Isekai Rohan

218 Armenes

Far north of the lands of humanity. Adjacent to the territories of the dhans. A large ceremony was being hold within the capital of Armenes.

Rev'Deca, a capital surrounded by violent rivers that formed a natural defence stood proudly. Within the lands were numerous altars and statues all dedicated to their predecessors, the dragons.

A hundred adult dekans stood upon the mighty podium, beneath their feet was over a thousand humans captured and forced to kneel. These were all the adventurers, mercenaries and explorers that had volunteered to venture forth into the new world.

A few hundred dhans surrounded the humans. Loyally following the orders of the dragonoids. 

Like kangaroos, the dekans stood on two legs, two arms that ended in claws and a reptilian head. The stronger the dekan, the larger their bodies grew. Averaging at 200cm, the men could grow upwards to 300cm. Evident, as the current Armenes' king stood at exactly 300cm. Xian Par'Talucca knew not whether the dragonoid had reached its peak yet or not. 

Dacate Rev'Deca, king of the dekans sat upon his mighty-oversized throne. His large tail curled around his hips towards the front. His large claws rested upon the golden armrests. Atop the backrest were depictions of the border dragons. Their gaze ever watching over their descendants. And within their fearsome gaze, the dekans sought to bring glory and honour upon them.

Worshipping the mighty beasts that had once kept their species locked upon the northern island they called home.

The dekan king watched as the ceremony continued on. The humans were stripped naked, and torrents of water blasted upon their shivering bodies. Unable to resist, they watched as the dragonkin opened their large maws and within a single bite, consumed another human's head.

Their gazes shot towards the dhans who stood on guard. Hoping they'd feel some sort of remorse or empathy, for the two species were practically the same. Especially compared to the large humanoid lizards before them. Yet, they stood watching without moving an inch.

For the sake of survival, the dhans had practiced sacrificial notions for centuries. Sacrificing many, so the little few could slip pass the border dragons. Sacrificing the injured, the crippled and the elderly so the young and healthy would have more to eat and drink.

Sacrificing the members of their clans who had refused to acknowledge Xian as their new sovereign, to appease the dekan's anger for their century long war. Thus, sacrificing this group of foreign people felt like nothing to them. 

A beautiful young women was dragged up to the podium. Her eyes filled with tears of horror and fear. She was considered to be one of the strongest adventurer back from her city. Never would she have imagined such a scenario to play out before her.

Xian Par'Talucca, watched as the human girl tried to resist. Resulting in only cuts and bruises upon her arms as the dekans truly didn't care about her suffering. King Dacate opened his maw, where his soldiers dragged the human girl's head into. She cried and whimpers as her tears fell upon the dekan's tongue. The dragonkin enjoyed the salty flavour, as his tongue smothered her face with his saliva, wiping more of her tears away.

Xian, unable to watch this form of torture looked away. His gaze towards the heavens, as the crying suddenly stopped, followed by a sudden thump. As a warrior trained in the ways of assassination. He believed in mercy even upon his enemies, always deigning himself to delivering the quickest death as possible.

Something he was unable to deliver upon his own father.

"Father, forgive me. I did it for the sake of our people, for their survival. You may believe my actions and choices to be dishonourable, but. At the end of the day, our people won't have to endure the onslaught of these monsters anymore."

His glance went back down to the large slaughter down below as the dekans continued to feast. 

"If all it takes is to sacrifice strangers from the south, I would take this deal again and again."

King Dacate placed a heavy arm across Xian's shoulders.

"Well done on delivering your end of the bargain. This feast and bloodbath will surely please our creators." His maws grinned, the red crimson liquid dripping from his sharp fangs. "I am a man of my word, you and your people may return to the lands of your ancestors, rebuild your ruined capital. Train more warriors to fight my people's wars as agreed upon. And there shall be no further bloodshed between our two kingdoms. May the heavenly dragon bless you."

Xian politely bowed, lowering his head greatly. Dacate suddenly felt tempted to chomp down on the man's head, that was literally offering itself to him. However, he fought against his urges as the heavenly dragon was surely spectating their current feast and ceremony.

Within the eyes of the dekans, they believed Craut, the creator of all beasts and monsters to be a dragon. For only the strongest of all could surely reign supreme.


King Xian Par'Talucca would return to his capital. And as king, he would ignore all notions of morality, relinquishing himself of pride and honour. The sins and burdens of his people, he willed himself to carry them all. Even if his future descendants thought of him as evil. As long as his people managed to survive that far ahead, then all of this would've been worth it, he believed,

Any orders the dekans would deliver upon him. He would swiftly stamp with his royal seal. 

His mind wandered, towards the two girls he one-sidedly loved. "Kozumi, Mizumi."

Being born into a line of warriors, who were trained from birth to kill and lead. He had no time for love, but meeting those two heavenly beauties, and the warmness of their hearts, their kindness towards all others no matter their position in life. He knew he wanted to marry them into his harem.

However, reports had clearly stated the two were against his reign. Thus, he had sent orders to capture the two, imprisoning them within his private jail until they calmed down enough and realised his actions to be just. In which they would have to live in captivity within his palace for the rest of their lives. Of course, Xian believed this to be what women wanted. To be able to stay within the confines of a palace, to live in safety and peace, never having to worry about food or water. To be able to serve and pleasure a mighty king.

Truly, once the two knew of his thoughts they would forgive him, and love him, and cherish him, to desire him, to desire his seed, to commit their very beings into raising his offspring, their lives would revolve around him.

"Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."

"Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."

"Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."

"Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."

"Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."  "Kozumi, Mizumi."


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