not stand out as much.

"Thinking about it, this set up is quite nice. For once, I'm not surrounded by people who were years ahead as my seniors. Currently I'm what 19? So we're all the same age pretty much."


"Mimi, here. I bought this from the last village we came across. It's their specialty." Lucas was offering what seemed to be the local ale. Mimi, quick to accept all forms of alcohol took a good chug before nodding in approval. This furthered his efforts to continue ushering more of the liquid into her system. However, Asai had seen the amount of whiskey she could handle before coming tipsy, so he wasn't worried at all.

Lucy dragged Marvin over by the arm, planting him down and forming a little mini triangle with Asai. Asai had mostly kept to himself, trying to understand and observe the group dynamics. Wondering whether they had the potential to be recruited as his vassals or knights. The man could always use more man-power. Especially after the war.

Also, he did feel some what guilty for fucking Mimi so senseless when Lucas was found to be pleasantly respectful towards him.

Lucy, once again gazing into Asai's black abyssal eyes, wondered as to what the man could see. Did he even see the world like they did? Does he see things they can't? Whilst Marvin only had eyes for her, which was blatantly clear and obvious. Asai with his stoic demeanour seemed to be watching the world itself.

Indeed, the man was seeing things the others didn't. Such as the campsite being slowly surrounded by monsters. The mana within them appeared as little balls of energy within the darkness. As long as he continued to supply his eyes with mana that is.

"Asai. Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself? Mimi says you're the third son of a noble family. Out and about adventuring to see the world correct? In order to find yourself a humble wife to bring home?"

"How did the story continue to develop in that direction?" "Apologies Lucy, I must excuse myself for a moment. I'll answer your questions when I'm back."

Asai stood abruptly, without even taking a torch with him. He left the light of the campfire and entered the darkness. The moon this night was completely hidden beyond, affording hardly any illumination.

[Phantom Menace]

Two clones appeared before him. "Go, kill all the monsters." 

[Inventory] Pulling his whiskey bottle out, taking a chug. Asai watched as the little balls of mana was snuffed out one by one. Tonight, he would order his clones to keep watch. As for once, he would decide not to volunteer for night watch.

The caravan group experienced a wonderfully peaceful night that day.

No one even thought to question it. 

Not even when they knew there were numerous outbreaks lately.


When he awoke within his personal tent. He found someone else within his bedroll. Hugging him tightly. Thank god he could feel the two soft buns squishing against him. Informing him that it wasn't a man.

I guess I slept too soundly after all...

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 72]

[HP: 115 MP:115]

[Title: Monster]



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