Isekai Rohan

217 Trichia Training Hall

"5 Targets ahead of us, none behind!" 

Robin's 10 astral swords floated before her and Chloe, creating a wall of blades. And, via the gaps Chloe's [Kael's Arrow]s that were filled with electricity element sparked through the darkness of the night.

The tendrils of electricity sparked and clawed out, pulling several dhans out of stealth as they convulsed from the electric shock. Zapping their muscles and nerves, rendering them confused and paralyzed. Which was enough time for Chloe to land pin-point head shots upon the easy standing targets.

The surviving dhans fired their skills towards the two women.

[Psychic Phantom]!

[Psychic Phantom]!

Never before facing the skill before them, they tested the waters by casting their bread and butter.

Robin with her [Detect] had been keeping a close eye on them even when they were hidden. Thus, her skill

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

Easily nullified their jet-black blades of mana. The rest of her holy swords smited down the dhans at the fore.

The last remaining dhan who remained hidden in stealth dared not move a muscle. At the cost of his comrades, he would deliver this new gained information and seek reinforcement. This target was incredibly strong, which automatically meant it being a high-priority target to eliminate.

Even if she could take on the 5 of them now. He was sure that if he came back with over a hundred. It would be easy victory for the dhans.

Chloe's black eyes scanned the vicinity. Glaring into the darkness, after seeing nothing but peace and silence. Satisfied, she flung her bow back onto her shoulder. After her adrenaline kicked off. Her face immediately became pale, still unaccustomed to killing humans. She felt morally vile. Noticing her condition, Robin sighed before nodding.

The girl was simply still too weak-willed. This was a kill or be killed world. There was simply no space for morality upon the fields of battle.

Robin and Chloe quietly left the training hall. Fortunately for the still hidden dhan, the women had left the gates open. Saving him the trouble of slowly creaking the wooden doors open.

The man remained prone for another ten minutes before moving a muscle. Assuming it to be enough time for the two ladies to leave the proximity. 


In horror and great confusion, he glanced down towards his chest. A blade shimmering with holy energies had pierced him through. A Pinkish hue glimmered as his blood converged the white brilliance.

Robin materialized slowly before the man. Out of [Disappear] She watched as the life within the man's eyes faded. His cold body drooping to the ground.

"Thank you Robin. We'll take care of it from here, go rest. You've more than earned it." Clam and Gary entered with a platoon of knights. This wasn't their first rodeo against the invaders. Ever since the first prince had arrived, waiting for his paladin corps to catch up before leaving further north. Multiple groups of these assassins had encroached upon the territory of Trichia.

News had already been passed on to Duke Jeffrey, who then reported to Queen Victoria. Which resulted in greater haste and concentration on the northern forts and walls. It was clear as day to anyone who saw these invaders, that they were extremely hostile. Perhaps the elven kingdom were experiencing the same infestation of rats. 

Robin watched on, as the men cleaned up the halls. Once again, she had used herself and Chloe as bait. Seemingly being underestimated for being dainty women, and especially when Robin no longer visually carried any arms. Made them seem like easy targets with high authority.

She watched on as the blood was mopped away, the corpses removed and burned. As more of the strange weapons they wielded were stacked away. And, how even after clearly being hostile enemies, Chloe still felt sad upon taking their lives.

As someone who deigned herself to become strong, to become Asai's sword and shield. She didn't care about who she had to kill and why. She was unable to understand why Chloe would care so much about hostiles. To the point that she'd vomit and cry herself to sleep, as she was forced to kill again and again.

At this point, Robin almost felt bad for forcing Chloe to fight. However, at the end, she believed that this was the best for her half-elf companion. Once she gets over this phase, and becomes stronger within both mind and soul. Then she would gain the ability to defend and protect the things she considers precious, without hesitation.

She remembered one of the stories Asai had told. How children and frail women were utilized as weapons. Appearing weak in order to assassinate men. Robin utilized this stratagem to lure the dhans into the training hall, in which the fighting wouldn't cause harm to any of the local populace. Whilst at the same time, hopefully teaching Chloe, to not let down her guard, no matter who her opponents are.

Throughout the night, internal dialogue, discord and thoughts would continue to swarm her mind as she listened to the echoes of Chloe's whimpers.

"I guess, this is why Asai likes to fight his battles solo. No notions of empathy, morality or self-doubt."

Robin climbed out of her own bed, and entered Chloe's. Her body stiffened upon realising her actions. Robin pulled her into an embrace, just as she once did for Asai. And although being shorter than Chloe, her embrace was warm.

"Chloe, Listen. This is what Asai once told me. Back during the war.

It's okay to feel horrible, it's okay to cry, to feel weak. It's what makes us human. It's what differentiates us from the beasts and monsters. We don't kill for fun and joy like they do. We kill to protect the things we care about. Don't think about the lives you've ended, think about the lives you've saved by doing so. Imagine the atrocities they would've committed upon our lands and people if you didn't stop them.

The pain you feel, become numb to it. Get used to it, but whatever you do, never learn to enjoy it.

This burden that you carry, you're not alone. I'm also here."

Robin placed a gentle kiss upon Chloe's forehead.

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