Asai lifted the bed sheets, finding a honey blonde beauty to be sleeping snugly against him. 

He tapped her on the forehead a few times, garnering a frown. When she woke up, blinking her eyes in a daze a few times. With her arms, she pushed herself up and off Asai's body. Currently, Asai was topless, being used to sleeping in just his underwear. Whilst everyone else was still wearing most of their equipment in case of a night battle.

She immediately lost her thoughts again, seeing his chiselled abs, pecs and that hypnotic tattoo of his. "Why is this man half-naked!?"

When she noticed his morning wood poking her down below. Her hand automatically swung out and slapped the man. Or would've if he didn't swiftly dodge. She got up and out of the bed, glancing around to notice that she had entered the wrong tent after picking some flowers within the night. Her cheeks flushed terribly so before she dashed out.

"Am I about to cuck the man's crush and also his sister? What am I? A harem protagonist!?"

After equipping his leather gears. He left his tent to find that other than Lucy, he was the first to wake up. "No one was one night watch? Geez, these guys are careless."


Back on the road. The group were back in the carriage exchanging gossips and rumours. Lucas was sitting by the coach seat, trying to obtain any new intel himself. Lucy spent this time shooting side-long glances towards Asai. 

He knew why she was doing it, but it seemed kind of fun to tease the girl. So he decided not to approach her, and just wait for when she was ready to do so herself. "Fortune favours the bold, after all."


"Hey, Asai. You're a noble right? So you go to those things that nobles go to. Balls, tea parties and what not. Have you ever seen Duke Trichia? I heard he's extremely handsome and young." Mimi decided to kill some boredom.

"I don't know where you heard those rumours from, but yes I do know what the man looks like. Although whether he is handsome or not, I can't tell tell you. I don't swing that way you see."

"Oh? Well, in which way do you swing then? What are your preferences? I understand as an adventurer, we're all free and exploring. But, when the time comes and you want to settle down what type of woman would be your ideal wife?"

In the corner of Asai's eyes. He could see Lucy fidgeting and glancing over in anticipation.

"I like women who are brave and daring. So, if they had something they wanted to do or say. They won't hesitate so much."

Both Mimi and Lucy were nodding their heads in understanding. "I agree! Men who are brave and daring are definitely more charming to be with!" Mimi added. In which Marvin began to open his eyes in revelation. His eyes instantly shot to Lucy, noticing her nod in agreement with Mimi.

"Wait. Guys, show me your weapons." 

One by one, the four unsheathed their blades for the first time. "I fucking knew it. They're all chipped, dirty, unmaintained, and mostly blunt. These guys are both careless and either inexperienced or extremely poor."

"Why do you guys not maintain your weapons properly?"

"Umm. Well, because as much as the adventuring business is booming lately. We're still living coin to coin, day by day. Replacement weapons cost a lot you know? Oh wait. You're a noble so you don't know..." Mimi almost seemed like she was ashamed of herself.

"Give me your weapons. All of them."

"Why?" "What?" "Huh?" The group reacted in unison.

"Trust me." Whilst Lucy and Mimi were quick to hand their weapons over. Lucas only passed his after Marvin had done so, to follow Lucy.

The four blades instantly disappeared into [Inventory] Asai then remained unmoving, with a poker face he looked into their eyes one after the other. Waiting, seeing if they would react negatively when it seemed like he had just stolen their livelihood.

Apart from Lucas who had a little frown, his mind already swimming towards "Did this jackass just rob us in broad day light? Do we have to fight him to get our weapons back?"

Asai then quickly pulled out four blades out and handed them out. "Good. No one here has bad impulses and tendencies to throw fists first, then ask questions later. That makes them suitable for my territory."

"Use these instead. Consider them yours." "This is for passing my little test just now. None of you immediately switched to fourth gear and got aggressive."

The four quickly accepted, checking the quality, the craftsmanship, the sharp edge and durability. "Why is Lucas biting the metal? I've seen people bite gold to check, but the fuck?"

"Are you sure about this Asai? I- I mean we're definitely grateful! Thank you!" Mimi expressed her thanks, whilst hugging the blade tight, afraid Asai would ask for it back.

The man simply nodded. "They were just my back up weapons, so don't worry about it." Mimi shuffled on over closer and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Luckily for the man. Lucas was holding his blade up high and examining its glint. 

Lucy, deciding to follow the words she had heard earlier threw herself forward and quickly landed a peck before retreating. Cheeks now fully flushed as she looked away into the distance.

"Ah, so this is the power of a sugar-daddy."

Marvin looked at Asai, however before he did anything. Asai put his hand up to stop him. "Don't."

Rather than anger. The thoughts swimming through Marvin's mind were.

"Brave and daring! If I can be as brave and daring as Asai, then Lucy! Lucy would. Do this and that with me!"

Within the naïve young-man's mind, he didn't think much of the peck. He had seen Lucy kiss her brother multiple times as thanks. Hell, Lucy even gave Marvin a kiss on the cheek once upon a time, when they were children.

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