[Tainted Blood Tyrant: Lvl 80]

A scorpion, one that stood around 4 meters high. The entirety of its body, its skin, its claws, were shades of black and grey. Rather than a scorpion's head it had the torso of a human and on that humanoid body was a head that reminded him of a crab's. It's long black tail stretched over itself and hovered above its head.

Considering the party entered together without stealth. The dungeon boss instantly turned around to welcome the guests.

Asai and robin immediately dipped into [Hide] and [Disappear] Whilst Chloe maintained her effective max distance and immediately casted both

[Siege Shot]

[Tempest Stance]

As this was her first time challenging a dungeon boss, perhaps she underestimated its prowess, thinking she would easily defeat it with her arrows. Upon firing the first two shots and finding it to only impale itself into the Tyrant's large bark forearms, her eyes widened.

"C O N T R O L  W E A T H E R ."

A rain shower started to fall and pelt the humans. Revealing both Robin and Asai who were flanking the Tyrant.


The two skills filled with golden-radiance pummelled the boss from both sides. 

In retaliation, it tried to impale Robin with its stinger. However, the petite target and her greater agility with [Winged Foot] allowed it to swiftly dodge the multiple thrusts of its scorpion tail.

Robin casted her newest skill. [Holy Testimony] The 10 swords of brilliance hovered above her and instantly shot forward. Realizing her position would be revealed by her own swords hovering above her, she didn't bother re-entering [Disappear]

Chloe's arrows continued to impale themselves into the bark like skin, as more and more of her arrows landed, the Tyrant began to look more like a hedgehog. As for Asai, at every given opportunity he would drop a [ANNIHIALTE] on its tail. The man was determined to get rid of it before the boss decided to fire its own magical attack.

[Phantom Menace] 

The two shadow clones immediately joined the fray, but with their little karambits, they could barely penetrate the thick skin, inflicting minimal damage.

When the Tyrant lunged itself forward to attack Robin. Clam and Gary simultaneously caught this opportunity. Whilst the boss was in mid-flight the two threw the entirety of their own boss mass. Shoving their tower shields into its torso and ruining its momentum. As the boss faltered, the two switched their targets and joined Asai in hacking off the tail. With their heavier blows, the long swords penetrated deeper. Which allowed Asai to finish it off.

"Karma's a bitch!" Shouted Asai.


Unable to withstand the repeated assault of divinity, the large black scorpion tail fell onto the wet cobblestone.

Robin took the chance to utilize the many arrows as stepping-stones to climb the tyrants back and impale it with two swords of her own. Causing the beast to roar. Chloe, who was still firing arrow after arrow shot out both of the boss's eyes, blinding it. Clam and Gary with their greater range, thrust their blades into its rib-cage.

Thunder Cracked the surroundings, books went alight and the fire spread although being hit by the rain.

The party having accomplished its first task leapt back, all instantly chugging a stamina potion of their own. Currently, everything was going according to plan. 

Another flash of thunder blinded everyone. When their sight returned, they watched as the [Tainted Blood Tyrant: Lvl 80] fell to its knees, before its heavy mass crashed into a pillar, bring it down with him.

"Holy fuck, we beat it already? Why did I have to solo this mother fucker back then!? AAAAAaaaaaaaaaa-"

Their minds comprehending what they'd just achieved overwhelmed them with joy and excitement. Their adrenaline slowly dying out as their nerves calmed. As they waited for the dungeon to teleport them out. Asai took the moment to check their level ups.

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 75->77] [Robin: Lvl 72->74] [Clam: Lvl 68->70] [Gary: Lvl 69->71] [Chloe: Lvl 66->69]

"According to Rosemi, people usually spend half of their life-times to reach the prowess of a paladin. These guys however, seem to be benefiting from my system and its accelerated growth buff it seems."

Asai peered into his mind, viewing the contents of his [Inventory]. There, within was another crate of coins. More wealth to invest into the lands and its people.


"Strange, why are we still-" Before Asai could finish his thought. Thunder cracked and echoed within the great hall. Lightning shot and funneled into the Tyrant's corpse. Filling it with energy and life. It slowly stood, its muscles now fuller and larger. A new tail grew out of its wound. Wooden armour appeared across its humanoid body like a full-plate set would. Black flames simmered around its limbs like aura as all the arrows and injuries it had were expunged and healed.

Within the chaos of the heavy rain, the lightning and the fire. Above all else appeared a crimson red moon. The lunar rock almost appeared as if it was bleeding.

[Ascended Blood Tyrant: Lvl 85]

Asai wasted no time by diving into [Hide]

Robin casted [Holy Testimony]

Chloe activated [Siege Shot]

Clam and Gary thrust themselves into position.


Asai, Robin and Chloe glanced down towards their own hands. Asai was weapon-less, as too were Robin. Their skills refused to activate. In fact, it felt like they were missing a limb.

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 77]

[HP: 100]

[Robin: Lvl 74]

[HP: 100]

[Chloe: Lvl 69]

[HP: 115]

Asai's gaze shot towards the crimson moon. Its energy and aura prickling against his skin and filling the great hall with its red-illumination.


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