This battle of attrition lasted for many minutes more before fatigue began to sink in within the humans. The heavy downpour continued to sap their body heat whilst their unsteady footing further wasted their energy.

A sudden strike of lightning created a temporary lull within the battle. After the flash of light subsided, within the Tyrant's grip was a blackened bone lance. Which he immediately utilized by lunging his entire mass towards Chloe.

Whilst the others were able to deal damage upon its scorpion torso and scales. Chloe was the one human who had access to its humanoid body. Thus, she was the immediate threat the boss needed to deal with. The flash of lightning had blinded the two tanks, granting him free reign into their back line. Chloe stared in fear, the mighty beast towered over her as it charged on.

With her last arrow she fired it, impaling the projectile into its heart. However, it didn't seem to matter, the Tyrant charged on and entered striking range. Its bone lance thrusted towards her torso, missing just barely as the girl was quite the small target. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, the Tyrant swung its lance in a sweep, slamming into her and sending her flying.


Chloe watched as the scorpion grinned. Behind it, Clam and Gary were running over to catch her with great desperation in their eyes. They had failed their one job. Robin and Asai were both trying to climb its scorpion frame and strike at the humanoid body, but the tail kept them at bay. Chloe's vision suddenly flipped upwards, towards the heavens as she realised she was falling. There was no ground beneath her as she had been sent flying over the edge of the arena. The abyssal darkness was quick to consume her as she began her free fall.

Enraged, Clam and Gary who were the closest to catching her. Thrust their worries to the back of their minds, there was no time for crying or hesitating here. The two now losing themselves to their emotions, no longer prioritized defence, as they charged into the fray once more and began their own flurry of cuts and strikes.

This suddenly aggression forced the beast to focus on them, granting Robin and Asai free reign onto its scorpion body. Where Asai focused on deflecting the tale, so Robin could plunge as many of the old daggers she had on her person into the gaps between the bark armour.

Realising it was taking critical damage, it did a sudden full sweep with its bone lance, Before impacting against his torso and sending him out of the area, Gary's arm was cut from his body, flung across the arena before joining the many piles of bones.

Clam, realising he was next. Switched his sword grip, and threw it. The blade smacked into the humanoid armour and failed to penetrate. Glancing off to the side, Robin who was ever watching the field caught the sword by its blade side and with every inch and fibre of muscle that her small body could utilize, she swung the pommel like a hammer at its neck, aiming for the gap between the bark.

Before the strike could land, her footing was ruined as the Tyrant continued to wildly swing its lance, Clam managed to deflect and parry a few hits, but his shield arm became increasingly numb. When he could no longer raise the tower shield high enough, his head was decapitated. 

The ever raging and moving footing caused Robin's blow to miss its mark, rather than the fragile neck, the weapon slammed into its helmet, sending the piece of armour flying off. Revealing the excited adrenaline filled smile of the Tyrant. It was winning this battle, and it enjoyed every moment of it.

Robin immediately rebalanced herself, preparing to swing the weapon once more, but Asai was overwhelmed by the tail, which swept him of its torso and into another pile of bones. The old metals cutting and slicing his exposed skin. The man quickly shot himself back out. He charged forward as he watched Robin being thrown off. The longsword had shattered, now appearing like a dagger.

Seeing a flurry of punches, claws and the bone lance striking towards her, Robin threw herself behind an old shield, bracing herself against it as the impacts landed one after the after. As much as she gritted her teeth and tried to hold her ground. The slippery and wet cobblestone allowed her body to slide and shift after each blow.

It wasn't long before Robin had been pushed upon the edges of the arena. Her last thoughts before falling down into the abyss were of Asai. She glanced towards the side, ignoring the smiling scorpion. There she saw Asai, a blackened halo above his head, two small sharp horns and two large wings materialized upon him.

Before she completely lost her footing, she threw the broken sword towards Asai's out-reaching hand. Robin fell into the deepest of darkness, without a hint of fear upon her visage. She had believed herself strong, after overcoming numerous trials alone. However, it seems she was still too weak.

Asai caught the blade, the metal dug into his palms and caused him to further bleed out. Utilizing a pile of bones to leap off and land directly onto the Tyrant's back he struck at its head only to find it to be harder than rock.

The Tyrant's tail immediately countered by impaling the man who no longer cared about defence. It struck into the target's back and out the front. Asai threw his left arm around its humanoid neck to hold himself in position. His right hand stabbed the shattered sword into the neck tissue.

Another battle of attrition began between the remaining two. Whilst the Blood Tyrant choked on its own blood, its tail continued to wildly swing itself, trying to pull the human away. However, as much as the tail struggled, it only gave Asai's left arm that had been wrapped around the neck greater leverage to pull and choke.


Asai did what he could as his vision began to blur, a mixture of blood and rain obscuring his vision. The two were now both choking on their own blood and dying.

Asai's life began to flash through his eyes, his many struggles, his memories and moments. Receding backwards, all the way back to the moment he first killed a boss. Just like back then, with the [Patriarch Varg] his willpower held true, ignoring all pain and agony he became a man of pure conviction. His only purpose with his remaining time? The death of the [Ascended Blood Tyrant]

The next minute, which felt like an eternity to the two, passed. The scorpion dropped its colossal weight into the cobblestone floor. Crushing any bone and matter under it. Asai's body fell limply, slamming into the stone. His blood streaming out.

The rain stopped, the lightning and whips of thunder halted. Peace and serenity filled the arena as the crimson moon returned to its glorious white.

[Þrúðr Level: 99]

The red dragon in its humanoid form slowly walked over. Her feet hovering just above the dirty mixture of water, blood and sweat. She glanced down upon the man's empty eyes. Completely ignoring the monster by the side. Her gaze shifted to his crotch, tempted to play with it as usual. However, without any reaction or response, it would be terribly boring to do so. Asai was on the verge of death, already fallen into a coma, his heart barely managed to beat to keep the body alive.

She crouched down and poked him on the chest, specifically above the crest. Her fingernail dug in and entered his flesh. Asai's berserk mode forcefully deactivated, the extra astral limbs flickered off.

"Human, I understand that you won't remember this when you wake up. But your soul will, so know this, the crest you have upon your chest doesn't simply grant you strength and power. It also marks you as mine. When you finally perish from the mortal world. Your soul will belong to me. Now, the very least you could do in return for my kindness is to reach a level high enough to satisfy me. I'm only going to do this once, if you die again before reaching your potential. I will send your soul to Craut, in which he will most likely reincarnate you into a goblin or an imp." She leaned in closer towards his ears.

"So do your best for both our sakes alright? You premature ejaculator mother fucker." The red dragon then slit her palm, allowing her red essence to drip through the crest that connected the two. As her face became pale and sickly, Asai's health returned. His mortal wounds began to stitch and close itself. As her blood continued to drop, her legs began to fade out of existence. Returning her to her maker.

The realm began to rumble and violently shake. The arena crumbled and everything within this reality fell into the deepest darkness.

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