Isekai Rohan

191 Round Two

"H U M A N . I  R E M E M B E R  Y O U ."

[Ascended Blood Tyrant: Lvl 85]

The Tyrant stared down upon the group of humans. Specifically Asai. The party were all shocked to find a dungeon boss that speaks human. Whilst Asai was also shocked, it was due to what the monster had spoken. If this truly were the same entity that beat his ass black and blue before, then Asai now had the chance to redeem himself.

The Tyrant peered up towards the red moon. Moments after, it nodded.

Another crack of thunder, followed by lightning that struck the ground blinded everyone with a great light. Forcing everyone to close their eyes as pain shot through them.

When the humans regained their sight, the arena was entirely anew.

The bookshelves were gone, the pillars were gone. All around the place were piles and piles of corpses, skeletons, remnants of past knights and adventurers. Upon further inspection, just as prior there was no ceiling, but now the place had no walls. 

The rain continued to fall, covering the cobblestone. Upon the water surface, one could see the red moon's reflection. At the very far edges of the new field of battle, the water dripped and fell off the edges and into the deepest of darkness. Flat-Earthers would love this current domain.

The Tyrant's gaze lowered from the moon, returning upon the humans.

"R E D E M P T I O N ."

This was entirely true, this fight would be a second chance for both the Tyrant and Asai to prove their mettle.

Waiting no longer, Clam and Gary positioned themselves at the forefront. Instantly engaging the dungeon boss. The both of them receiving and parrying a claw each before striking the hard shell with their blades to leave only a minor scratch. Whilst the two bought time, Asai and Robin dipped towards the flanks rushing over the many corpses. Scavenging for any old weapon. For a blade that wasn't completely dulled or rusted.

Chloe, although she was unable to conjure her usual [Kael's Arrow] by habit, she still carried her old quiver. Chloe would begin hit and run tactics, constantly trying to kite the Tyrant by placing the lads in between them. Every time its attention faltered and moved onto her, the lads would instantly hack at its scorpion legs.

Robin with her uncanny agility managed to shallowly slice its torso before dipping back out of range. Glancing down at the now broken dagger she had found. Chucking it aside and once again searching for another.

Asai took the chance to also attack from the rear. In an attempt to lope of its tail once more. However, without divinity, and with only an old sword from centuries past. The blade shattered upon impact.

[David & Goliath] ensured that although he wasn't able to physically penetrate the shell, the Tyrant still took damage directly towards its HP. Out of habit, Asai tried to summon [Phantom Menace] only to be reminded that currently, within this domain. Mana didn't exist.

The Tyrant's tail, without even having to look at the man swung and struck his torso. Sending him into the bones.

On the side, Robin staggered as the pain from [Robin's Desire] momentarily stunned her. She slipped and crashed into a pile of bones herself. Chloe on the other hand was already low on arrows. She now desperately threw her gaze around to scavenge for old arrows. Fortunately, she did find a few quivers that housed arrows. But, due to the passing of great time, the projectiles weren't so accurate and flue untrue. 

Clam and Gary were having the most success with their efforts. Already they had managed to hack off two legs and one claw. Their shield arms were already going numb from the constant impacts, but they braced on by chugging another stamina potion each. They didn't even bother to check on their lord, from their experience, it was a waste of energy to worry about the man.

Robin and Asai pushed themselves out of the old bones, each chugging a HP potion. Although the others didn't have [Inventory] and were forced to carry their vials via a small pouch. Asai luckily had kept a few vials outside of [Inventory] just in case someone ever manages to notice his lack of the consumables on person.

The two charged back into the fray as the burning liquids coursed into their systems.

Stuck in a battle of attrition, the party felt their adrenaline continuing to pump and urge them ever onwards.

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